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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Survey for school

Hey guys if you could do me a massive favour and do this survey for em it would be much appreciated as it is for my Student Inquiry Project for school, the survey will be open for a while as I have a pretty large amount of time to do the project. link Here


The one thing in life that bothers me the most is people putting spaces in front of their questionmarks. In fact, every time I stop to thing about why people would possibly do it, it just makes me want to punch something cute with a sledgehammer.

So why do people do it? What could possibly make people think it's supposed to be like that? Do people nowadays just not get any education?

I'm just trying to understand the thought process behind it. Maybe if someone can explain to me why someone might do it, I can stop getting upset about it. It just looks so ****ing ******ed.

pls stop



Guinsoo's... Input, please?

Hey everyone,

I was just looking for some input on Guinsoo's Rageblade. Personally, I believe the 2 passives it offers makes it very viable in some situations, and I think it's often overlooked. What do you guys think? Is it completely useless, or can it work?

Currently I'm writing a guide on Skarner. I feel that since his abilities scale off of AP, and attack speed lowers his CD and he has an attack-speed buff (naturally making him an AD damage-dealer as well), Guinsoo's has a situational place in Skarner's build. Thoughts?

My Personal Experience with this "Lo-Elo"...

I'm no expert at League of Legends.

And I'm not claiming to be. I'm not a pro player, I'm not this guru, I'm just not. But I have been playing League since a little before the total Ashe revamp (That's right, I remember the dark green outfit) and that's given me a little over 6 months of experience in ranked. Well, sorta. Let's call it 6 months with the ability to play ranked.
I've kind of given up on trying to play ranked, because no matter how hard I try I'm always derping around in bronze pretty much, and I know I'm better than that.
Then again, my Derpy Ranked Stats make me seem way worse than I am. Problem is, if I try to duoqueue with my bro it would throw us into worse teammates against better opponents, and that would be the opposite of what I want.
Quite honestly, I've had a s***ty experience with ranked, because this happens every gorram time. Anyone else reached this conclusion, or had something interesting happen? Post it Below!

Somethings People Do in Ranked that Piss Me…

Today's Ranked Coverage + Blog Post 100

Today I'll talk to you guys about my ranked games for the day (some were very interesting) but before we begin this is my 100th blog post so thanks to anyone who has been reading my blog posts. You guys reading my boring blog posts means a lot to me <3 now let's begin with the Ranked Coverage.

Game #1
Played as - Caitlyn (16/2/5)
Outcome - Victory

Nothing special about Game 1. I was duo queueing with a friend and we went bot lane (he played Thresh). At first our teammates were losing but then they started winning. We pretty much carried that game cause I got mega fed. After that keeping a distance from their Riven and Zac and AAing anyone that was in my range was an easy job.

Game #2
Played as - Caitlyn (5/5/9)
Outcome - Victory

Now Game 2 was very very interesting and it was a huge throw from the enemy team. Every lane was losing for us. At bottom we were sorta even the first 10 minutes but after that their Rammus and Jarvan started camping us and it lost us the lane. They pushe…

Getting started as a LoL noob

A friend introduced me to League of Legends and within a few days I'm hooked. Riot are such a refreshingly open and creative company and the game is surprisingly tactical and deep.

Other than the tutorials and bot games I've been trying some champions and looking to settle on one or two to level up with. Nunu is my current favourite. I must admit I'm apprehensive about joining some player matches after reading about the flaming and general unfriendliness towards newcomers. We shall see.

Big Fat LoL Quiz

Big Fat LoL Quiz
So on the 4th of July 2010 I made my EU account on League of Legends. So to celebrate the 3 years I've spent enjoying League of Legends, I decided to make this quiz to share the joy.
The irony being that as of right now a hacker has the details to my account and I'm currently waiting for Riot Support to get my account back ;(
But nevertheless. The show must go on.
The person who submits with the most correct answers wins 6450RP. There are 200 questions exactly.
All these questions have definite answers and any additional points are clarified in the questions. There are no assumed relationships or comments on fan fiction in questions about canon. Any Lore that has been rewritten is assumed as correct and unless stated, questions will not relate to older lore, canon etc.
Once you have your answers, send them to the email provided at the bottom of the document. Once a winner is chosen, they will be contacted to know they have won. Arrangements for the RP will be made then…

Mechanics and How it Relates to Elo

I practice my mechanics for League of Legends a lot. I consider myself to be very disciplined in that regard, but as we all know: "ain't nobody got time fo dat."

I read an opinion piece about getting to diamond on reddit today and how a "diamond player" can mean someone anyone that plays like diamond tier. I agree with that, but there is everything to indicate that there are also bad players in every tier and division. The main point being that if you play like a diamond, eventually your MMR, Tier Division and LP will eventually denote that. Maybe you only play mid and top lane at diamond level and have a hard time jungling. At the end of the day if you aren't able to get diamond, you are still not diamond. For the purpose of this discussion we will assume that every player has the potential to be diamond and will have different expected MMR/ELO outcomes for each role. Now what does this mean?

As mentioned in that thread, there was a big emphasis on players being able to play mu…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide