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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

How to stop being useless in SoloQ

Hello guys, if u want to carry your useless team, you only have to instalock Annie mid; why annie? She is 100% able to carry a fight, she is safe on lane, she has good farm, she is cheap, and if you are a pedophile, she is your champ.
Improve first W, and load your passive in base, once you have your passive with 4 stacks, its time to go for a possible invade/counterinvade.
Even a person with extra chromosome is able to farm perfectly and without problems if you have your Q available, so in lane phase, take it easy, just go with the flow.
By the moment you get lvl. 6, you will insntantly activate your bankai, use flash is enemy´s face and destroy him with PassiveTibbers, followed by Q and W + ignite. 100%Freekill.

At min 15 more or less, you should have bought Deathfire Grasp, with this item, you become something like Goku. Easy mode: on; just use active Deathfire Grasp + R + Q + W.
Everybody in your team will say: omg this annie/this carry/honour annie plz/i want you to be my son´s…

Feeding the Acid

Playing a game in PBE. Yes yes...I's PBE. Bare with me here. We're playing and I duo with a guy I played last game. We don't know each other and we just decided to duo. Was a nice guy. We get into a game and let's just say it wasn't a normal team comp. Our jungler is Zed (guy I was duoing with) and I guess he messed up on some fights. Our Miss Fortune just goes nuts and calls him out. Swearing and saying "You suck. Go play bots. Never play a normal game again." So I just tell him "Shhhh it's okay. It's fine." Next thing

Ryze guide updated-ish

I'm in the process of updating my ryze guide. I've updated the build and masteries and some of the text. I just keep finding little things to change and hitting publish. If you want to read the completed thing, check it periodically. Only major change I need to make is focusing it more towards top and cleaning up matchups.

Happy Ryzing, and also, he's t1 enjoy

What I did after the rune changes

Thought I'd do a quick video of me running through a couple of standard pages (and some fun non-standard things). I don't know if they're optimal or not, but the changes are interesting nonetheless and I believe they open up for a lot more possible variety in rune choices. Feel free to discuss the choices I made here.

Also, I made one error saying my bruiser page was fit for shyvana while it doesn't have hybrid pen.

The new Gragas

Hello everyone,

As most of us are aware, Gragas has been a top pick for the last little while. He was an extremely strong pick, to the point of being "overpowered". Because of this, Riot has applied a few small nerfs to him, and then flat out gave him a slight kit rework, calling it a, "Gameplay Update".

In this gameplay update, Gragas has been re-directed away from the role of a long range sniper to more of an AP Bruiser. If you look on almost any forum related to this topic, you will find plenty of people saying, "RIP

>:( My Fluid mechanics test

Just took a fluid mechanics test. It went rough. Safe to say, i'll need some CH3CH2OH tonight (if you know what i mean ^^)

My professor - that son of a ***** designed the test so that it was impossible to finish. Two questions, 50 points each. The first question was long, but relatively easy - thank goodness. The second question though. That was nasty.

It went something along the lines of this:
Seems a little overwhelming, doesn't it? Thankfully, there's a ever so useful system of equations we learned that helps us called the navier-stokes equation. Oh. You don't recall what that is? Don't worry - we were given this equation sheet for the test.

Now all we had to do was apply the navier stokes equations three times... In thirty minutes.

If you enjoyed my rant/hissy fit, be sure to like, comment, subscribe, follow my tweets @ #burdisthewurd1234321, and most importantly, eat your vegetables... Idk. lol

Solo Queue

So, this post is dedicated specifically towards the explanation of what exactly "Solo Queue" is. The reason is because of just how little people think of what they are doing the second they hit that matchmaking button and why it is frustrating to try and climb, as well as the sense of entitlement for a higher position that every player has.

First off, What is Solo Queue?

Solo queue is a single player or a pair of players who get placed into matchmaking for ranked. But what does that matchmaking mean? This matchmaking grabs 9 other people (or 8) of your skill level (same matchmaking rating) and places them into "balanced teams." Now wait, that means that you are asking to be placed with 4 other people of your same skill level, with a positive attitude, well rested, not playing their first match of the day, and playing their best role/champion.

How asinine does that sound?

Too good to be true, that's what it sounds like, and you are probably nodding your head like "what kind of madne…

An art blog about Art

Soooooo I thought id start a blog on interesting things.
And since playing games on low elo queue doesnt particularly interest me anymore, and I have no idea what anybody else is interested in, I thought id do one on art.
Because you know, artists corner and all.
So this is pretty much my blog on Artistic stuff.

Day 1:
Soooooooo did I mention I know nothing about graphics?
Cos I dont.
The last thing I remember drawing, I resfused to do in pink because thats a girls colour.
Because I was 5.
At last its nice to know that people try and include tutorials on these things...Which then go out of date.
Thanks Mobafreelo.
Now I'm not blaming whoever posted that video for not having it up to date, but what I am blaming them for, is me clicking on a button marked "DOWNLOAD" that happened to be directly below their ad, which led me to something that I may believe may possibly be malware. I think it might just be malware, because when I tried to cancel the installation, this happened.Well …

Bruiserdin - WHAT?!

Whats up?

So today I had a free day (yay) and I played some league. That URF Gamemode though, I think Nidalee is quite strong. What do you think?

But thats not the only thing I played. You see, Ive been wanting to play Bruiser Kassadin since the nerf, but I always pussied out and ended up playing another thing.
I took courage and played it with a friend on a normal game :D

I dont know if its viable on Ranked, but with a good jungler you can make it work. I got a triple kill when I finished the Tear Upgrade!

This is what I used:

Masteries: 9/21/0
Runes: AP Quints, MR Glyphs, AR Seals, MP Marks
Summoner Spells:

Tips for Thresh hooks I've recently learned

Thresh hooks can change games and make lost causes into won team fights, so here are a few points I learned in a recent game I played.

1: consider if your enemy has a method of escape such as Ezriel's Arcane Shift or Lee Sin's ward jump

2: consider if they have flashed recently or if they have it up

3: consider which direction they will try to escape from, predict their movements

4: Take into account the wind-up on the hook

5: PRACTICE, it sounds cliche but you really just need to throw A LOT of hooks in order to get the hang of this mechanic

Thanks for reading, if you have any advice to help me with future blogs sound off in the comments and I'll try to get back to you, thank you again, Scorch

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide