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I liked a lot your guide, you have good BBcoding and you explained well almost all contents about Soraka.
But you have 2 BIG problems:
Thanks, I didn't put too much effort into this, im gonna post a shen guide soon tho (not while he's free), since i main him.
But you have 2 BIG problems:
walls of text with little point in the first place, learn point form.
Locket of the solari? really? locket? really?
First of all, yes I am hunting through your comments to criticize you.
Secondly, Locket is an excellent item on Soraka and supports in wouldn't happen to be missing your frontal lobe, would you?
Locket of the solari? really? locket? really?
You should always max Astral Blessing first. Infuse doesn't need to have more than one or two points before you finish maxing it. I'd also recommend at least taking Starcall at level four, it's useful for pressure during trades even if you want to max it last. The other option would be a more aggressive skill order (a la KirbyCake), where you'd max Astral Blessing and Starcall simultaneously or, alternatively, Astral Blessing then Starcall.
Your runepage could use some work. Considering you can easily get 40% CDR with items, you really should be using Greater Glyph of Scaling Magic Resist or Greater Glyph of Magic Resist (depending on how much early game magic damage burst the enemy lane has ofc). Greater Mark of Armor is also a much better choice if you don't want more aggressive runes. Greater Quintessence of Armor can be used instead of Greater Quintessence of Gold, but that's personal preference more than anything.
In terms of items, you'd be better off getting Frozen Heart or Morellonomicon and skipping Runic Bulwark entirely. That item is mostly situational and, since you're using a relatively passive mastery set (something like this would work better if you're playing aggressively or more defensively), not what YOU should be getting. However, you should be grabbing Mercury's Treads most games, maybe Ninja Tabi if you're against a high physical damage lane. The only other boots I'd probably recommend are Mobility Boots for faster navigation to ward. Also it's hard to gather from your cheat sheet whether you are rushing Enchantment: Captain after boots or just placing it there, so you may want to move that to the end of your sample build to curb confusion.
The only other issue is the way your cheat sheet items are set up. There's no need to repeat situational items. You should put core items in their own section to make it easier to read, this will help newer players follow the build path easier. As it is currently, you have a confusing jumble of items and a single build.
Hope this is helpful in some way.
Keep it up, you have potential~
Keep it up, you have potential~
The only thing you need to fix is the rune order in the cheatsheet
it usually goes:
Marks> Seals> Glyphs> Quintessences
Fixing it is irrelevant but it does make it neater.