Hi! Thanks for reading!

This is the introduction of my 'league challenges'. Pretty simple stuff. If you complete all of my conditions and terms, you will earn a point. The first 3 people to win the challenge will win a point, and I'll keep track and possibly give out rewards every couple months.

Challenge #1; A charming marksman -

This first challenge is very basic. Play a ranked game as ADC Ahri and win!
1. Play Ahri on your MAIN ACCOUNT in solo queue ranked (duo queue ok)
2. Build physical damage items and no AP items or hybrid items (build like you're ashe or something)
3. Win!
4. Screenshot the victory lobby and upload it in the comments section

-Ahri doesn't have the best AA range. If you're against high physical harass, consider armor glyphs.
-Charm is completely broken on a functional adcarry. I strongly suggest you max charm 1st for the enhanced CC duration.
-Ahri can kill at all levels with an aggressive support that either brings cc or damage. Chaining cc with your support will net you a very frustrated enemy adc/support. Consider leona, zyra, and janna.

This is all for now. Please leave feedback whether you want this to continue and results whether you win or lose and give us a story! ~peace