Noted MissMaw's comment on the top Thresh guide. I went to investigate and I want to tear off my eyes now. I went to take a further look at support guides overall and gjeez...

Most of those 1# or 2# guides are voted up so much, that it can't even be brought down and are really hard to be passed by other authors. The quality is so bad and I wonder how on earth they ever could get that many upvotes.

I'll demonstrate;

1# Sona guide:

* Runes ?
* Starting items ? Core item = Rush philo ?
* Basically suggesting every support item there is and other bad items

1# Leona guide:

* Runes ?
* Missing information on items (Not so bad, but not super good either)
* Sightstone mentioned not to be taken at all and is taken as 4th

1# Thresh guide:

* Just the items section is wtf

1# Soraka guide:

* Same as Sona guide pretty much... For 1# guide it should be much better.

1# Nami guide:

* First build a little off, but the second one suggested is really meh.
"Aggressive support Nami - Picks Heal" - This is enough I guess lol.

1# Alistar guide:

* Items, runes, max E ?

Looks like a hater or *****y post, guess it is a little, but the quality of 1# guides of supports is terrifying in my opinion. No offense to the authors trying to help players to understand the champion, but seriously the quality is really poor in some guides and especially for to be 1#. I see no credibility from the users or just something that convinces me, that it is the better way of playing and building than other guides.

Of course there are differences on "what is optimal", but I don't think I'm alone here. Some of the guides mentioned above don't have that bad quality, but still makes me wonder how did it get the 1# spot. I see some really good guides below the "best" guide, but harsh fact is that the first guide gets all the views and then people go wondering why mobafire guide quality is so bad "Look at this thrash Thresh guide, mobafire is full of noobs etc etc.."

There has been improvement on giving credits for scouted, high elo and special guest guides, but people always go for the guide that is regocnized as the best by googling or from the build search, which appears as first guide.

Decreasing vision on unconventional and really bad top guides would be necessary in some cases in my opinion. - I don't mean that unconventional guides should be trashed. I don't mind unconventional guide being in top guides if it is done well and still can work. (GMD) has a topic about this also considering unconventional guides, so I'll leave that matter.