I understand the high use of Ezreal in games now and he has become one of the most loved/hated champions in the game. I feel there are something with his kit and recent builds that have made him beyond annoying to lane against and lockdown in teamfights. His mobility via Arcane Shift isn't really the problem. The blue build and the new Trinity Force have lead to an Ezreal that can't be caught if chased. Example. Singed using Ghost and Insanity Potion with merc treads still can't catch him due to frozen gauntlet and Phage's new passive. It also has come to my attention of the Ezreal mid lane conundrum. When Ezreal goes mid he puts out more DPS than most midlaners making trades with him almost always come out in his favor regardless of hybrid/AP/AD/ or Blue. This has allowed Ezreal to become a very diverse champion allowing him to play in multiple different playstyles and builds while most ADC's remain with a very static build. This leads to a lack of counter-play by other champions. This also forces other champions who don't use trinity force or deal tremendous amounts of damage with few items to be used more often. It seems champions like Miss Fortune Varus Kog'Maw Quinn and Urgot to rot in the bot games and dominion.

There is also the issue of his Arcane Shift getting out of every single gank/engagement attempt. Don't get me wrong I understand that most ADC's have a way to repositon themselves. IE Caitlyn's net gun or Graves dash or Lucian's dash. The difference though is that he can escape situations that other ADC's cant. I don't think that graves can re-position himself during leona's Zenith Blade or during Blitzcrank's Rocket Grab. I think what I'm trying to get to is can Riot deal with this and make it more balanced so other players can actually have a chance to create an engagement on their own terms?

Does Ezreal have a period of genuine weakness? To me it doesn't seem like he really has one. I know ADC's like Draven Caitlyn fall off late game. while Tristana Varus scale great into late game. The thing with Ezreal is that he doesn't have any real stage of the game when he is genuinely weak and allow for counter play. He is unable to be engaged upon early game and can poke down most champions. Mid game he merely has to stay behind the line and play the role of adc. And late game he can kite and backdoor and only particpate in a team fight by using his ult. So in theory there is no real point in a game where he is weak unless he is somehow shutdown.

SO is ezreal actually op or just too versatile for most laners to handle?