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About the overall neatness of the guide, some coding is a little bit off in the guide and a few grammatical errors appear throughout but those things will all be easy fixes. So you are doing okay so far, I personally don't think that you would have to go as far as archiving this but you are probably going to get some downvotes because your guide is unfinished. Keep working, I'll come back and take a look later and maybe vote once I see some changes and additions to the guide. Good work so far.
That means I have to redo it
It also means you have to move your mouse to a green icon labelled ARCHIVE and click it. I had to spell it out for you didn't I.
Instant -1
And to your guide. Like that one dude said, you don't have any tankiness which means your ult loses like 50% it's potential, and you will die in two seconds if you use it to go in...
Correct your grammar, use spell check, whatever that makes it look better...
Also, your must have items are pretty meh, since getting those items in that order is just plain idiotic, getting only those items and in that order means no tankiness and that means death which means you can't use your ult to go in as much as you would if you had something like Haunting Guise, Abyssal Mask and Giant's Belt/ Rylai's Crystal Scepter