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Renekton Build Guide by Globbits

Tank Renekton - Solo Top [S3]

Tank Renekton - Solo Top [S3]

Updated on May 6, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Globbits Build Guide By Globbits 4 9 10,218 Views 18 Comments
4 9 10,218 Views 18 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Globbits Renekton Build Guide By Globbits Updated on May 6, 2013
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Globbits | April 29, 2013 4:59am
Okay so after reading some comments I have changed a few things, I'm also playing around with new items. Iceborn Gauntlet were a big mistake, I didn't even mean to put that on, massive mistake from me and I'm pretty embarrassed lol...things have been updated slightly and will continue being updated as I play around with everything.

I have taken into account of peoples opinions on quints, I'm playing around with different runes and I'm currently testing out attack damage quints and marks to see the difference.
Steppenwolf91 (4) | April 27, 2013 6:08pm
Itemization looks unjustified and random. Sunfire Aegis is a way better option than Iceborn Gauntlet on Renekton, who doesn't even use mana in the first place.
sirell (400) | April 27, 2013 6:02pm
First of all, Renekton is a frontline champion. If Guardian Angel decreases their focus on you, it lets you freeroam through their team, which means you're unlikely to die with GA active on anyway and you get to literally slaughter their team. Both your points imply a contradiction.

Continuing this line of reasoning, if you've died with Guardian Angel on, then your team is likely already dead anyway, since GA apparently lowers their focus on you making you likely to be last to die, which is ******** anyway - giant croc coming at you and you're just going to ignore him? Yeah, right. Any team would still burn some spells in order to peel him. The amount of times I've seen a full tank Shen running at me with a Guardian Angel, I don't care if I can't even kill him to proc the GA, but I'm going to blow QWE just to keep him away from me if I have to.

In addition, you overlook other possible uses of Guardian Angel. Renekton can easily use it to bait enemies into position for a team gank. He can push to the point where the enemy has to deal with him or lose a tower. At that position, he can bait them into a position where a team can collapse in on the enemy and die, activating his GA passive. Whilst the enemy crowd around him (here's the cincher), your team can collapse in and you can pop your ultimate, Q your hp back, stun an enemy and turn it to your advantage.

I'm not saying Guardian Angel is the best item for him, or that there aren't better items, but I'm just saying that what you said was stupid and counter-intuitive. Guardian Angel is a risk-decreasing item, not a risk-increasing item. Taking a GA won't suddenly endanger your team.

Also, newsflash, having a different opinion does not make those opinions suddenly valid. If I was of the opinion that Manamune was strong on Shen, that does not make it any more valid, nor correct.
ShortyHUN (40) | April 27, 2013 3:37am
If you fall with Guardian Angel enemy can just go past you, in the time you revive your AOE damage and sustain is missing from the teamfight. When you revive you possible have your ult on CD so you have low HP and 1 dash to escape, or jump back into the teamfight which will probably result in a death. In my opinion that has pretty much risk in it.

Also Guardian Angel tends to decrease the focus on you, which as a bruiser is not really what you need. Anyway if Renekton falls in a fight, a Guardian Angel won't flip the tables, it's either lost or your team finishes before you stand up. Aaaand no passive for 5 minutes, no matter how i look at that item it's just way too ineffective.

In the end there are just too many items with much better things in it with less risk. Oh and newsflash people have different opinions, get used to it.
sirell (400) | April 27, 2013 3:17am
Actually in this case, I agree with GreenFrog. Renekton is one of those champions that are strong with just 2-3 items and any items thereafter are just a bonus. The stats are fine and even so, no one buys GA for the stats. All things considered, Renekton is one of those champs that can wreck with 100hp. Honestly though, you called GA of all things risky? There is a certain absurdity to what was said, since Guardian Angel is taken to lower risks and not as a gambit :S. It's a lifeline when you miscalculate. If anything, it makes it safer for frontline.

But what I do disagree with him is that I'm a douche for saying something is wrong whilst presenting no alternatives.

ShortyHUN (40) | April 27, 2013 2:04am
GreenFrogs wrote:

" Guardian Angel is just too risky for someone in the frontlines."

