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Any opinions on a powerful champion for 6300? I...

Creator: Ehkz January 11, 2013 4:42am
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DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 5:28pm | Report
PsiGuard wrote:

Trynd is a pretty awful jungler. Jax isn't that great either, tbh.

I'd recommend Lee Sin the most out of Bellpepper's list. You seem to like high damage assassin-y junglers.

someone needs to let people know jax isnt a great jungler cuz ive gotten one every other game recently
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
FalseoGod's Forum Avatar
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Mar 21st, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 5:29pm | Report
I like to see them leave the jungle all IMMA STUN YOU and fail :>
DillButt64's Forum Avatar
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Aug 3rd, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep January 29, 2013 5:31pm | Report
i know right? i cant even count how many times i was caitlyn and he came to gank bot and tried to stun me just to fail and go "WTF HACKS" in all chat
Thanks to TheNamelessBard for the signature
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