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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Hi. I'm an Awkward Half Korean Girl, Who's Written...

Hi. As it says, I'm an awkward half korean girl. I've written guides, but have never published them.
I'm currently level 25, I know it may seem to some people that I'm not prepared to write guides yet, since I'm not even close to level 30. I've watched and researched my friends' and brother's ranked games though. I love theory crafting, AP carrying, supporting and Lux x Ezreal.
I am currently writing a matchup for Annie. It will be for every champion, not just for carries. I hope people will read it.
My favourite champions are Lux, Ezreal, Orianna and Sona.
I am learning to play Teemo.
I am working on perfecting and polishing my Lux.
Thank you for reading.

Climbing Silver Ladders (Blog 3, Bronze Was Easier!)

Hey again, Harry here! ;P

I know I said I said I would do this weekly, but I just had to tell people about my past few days. I've had some amazing games, and terribad games.

I got my first Pentakill with my favourite champion!!!! (See profile picture ;P) I love you Quinn.

So if you've red my last few blogs, you'll know i've been trying to get out of bronze and I actually did it. (Check my profile to read them.) Some people say getting out of bronze is easy and another can do it, I always reply with the same thing.

You don't know bronze until you've been there.

It took me about 4 months to get out of that hell. Every game someone was either feeding, trolling, raging or afk'ing. But in all honesty, I miss bronze. Bronze was soooooo much easier than Silver. Anyways, let's talk about my recent games.

So I've had good games and really bad games. It was great at the start, as soon as I got to silver I won 5 games in a row and got into my promotional series. In the promotional games…

Guide reviews

So iv'e updated my Sejuani guide significantly. And I am looking for people to review it and tell me how to improve. The item explanation section is not completed yet -_- but other than that I'm done. I also didn't want to post this in the forums because it's not the place for a "review my guide" thread, and I'm tired of posting in review shops...

Thank you :) and I hope to hear from you soon.

My First Week w/ Sona and Maining Support

Hey there, K0R3 here.
Even though that absolutely does not ring a bell to any of you. :P

I'm going to illustrate to you via words my first week maining with Sona and maining support in general, I hope I don't bore you with that, but first: a little back story on my career with League of Legends.

Essentially, I played the game from release but I (unfortunately) had different things in my life that forced me back and eventually out of the game entirely. About 2 years later, in mid-to-late 2012, I decided I'd return and see how a game formula I'd loved since DOTA for Warcraft 3 had progressed in the time I'd spent away from my first real competitive love.

...And boy, was I impressed.

The entire game, the entire meta and the entire community was SO strong and in sync. I had a blast for about a month and a 1/2, got to summoner level 22 (if I remember correctly) and was just absolutely enjoying myself. Eventually that ugly thing called 'IRL' reared it's head again and forced me back into…

Gunna try and stream a contest! Diamond Solo Que!

Hi reddit folks! My IGN’s Fehtality, I posted a little while ago with my story on how I got to Diamond Division in a little less then a year of playing League (only about 3-4 months of ranked) and just threw in a couple tips on what worked for me. It never really got that much attention, so..

I’m now in Diamond III (a lot less skill then Division I) still progressing and getting better each game by doing the little things that work for me. I figured before I hit Diamond I and get too busy trying to scrim and doing team stuff I’d throw out a vlog or something I could point out small tips, some that are more unique on how I personally get better and hopefully it might actually help out a couple people.

So I’ve had that in mind for a couple weeks now and just now I feel like I could maybe do something a little more creative to bring in a few more people and actually have a little fun off of it! I stream on occasion so it could be interesting haha.

The IDEA is..

Tomorrow mornin…

The Current Viability of Derpwick

Ever since the buffing of Nashor's and Wit's, I've found that AP Bruiser Derpwick is actually viable and even pretty strong top lane. Haven't tried him mid, but the fact that Wit's and Visage are both MR, I'd think he's dominate the lane.

If I'm against an AD champion, I tend to rush Nashor's to get my damage spiking early, and also grabbing a Kindlegem and Sorcs shoes. Then it's either Spirit Visage or Wit's next, or if the enemy is really AD heavy, an Iceborn.

But yeah. Stuff.

IDK, I tend to talk out loud when I like something. So eh.

Beginning to play League of Legends

Gaming is a pure skill that must be trained and spend time into doing. Many people have the potential to be skilled gamers, but what you must know is that it is not easy. playing a game like League of Legends does indeed take a lot of skill and strategy to play and at the same time is purely fun (especially when you are good).

For all you starter players of League of Legends, if you want to become a great team player and strategist for playing in 5v5(s), 3v3(s) and 1v1(s), always practice and play with skill and also think of strategies to counter enemies and destroy their NEXUS!.

-Brandon K. Best (EpiKirk)

Free Week Trek Bad News

So, my main source of internet can handle streaming single player games, and it can handle playing League. Sadly, it can't do both. You, the viewers, were able to view what I saw perfectly in 720p. I, however, had to pay the cost of a 1.4 second delay on my game... So, until I find somewhere else to stream, the Free Week Trek will be put on standby.

Support Udyr

This one here's another bad idea.

Well, it KINDA works. You can stun the entire enemy team for 1 second, but it is staggered.

So the idea is that you can stun enemies in bear form, mitigate incoming pokes with tartl form, use tiger form to clear towers and other objectives, and phoenix form to push.

Yeahhhhhhh. Not exactly the safest lane-partner. I started Bear, then got Tiger (by accident), then Turtle, then Phoenix. Maxed Turtle, then Bear. I suppose if we got far enough, I'd max Phoenix if we were facing a lot of teamfights or Tiger if we were taking objectives. It was a bot game, so I took Phoenix. Because I had another phoenix in lane ( Quinn).

My build would have been Shurelya's Battlesong,

Climbing out of Bronze (Blog 2, I DID IT)

Yay! Blog time! (I'm having a lot of fun doing this.)


I'm out of bronze! My promotionals went really bad though, so much feeeeed. I won 3 in my promotionals and lost 2. My best of 5 went like this: (Y = victory) (X = Defeat)


I was so nervous on my last game, and I swore to myself that if I lost my last ranked game I would never play ranked again, but I did and I'm so happy! The last game I won I was playing one of my favourite ADCs, Vayne ^^ (10-1-5)
In my other promotional games I was playing my mains, Quinn ADC and Vi Jungle. Here, have some match history:

10-1-5 Vayne - Victory
5-5-2 Quinn - Defeat (I suck)
7-6-9 Varus - (<--- Terribad) Victory
9-6-4 Vi - Defeat
20-7-15 Quinn - Victory

9-6-4 Vi - Defeat

9-6-4 Vi - Defeat

9-6-4 Vi - Defeat[/b]

But Harry, you got a positive KDA, how could you possibly lose!?! :D

FEEDERS, no but seriously. FEEDERS. Ill describe the scenario then explain it.

ForeverFrozen: Hi guys, premade bot ^^
(Duoing with my friend, …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide