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Would you like this to be a weekly thing?
That are 3 questions >:
1) I'm guessing you mean Ravenous Hydra instead of Tiamat since otherwise you're comparing two completely different items in terms of gold cost. You've got to ask yourself how highly you value the extra wave clear on Tiamat/Hydra vs the %hp damage and active on Blade. Blade of the Ruined King is a lot more effective in teamfights because of the active and stronger in 1v1's against a lot of the tanky tops. Thus I'd only pick Ravenous Hydra / Tiamat if I'd be planning on splitpushing on my own the whole game.
2) Kennen top is decent. He used to be one of the strongest picks but since every meta-top builds lots of MR early on he fell off (also due to some nerfs). I wouldn't recommend picking him into someone that can just sustain and close the gap easily, but against short ranged and kite-able champions he can work really well.
3) I don't think so. It pretty much wastes his ultimate because you're essentially only able to gank mid lane from top, while you can ult 3 lanes as jungler. It severely limits his core gameplay ability.
1) I'm guessing you mean Ravenous Hydra instead of Tiamat since otherwise you're comparing two completely different items in terms of gold cost. You've got to ask yourself how highly you value the extra wave clear on Tiamat/Hydra vs the %hp damage and active on Blade. Blade of the Ruined King is a lot more effective in teamfights because of the active and stronger in 1v1's against a lot of the tanky tops. Thus I'd only pick Ravenous Hydra / Tiamat if I'd be planning on splitpushing on my own the whole game.
2) Kennen top is decent. He used to be one of the strongest picks but since every meta-top builds lots of MR early on he fell off (also due to some nerfs). I wouldn't recommend picking him into someone that can just sustain and close the gap easily, but against short ranged and kite-able champions he can work really well.
3) I don't think so. It pretty much wastes his ultimate because you're essentially only able to gank mid lane from top, while you can ult 3 lanes as jungler. It severely limits his core gameplay ability.
Is Diamond elo more toxic or less toxic than platinum? If so, do you know if higher Diamond is more or less toxic than lower Diamond?
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Janitsu wrote:
2. How does one play Lee **** jungle? I run 21/9/0 masteries and AD/ARMOR/MR/AD rune page.
standard AD runepage is good, 21/9/0 is also good. Max Q > E > W, build elder lizard -> hexdrinker (unless of course you're facing a full physical damage team) into full tank pretty much with items like Randuins, Sightstone, Banshee's, etc.
Ubnoxius wrote:
Is Diamond elo more toxic or less toxic than platinum? If so, do you know if higher Diamond is more or less toxic than lower Diamond?
First of all, a quick note is that I believe NA to be less toxic than EU.
I don't think there's a massive difference though between the different tiers, however Diamond 5 might be the biggest hell on earth since it's stuffed with people who know they're never gonna reach challenger and consequently take games less serious, but still think they are all good and **** just because they are Diamond. It's not enjoyable to be there for an extended period of time.
I can't answer this regarding high-Diamond myself cause I'm D3 myself, but I do believe there are a lot of pros at D1/Challenger that are toxic towards 'no-names' (people who are high elo but aren't in the pro scene).
Khazem wrote:
standard AD runepage is good, 21/9/0 is also good. Max Q > E > W, build elder lizard -> hexdrinker (unless of course you're facing a full physical damage team) into full tank pretty much with items like Randuins, Sightstone, Banshee's, etc.
I have seen some players with The Brutalizer after Spirit of the Elder Lizard and some maxing W. Pros/Cons of these things?
Thanks to OwenTheAwesomer for the signature =)
Janitsu wrote:
I have seen some players with The Brutalizer after Spirit of the Elder Lizard and some maxing W. Pros/Cons of these things?
Brutalizer is good when you're ahead however some prefer to get Tiamat instead.
W max first or second? I know a lot of pro players max W second for the increased mobility. It's pretty much the trade-off between utility/mobility and damage. (EDIT: It does not increase mobility, thanks to Lugignaf for correcting me here. However, since E does magic damage and the shield + lifesteal and spellvamp increase on W, it could be worth maxing W over E)
This thread is a pilot episode of a possible weekly series, called "Ask a Diamond". In this thread anyone can ask League related questions to all Diamond members out on the Mobafire site. The goal is of course to help players out to improve as a player and consequently climb the ladder.
Because this is only a pilot to have a look at the amount of responses we'd get, this episode you can ask questions about any role. After that, if this gets enough responses, each week will be specifically dedicated to a single lane. After this I might try to get the thread stickied every week and/or posted on the news page.
Anyway, if you have any questions to ask, fire away and we'll answer!