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- Void Staff should be core. It pretty much says "35% damage amplification to everyone!" Also, the stats are great for it's price.
-2 Faerie Charm's actually gives the same mana regen as Doran's Ring but without the extra health, ap, and mana passive at level 1.
- Athene's Unholy Grail is a pretty core item, but to say "BUT, YOU ALWAYS WANT TO RUSH Athene's Unholy Grail, NO MATTER WHAT." is a bit over the top. In some scenarios you can actually get Morellonomicon or even a Tear of the Goddess.
-I am not a fan of Mobility Boots. If you get hit/hit someone even once you pretty much have speed.
-If you don't want to push (ie: enemy shaco jungle) you really shouldn't: "So usually, you should land Dark Sphere's for CS but also try to make sure it'll hit the opposing champion as well, and if not that, at least hit multiple minions."
-Max Scatter the Weak, not Force of Will. You want the lower cooldown on Scatter the Weak because it'll save your life and also unlike Force of Will the mana cost doesn't increase. Also by the time you reach midgame you'll hopefully have Scatter the Weak maxed for teamfights.
On the other hand good work with the guide, it's not a wall of text, and you placed good emphasis on the things you considered important. Keep it up!
Instead of writing
That gives you
Item Sequence
Try writing
That gives you
Item Sequence
1) Heal > barrier
2) Max E second, not w. It's a lot better (source; all pro syndra players out there)
3) DFG is usually a very poor option to follow up athene's when behind. It will actually hurt your sustained damage even more. Syndra can only 1-shot people when ahead, not when behind.
4) Armor runes are outdated, its better to use scaling or flat hp seals.
5) Masteries are spec'd very badly. If you go 9 utility Summoner's Insight is a must.
All in all I don't think its worth an upvote, sorry.
1) I think Doran's Ring start is ALWAYS better. Here you're trading 1 pot for raw hp brought by the ring. You can argue all you want, but you're also trading 4 instant mana regen per minion for 3 mana regen per 5 seconds. If you run out of mana that fast in lane it means that you're either blowing spells pointlessly or you don't last hit correctly. There's absolutely no other option. I play a really aggressive Syndra.
Not to mention that with less AP you deal less damage and thus will need to harass more to cover the difference.
2) E at level 2 is always better than W, unless the opponent has absolutely no jungler. E also helps setup for level 3 kills a lot better.
3) Runic Affinity is a must. You can run out of mana with Syndra easily at level 18 even with Athene's, so blue buff is really REALLY important.
4) Mobility boots are bad since the nerf for anything that isn't a pure assassin or tanky initiator, and even those have limitations;
5) I get some picks you consider counters, even if I disagree. However, Viktor and Ryze - if you play Syndra correctly - are destroyed by her. In fact, she destroys most mages with a shorter range than hers unless you **** up and go in too soon (getting in range of annie/cassio = bai).
Overall it's a good guide and I'll upvoted it. Just needs a bit more detail tuning
Otherwise, top job.