Welcome everybody!

Today I am going to talk a bit about a game that I had a few days ago. I also got some questions at the end about mid lane, so let's get started right away.

Match History
TL;DR : Questions

So, I was playing Azir for the first time. (I only play Team Builder nowadays, it's so much more efficient when you are trying to learn certain positions in my opinion)
My opponent, unfortunately, was also playing Azir. We had a little talk here and there about what to do with him and what to max first and he seemed to be pretty good. He has probably played the champion for a way longer time than me. He was very nice and helped me out a lot though. Shoutouts to Zwagrid, wherever he might be :)
Anyways, so I went into lane, started with Doran's Ring and was trying to get some last hits so I could reach level 2 before he would. Azirs autohit animation is really good in my opinion, I had a decently easy time farming minions the first 2 minutes of the game. Then the enemy Azir reached level 2. From there on, I was pretty much screwed. He did so much damage by just spawning a soldier and using his Conquering Sands on me, which feels completely unavoidable for the most part because it is really fast and the soldier still has the auto-attack after it.
I didn't really know what to do against it, I tried to poke back, using the same tactics but it was too late and I almost died. Actually, I eventually did when Nid decided to dive me on level 3, but I got a free kill off it because she went super deep into the turret and tanked 3 hits, then pounced into the wrong direction. Nothing really happened after that death though. Enemy Azir was 1 level above me and kept me from farming but he sucked at CSing too, so that wasn't a big deal(I had 35farm in 12 minutes, he had 60).
I started off 1/3 I think and got back to 13/12 at the end, failing A TON of ults. I probably hit 2 ults the entire game while almost keeping it on cooldown. Sometimes I overestimated the range, sometimes I just completely failed and put it inside a jungle wall. But hey, the 2 I hit saved my life, so that's a good thing, right?

For items, I started Doran's Ring, went into Athene's Unholy Grail for the CDR and Magic Resist and decided to go for Sorcerer's Shoes. I finished the build off buying Morellonomicon for CDR and the 80AP + heal reduction, Luden's Tempest because it does wonders on Conquering Sands and a Zhonya's Hourglass + Rylai's Crystal Scepter... No Void Staff because no one bought magic resist except 1 opponent, and it was only a Spirit Visage so I didn't see a reason to buy additional magic pen when I already had the boots.

These are the masteries I used


Fleet Footwork
Phase Rush

To close this all off, I just wanted to note that Azir is a lot of fun but takes some getting used to. You have a lot of range if you utilize his warriors correctly but you can get oneshot if you aren't careful. His burst seems to be really good in the early game while he still has good sustained damage in lategame, thanks to the soldiers autohits.

Now to the questions though. I am currently trying to find a suitable champion for mid lane and I seem to have a lot of trouble even playing/understanding the role.

I know that mid is a more aggressive lane than top lane and all but when exactly do you have the chance to roam?

I feel like I can't just push to the turret, then leave lane whenever my champ is strong because the opponent will just outfarm me if I do and the roam didn't result in kills, or he will take my tower if we're level 6+, resulting in equal or more gold for them than for us + we lose a turret.

Also, which champions would you recommend for a "new" player(new to mid lane at least)?

I main support and mostly play Leona, Thresh and Morgana. For mid lane, I have tried quite a few champs already.
Kennen seems to be alright but he has changed a lot from back when I was actually playing him.
Morgana is hard to farm with (which is a very bad thing to say because she can farm easily using Tormented Shadow but I mean without it I find it very hard) and she also doesn't have an escape at all. Black Shield makes it possible to escape ganks but you can still die if they have some burst damage.
Ahri is fun but she's really hard to play for me :/ I can't get into the mindset of not rushing in with Spirit Rush. I died so many times because I went into melee range of a Veigar or Fizz, it's not even funny anymore. I also can't seem to land Charm on lane which makes it hard to kill people.
Twisted Fate is also kind of nice. He has his stun card, can farm very safely using Wild Cards and it is a lot easier to roam using Destiny than it is with most other champions who have to walk to other lanes.

If you guys are interested, I can post the BaronReplays file of the Azir game into this blog or the comments so you can watch me fail.
I would like to thank you all for reading this if you did and I really hope somebody can help me out since I feel like I am stuck with these problems in mid lane.