Whats up?

So today I had a free day (yay) and I played some league. That URF Gamemode though, I think Nidalee is quite strong. What do you think?

But thats not the only thing I played. You see, Ive been wanting to play Bruiser Kassadin since the nerf, but I always pussied out and ended up playing another thing.
I took courage and played it with a friend on a normal game :D

I dont know if its viable on Ranked, but with a good jungler you can make it work. I got a triple kill when I finished the Tear Upgrade!

This is what I used:

Masteries: 9/21/0
Runes: AP Quints, MR Glyphs, AR Seals, MP Marks
Summoner Spells: Teleport + Flash
Final Build:
Rod of Ages
Seraph's Embrace
Iceborn Gauntlet
Frozen Heart
Abyssal Mask
Mercury's Treads

It has AP, Mana, Armor and Magic Resist. The ultimate actually deals more damage in Bruiserdin that on regular Kassadin!

What do you think about it? You could give it a try on a Normal game and tell your experience. If you think that it can improve with X thing, tell it on the commentaries, I only want to improve ^^ (as long as you do it respectuffy).

This are my stats:(CouldnĀ“t cut it cause Ubuntu is OP)
