After a long long LONG climb in Silver league I'm finally back at Gold! Yes, it's something I'm very happy about since it took a lot of patience, hard work and IRL raging to get back to Gold. My bf didn't quite understand why I was obsessed about it, but let's just say it was a personal goal and achieving personal goals usually makes people happy. Well, I'm happy.

When Season 3 started I started playing Ranked pretty much immediately which put me together with those who had never played Ranked. I soon found myself in a lose streak and losing -45 elo each match pretty fast dropped me down to my lowest elo ever 1188. Yes, it was such a rememberable moment I'll never forget that shame.

When League system came I had climbed up slightly and found myself in Silver III and I was actually quite happy there until I realized I didn't need to be there. Climbing to Silver II was relatively easy since I got plenty of points, but getting to Silver I and staying there was the problem. I remember writing a post about LoL's rotten community here around the time I had dropped back to Silver II twice in a same day.

So if I thought staying in Silver I was hard, climbing was harder as if you lose enough many games (22 loses and 3 wins in my case) you get less points from winning. When I had 20 points I kept getting somewhere between 3-5 points from each match I won and lost about the same. I couldn't go anywhere there. I think I wrote a blog post about this as well and I still don't understand why I got +3 LP back then when later suddenly I got +17 LP. I don't know if it has something to do with that I didn't play in a whole week or if it reseted since my other teammates said something about getting more points as well, but I was happy.

Not to babble too much, I made it to Gold promo last week I think. I was happy after a nice win streak, but I won 2/5 matches so I didn't get a promotion. I got back to promotion games after 1 win, won 1, lost 3 and found myself back at 60 points. I got back to promo games in 3 wins again, but didn't get anywhere again. Ended up in 90 points and after one win I was back at series.

It seriously took FOUR times in a row in Series to get to Gold. This time I simply won the three games. After all these games I've found my matchmaking rating must have gone up a lot, since after those 22 losses I mentioned earlier I had a negative win rate, now I've actually got a good enough winrate to play with random Platinum players.

I think I'll take a small break from Ranked now as I promised myself to learn more champs and train other roles after getting to Gold. I thought of playing more mid, maybe some adc and learn Lee Sin jungle and maybe play more Master Yi who was my bf's main. Occasionally I "honor" him as my teacher in LoL and play the champs he used to play and Yi was definitely his favorite :)

I do play jungle sometimes, when someone else wants to support in Ranked, but mostly I play support in Ranked. As it can get boring sometimes, I thought I'd freshen up some skills from mid lane - I used to be quite ok there, but now I've supported so much I don't think I'm good at anything else than supporting which is precisely why I need to play everything else but not support.
The only problem of playing Normal games is that after you get used to playing "tryhard" games in Ranked with good teams, then go you play a more casual game and get those... hmm.. Score Chasers aka people who only care about kills, and who throw the game continuously until you lose, it's not all that fun to play with them anymore. So having this said who knows how short my break from Ranked will be as I don't have all that good patience anymore with people who simply don't care about the game enough to use common sense instead of just suiciding all day long.

Have you guys had the same problem after playing Ranked for so long you don't find Normal games fun anymore?