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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

It's Going to be a Long Summer...

Well, it is that time again in the year. Time for summer which means that there is little time for League. So, it looks like I have a lot of work to do in the time where my internet that I am running off my phone actually decides to work for me. The summer list is:

[1] Attempt to play somewhat to keep some skill (haha skill good joke)
[2] Work on my new jungle guide featuring J4, Nunu, Voli, Nasus, and Shen. Hopefully I will get time to work on that around work.
[3] Be more active in Moba Life. I really want to use more guides to see how people play as well as help people with ideas and champs.

Hopefully I can do at least number 3, but we will see!


The start of something....okay who am I kidding.

Jungle is my primary role, my delight, my beloved. I don't normally like to counter jungle however I suppose it is effective. =D I can jungle most people, yes even those that seem to have no place in current meta. far as there are two solo lanes IDGAF about.

Simple reasons.
One) No matter how many times it happens people always seem to forget that every champ is powerful. It should be less about ensuring there is an AP mid, and more about ensuring team compatibility.
Two) Top lane. If you have a problem fighting you're top. Speak up. Sometimes us junglers have a hard time seeing everything that happens on the map. And you're creep wave position rarely tells us whether you actually need help or not.
Three) Mid....Don't first or second pick an easily countered champ. I know what some of you are thinking and yes, yes it is possible to counter a champion despite player skill.
Four) ADC and Support need to get along. They're practically married. And Junglers HATE havign to get i…

Femines Fatales!

Welcome back! Up for some more art?


Hi again guys, I'm glad to see you've liked my posts so far!
This post will be dedicated to female versions of champions! We'll get to see what other summoners thought of a female Garen, Taric,

Recently Joined!

Hello! I recently joined MobaFire, and I discovered that there is quite a lot of you here :)
Anyway, I also made an Ezreal Guide just now and I need help to improve it.
And I hope you can take the time to check it out and maybe give me some feedback? :)
(By commenting not just down/up voting).
Thank you very much :)

Never Surrender.

Hello guys!
Today I wanna talk about motivation and about things that makes you win.

So actually I am working on my project which I call " Road to the golden ribbon" which makes me play ranked games. I gave myself a deadline to the beggining of the summer holidays I will join The golden Division V. I am currently in silver II, started from silver V.

On my way I met people, who simply tries to destroy your game and ruin your plan. Imagine that I met guy who said he will support the opposite team, by giving them free kils on himself so I can loose my promotional series. I am asking what the ***k is wrong with people?
> What makes you seat at home and waste your time trying to poison other people life?

Despite the fact that there is hunger, children are dying on a street and chinese people eat dogs, lol matters for me. It's my passion in which I involve a lot of time and I am satisfied and proud of myself when I get a succes.

On the other hands, what about people who ask about surren…

Ezreal Montage # 1 (Season 3)

Hello again, CloudCarry stopping in to share my Ezreal montage from season 3. I took footage from the last 2 months and put together some of the nicer plays with my main hero.

There's ap and ad ezreal games in the mix. I'm probably going to do jax, vayne or teemo montages next. Not sure.

Also please follow my twitch and check out my VODS in the highlights section

Apparently I found a Jungler I can Jungle with

Been playing support like **** lately. I managed to drop my Lulu win pct below 40% because i wanted to improve with her so badly that I just kept playing her over and over again without actually playing better. Probably had to do with the fact that I decided to play a gazillion games straight without any rest. Brain needs rest yo.

During that stretch of games, I've been kicked out of support a couple times, so I decided to jungle with Jax, whom I've jungled once or twice, but at lower elos.

Funny thing happened. I kept winning with him.

It's a small sample size, but I'm 5-1 so far. I'm usually not a great jungler, but for some reason, I seem to be in the right places and the right time with him. One game, I was literally everywhere at the right time, it was crazy.

So I guess he's my go-to jungler if I ever get forced out of support. Hurray, playing more than one role.

If anyone's interested, I go Madred's, Locket, Frozen Fist, and Randuin's. Tanky

EUNE allstars #2

As some advised i started normal draft games, feels a bit better than blinds, but takes about twice as much to get matched... and still getting matched with these every now and then.

Just how is it possible that these people got to lvl 30 and have same or more wins than i do????

I think I fell in love with LoL again.

So a few minutes ago I played a game as Darius(it was 3v3). I'm a "slow" learner when it comes to champs. I need about 10 games to get the hang of them. Well, I go in thinking "Here we go I'ma drag my team down." As soon as I finish this thought, we break out into a fight. I start hitting my mouse like crazy, and doing basic attacking. I see "First Blood" and see my bf's brother die. I'm like **** but wait I see "You have slain an enemy" "Double Kill!" TRIPLE KILL!" "Ace". My bf says, "Damn baby,show no mercy huh?" I'm thinking to myself, "Did I really do that?" Its been awhile since I've aced.

So we're playing well. Their Lee Sin is getting pissed because every time he would run my bf who was Kass comes in and kills him. He says to us, "Kass, I'ma **** you and your mother." By this time I have 7 kills under my belt and I'm now purposely targeting their Lee Sin because he's just going off. I'm getting a kick out of killing him. I kinda feel bad now lol.

I went 12/1/3. It's not ab…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide