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Sivir, The Big Foot, Unknown </3, ADC

Sivir vs Ashe
vs Ezreal
vs Caitlyn
Well most people think Sivir's one of those adc's you see in early 1-15 levels then you don't see her again. Why is this? Long range Q with great damage output,like Varus's Q. A extra damage basic attack like Vayne's Q, but then bounces to 5 other units, which is very useful. Then has a spell shield blocking any spell, even Kathus's 144 sec cooldown global ult ;).
Then has a speed, attack speed buff that causes your team to win team fights and great for chasing down enemies especially with her passive that lets you never let a kill go by. BUT still is overlooked. Why exactly well she looks TERRABAD, her skins are not impressive at all except the one you get in a 3900 RP bundle, shes has HUGE FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Overall she just looks very bad. Riot really needs to update her visually. Then her lore which is a real estate owner.... now you know why Sivir's not played and Riot really needs to update her figure,lore,FIX THEM DAMN BIG FEET,…

Oh Dear

First, the teams: Kayle (me), Vayne, Nasus, Kha'Zix, and Ahri vs. Panth, Cait, Lee Sin, Sejuani, and Lux.

Was forced to do support Kayle by an instalock Nasus. In Ranked.

Funnily enough, Vayne and I did pretty well vs. Panth and Cait. But Nasus fed Lee, Kha'Zix never or rarely ganked (thankfully neither did their Sej), and we lost all three outer towers really quickly. I tried my hardest.

Vayne, in the meantime, kept running off on his/her own midgame while the rest of the team was trying to be productive. Nasus tried to do well, I could tell, but both he and Vayne were really caustic.

I really had fun when Vayne was trying and Ahri was even (vs. Lux) in her lane. Then the team fell apart, everyone kept running off in their own directions. It was sad and really annoying.

Am I angry? No. No point in being angry at a game. Am I disappointed that Vayne and Nasus would do that to their team? Very much so. It makes me want to get out of Bronze (and then Silver) so much. I've had this s…

i hate this game

cant buy a win. **** this game. doesnt matter how good i do, cant win. before anyone says the standard answer of, oh dont focus on your teams mistakes, focus on your own, i just want to say there is literally nothing i can do to rectify some of these criminal mistakes my teammates have made in 90% of these games on this 30 game skid ive had. nothing.

Just got on MobaFire!

Hey Guys! As you can see, i just got here, and i'm a brand new user. I created an account on MobaFire because i wanted to make some builds and comment and rate the existing ones :D. I main Mages (Mid,AP) but i also play support. I don't play ranked, therefore i'm not in a high division or anything :D. Well this has been my intro and i hope to make some builds soon! :D


I REALLY wanna rework some of my guides but I feel so lazy at the moment.. :/ Kat guide has received a lot of unnecessary love over the past..year? sooo after I finish the guide I'm currently working on I guess I'll start working on those reworks starting with the Kat guide. After that I'll re-do my whole Riven guide and then the same with my Singed guide. Had to archive those cause they were so old :(

The good thing about redoing the guides is that cause of my Guide Reviewing Shop I can actually make the guides even better than they were previously. Hopefully the re-works will turn out okay :3

Looking for a good 3150

Hey I have reached 3150 for the first time and have somehow not spent it on a cheaper champion that I never use.
I want to know a good champion that is 3150 that can really pack-a-punch very quickly
I have looked at them and Katarina feels to be the safest choice
But I have felt that she might be too squshy and they looked at Mordekaiser
This went on and on and I felt I need the community to settle this
Thanks in advance!

Experiences in solo queue!

Once upon a time, there was a man named Crudsman McMuffin. He decided one day to play a game called League of Legends. He just got into Silver V and wanted to keep ranking up because he was finally away from people who are hard to work with. He goes top and picks Garen. A little way in the game, he notices that his bot lane was not doing to well and the enemy Miss Fortune started to get fed! Even though the bot lane is just pushing and getting killed against this MF, they decided to blame the jungler. We then found out that they were Duo Queuing so they refuse to blame themselves! The bot lane wonder Duo kept feeding until their was nothing the rest of the team could do, even though Top and Mid lanes both won their lane. Through this entire time, the bot lane wonder Duo would rage and be very ignorant to their terrible plays.

This, my friends, is an average day playing solo queue in bronze in silver. I can understand if all the better players think this makes me a noob for being in Si…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide