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Ashe 19 - 20 KILLS

Hello everyone my name is Daniel and this is my personal build for ASHE !!

RUNES : Precision , Press the attack , Overheal , Legend : Alacrity, Coup De Grace, Sorcery , Celerity and Waterwalking for more speed on the water when you want to run from the enemy.


1. Berserker`s Greaves ( Speed )
2. Infinity Edge ( Doubles your attack )
3. Runaan`s Hurricane ( More speed )
4. Statikk Shiv ( Speed and slows the enemy )
5. Bloodthirster ( Shield and high damage )
6. Phantom Dancer ( Best item for speed )

The idea of this build is quite simple , if you first have enough speed the damage comes more quickly. Never engage in a fight without first 4 items. Ashe is a slow charachter untill you make the full build so you have to wait for the right oportunity.

The Lotus Order

The Lotus Order
Two years have passed since the great battle fought in Placidium against the Noxians. Ionia remains beautiful and radiant; its waterfalls, the rivers that flow harmoniously with the sound of the breeze, its lush gardens full of flowers, fruits and a pleasant aroma, the sun shines giving life to everything that radiates, filling with its warmth every corner of so precious place.
     The Ionian do not forget that horrible struggle, where so many relatives, friends and acquaintances gave their lives to defend their home and their loved ones, nor forget those who remain standing guarding the well-being of their nation, the harmony and peace they love so much. That is why they have been reborn as phoenix from the ashes and have reconstructed everything that once was made of rubble, they have replanted every flower, every tree, every grass devastated by the flames.

     From that day, when the young Irelia was appointed captain of the Ionian Guard, peace had

Who do I ban?

As an ADC main I have delved lots of hours into completely learning the role. I didn't play ranked this season because of how bad the role got near to mid season but i believed it is now better. From playing lots of games as each ADC and having a very good understanding of the game I will be telling you who to ban as each ADC.

Ashe: Ashe is immobile and her highest counter is Miss Fortune, yet I believe that when playing Ashe a skilled player can win a matchup against Miss Fortune, yet assassins are far more countering to her. I suggest banning the most broken assassin at the current moment who is currently Kayn.
Caitlyn: Caitlyn isn't the most safe ADC to play, her only escape being flash or E so you need to ban a champion who can punish that in the mid-game. That champion is typically Ezreal, Jhin or Draven. I think Draven is the best ban.
Draven: Draven is a broken champion and has been for a long time. He doesn't have any particular counters yet his weakest point is short trades i…

My Top 3 Junglers

1. Master Yi - Great early game, insane scaling, can 1v9 easily, right clicking op.

2. Jax - Average early game, insane scaling, can 1v9 easily, alot of great CC, alot of Mixed Damage so they can't just build 1 resistence, really tanky late.

3. Rengar - Great early, insane level 3 kill potential, average scaling, burst champion, can 1 shot squishies, great to carry with, single target damage, great mechanics.

New Dark Harvest insane for Rengar Top

I have been experimenting with the New Dark Harvest on Rengar.

PASSIVE: Damaging a champion below 50% of their maximum health by any mean deals 50 − 80 (based on level) (+ 8 per Soul) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 15% AP) bonus Adaptive damage and reaps 1 Soul. This cannot happen again for 45 seconds, resetting to 1.5 seconds on champion Damage takedown.

This gives Rengar great lane trading against squishy champions, and with the Domination path you get extra lethality and damage, movement speed that helps rengar burst and roam.

This is my Rune Selection

Katarina Main talk

I always wanted to see Katarina be played at the highest level since it is such a potent assassin but because of her kit, she never gets to be played because in skirmish she sucks against every other mage or assassin with cc. Can we just ask Riot to fix this issue? Its a shame there are champions like Katarina who don't get to be played ever or even buffed.

Which Champion Shall I Learn? pt5

What Champion Shall I learn?

Today I will be talking about which champions are best to learn for the Support role. This will be split into five categories: Sustain; Teamfighting; CC availability; Tank and Roaming.

Sustain: Soraka offers lots of sustain with her W and R and is, in reality a HP slave with an annoying silence.She can stand at the back of fights spamming W and keeping squishy team members from dying.

Teamfighting: Alistar is a great Teamfighter because of both his tankiness and his ability to keep members of his team alive and allow for kills. He is grear=t to leanr as he is, in my opinion, the best support in the current meta.

CC availability: Morgan is notorious for being able to tie people down and zone in situations. Her Q is a long duration root, her W is a slow, Her E allows for any member of her team to not be CCed and her R is a stun. She is perfect if you want to get a pick and allows for a game to snowball more effectively.

Tank: The best champion in the sup…


Ok so I started playing vayne not too long ago. Hoping to use her to climb in the next seasona nd all. In all honestly i suck at her. Like at all parts of playing the game with her, not just farming or combat.

So i had a question i thought id bring to you all, as a community.

Is there a certain mindset you get into when playing certain champions? Like playing when playing different ad carries. And if so what are they? Are you thinking "Farm farm farm farm" Or are you thinking something more along the line of " I need to be here so i can kill them"or like in team fights and such thinking "I can outdamage him him and him".

Maaybe this is a silly question maybe its not. Maybe no one will even know what i'm talking about, and maybe no one will respond. But i would love to hear what you all have to say, especially on vayne in particular.

If you don't know what i'm trying to say well just keep on with your day

Which Champion Shall I Learn? pt4

What Champion Shall I learn?

Today I will be talking about which champions are best to learn for the ADC role. This will be split into five categories: Waveclear; trading power; late game power; Duelling and Teamfighting.

Waveclear: Sivir has impeccable waveclear at 1 or 2 items and is very successful in 1-3-1 comps. If you want to be able to pin an enemy under tower then Sivir is perfect.

Trading Power- Miss Fortune is great at trading in lane. An E and Q bounce can cut an enemy's health by half and it can allow Miss Fortune to become a massive threat.

Late game power: Twitch is notoriously the best late game champion and shreds both squishies and tanks at full build. He is perfect to learn as a late game champion.

Duelling: Lucian has a very good ability at being a duelist. He offers lots of damage in short trades where he can use his abilities.

Teamfighting: Kai'sa is the best ADC right now in my opinion and should be in every ADC's arsenal. Her passive is great for both burs…

Which Champion Shall I Learn? pt3

What Champion SHall I Learn?

Today I will be talking about which champions are best to learn for the mid lane. This will be split into five categories: Early game power; Late game power; Side lane pressure; Teamfighting and Roaming.

Early game power: A good champion for early game power is Twisted Fate. His Q allows for reliable waveclear and poke along with his cards to allow for good trades in lane.

Late game power: Kassadin is a very strong late game mage and deals lots of damage once she collects her items.

Side Lane Pressure: A very good champion from the mid lane for side lane pressure is Ryze and once learned properly, Ryze is very rewarding as he can give lots of rewards.

Teamfighting: In a teamfight you want a champion with lots of damage and the ability to reach the backline. For this, Vladimir is the best because of his pool and the ability to deals tons of damage to everyone with just 2 or more items.

Roaming: Galio's R is perfect for roaming. It allows him to get to…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide