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Solid guide is solid.
I don't see anything in your review that constitutes a downvote.
E max gives the greatest amount of burst and survivability, and it's also your only source of wave clear. No reason not to max it first unless you're my friend and you max W for better all-in potential.
Keep it up and I might upvote :D
Added masteries chapter, fixed masteries, my thoughts on the abilities/how to use them, changed the order of the chapters a bit making sure they go well together, added the ultimate to the abilities section, Borat is still awesome.
Remember, this isn't over yet, I have many things to come.
If you liked the up-date, don't forget to UP-VOTE the guide, so others can see it as well :) I worked hard on it.
Thanks for all the support guys,
FUTURE PLANS: Adding difficulty to the lane matchups, more lane opponents (including AD mid laners). Will see more in the future, planning on some pictures as well! :) Stay tuned
Thy sins
1. Why does thou max E? :S
2. Why do you take 2 points in Brute Force instead of 3 in Mental Force ? :S
3. Ability explanation is just copied from Riot
4. Ability explanation doesn't have the ultimate included :S
5. You explain your items before you explain your runes, masteries and summoner spells, gg
6. Borat did not convince me
7. I believe farming should be in the tactic sections, because, I dunno, because its a tactic? :O
8. No masteries explained
Thy blessing
1. Comment to vote is on
2. Decent coding
3. Decent structure
4. Decent build
5. Decent structured cheatsheet
Result: Path of Redemption
You have a lot of stuff, that true, but you have also a lot of stuff that can improve.
You better start working on it :P
Have fun :D
Will fix some things, will add new things, as I said in the summary, it's not done yet. Still adding new stuff. Will hopefully earn your Up-vote :) Ty for your constructive criticism.
Im not sold on it entirely, but he probably does so because landing it causes greater damage than q, atleast before lichbane anyway.
-You need to explain your masteries or laggermeeister will come and down vote for the 2 points in brute force (Im not joking he will do that.)
-Offer some alternative rune setups against certain matchups, like ad casters and what have you.
-your abilities section is just the tooltips for the abilities and not an actual description of their individual uses, or why you level them the way you do (even if you do briefly explain in the cheatsheet.)
-haul your runes and summoner spells up to the top of the guide. The prematch stuff is generally covered first to get it outof the way.
The advice given here is pretty solid, as is the build. Guide just needs some tweaks to make it better.