" Guardian Angel is just too risky"

Please. I know the guide isn't great. But please. Get. Off. Mobafire. Guardian angel.. is too risky. for someone in the front lines. God can't even comprehend what went through your mind when you said that. Maybe if you spent your time playing league instead of making spending 20 minutes bbcoding a comment because you think it makes a difference, you wouldn't in bronze lol.

Thank you for being a douchebag... it takes about 3 minutes becuse i'm not a ****** and i know BBCode for years. Second, you can get better stats out of an item for the same price and that passive is ****ing risky. I'd see what would you do if you ressurect with 1k-ish with the enemy between you and your team.

Also armor and MR are still less effective the less HP you have.
Globbits | April 27, 2013 1:58am
Everything taken into consideration, I will make changes and see where it takes me. I'll look into the coding when I have time, hopefully sometime soon. I do however feel some of my chosen items and runes are very beneficial. The movement speed helps regardless of slice and dice, it helps when chasing opponents down and sometimes your abilities are not enough to close the gap.

To the last comment, IP was an issue with purchasing new qunits, though I till think the extra movement is VERY viable.
DarkAkumaLord (61) | April 26, 2013 11:13pm
Technically having ms quints are ok, if ure like me and. Are too lazy too buy another type.
GreenFrogs (40) | April 26, 2013 10:50pm
ShortyHUN wrote:


Coding: Barely any, atleast no mistakes. 0
Formatting: Too short so you don't need to much anyway. 0
Chapters: Runes, Masteries, Items explanation missing. Wtf is that skill sequence chapter... And after the gameplay sections you make another with explanation. -1
Ornaments: Few chapters done nicely, others just have nothing. Balance it out. 0
Readability: Readable becuse of length and fair formatting. 0


Runes: No chapter, no alternatives. As noted before AD quints are way better since Renek has enough mobility and his AD scales just make it obvious. 0
Masteries: No chapter, Defender is useless. Others are ok. 0
Spells: Alternative sequences, explanation, combos. Summoners spells however are ok, probably the best chapter. 0
Items: No chapter and seriously... Guardian Angel, Iceborn Gauntlet, Trinity Force, Mobility Boots? Warmog's Armor only viable? Where are the other extremely useful Renek items? -1
Gameplay: Too little information. The whole gameplay section is like saying some general things about teamfights and champs with a gap closer. -1


Bad items... just too squishy to call it a real Renekton. Overstacking armor and MR doesn't worth anything if you lack HP. Guardian Angel is just too risky for someone in the frontlines. -0.5

Final Score


You have lot to improve, not voting for now. I'll check back later and if i see improvement it might be even an upvote. If you have questions feel free to PM me.

" Guardian Angel is just too risky for someone in the frontlines."

" Guardian Angel is just too risky"

Please. I know the guide isn't great. But please. Get. Off. Mobafire. Guardian angel.. is too risky. for someone in the front lines. God can't even comprehend what went through your mind when you said that. Maybe if you spent your time playing league instead of making spending 20 minutes bbcoding a comment because you think it makes a difference, you wouldn't in bronze lol.

To the author:

Otherwise, yeah, you should not be building iceborn, tri force, or zeke's herald on renekton. Not even boots of lucidity. And MS quints are completely uneeded. I know you say personal preference, but that's just kinda wrong. You have two dashes. You could replace that with something so much better. Some things can, arguably, be personal preference. Then some things are just wrong. And even though the guide is short, the nice thing is it's not just OH DERP HERP LETS TALK ABOUT MASTERIES AND RUNES and all the **** people already know about. You actually attempt to talk about stuff you should talk about. Just too short and the item build has some weird items. No vote from me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, your starting items are also wrong. And instead of being a douche like someone above me and just saying they're wrong, I'll actually help you fix them. If you want to start with wards, go 9 pots 2 wards. Unfortunately, that will obsolete next patch with the 5 pot limit, but that's whatever right now. Don't start boots. They nerfed them and they're a complete waste early game, especially first buy. Red pot is also a good start with all pots, or a ward and pots. Still no vote from me though.
TOTESMCSCOTES (11) | April 26, 2013 9:46pm
Short -1 + missing some of the basic stuff you need.
Laggermeister (242) | April 26, 2013 8:23pm
Too short -1
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