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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Evelynn - Smexy Bich

So, after the original buff they gave here a few months back I tried her again and found she was a lot more viable as a champ in general and played her infrequently. I knew she had high damage potential and was never disappointed when I played her even if it ended in a loss. When I heard they nerfed her again due to AP Eve being severely OP (wouldn't know, never tried) I picked her up again to see if it affected the build I made for her and found it didn't hurt her in the slightest.

She is a very deadly very ganky and very smexy champ. I usually play her as a Top/Roamer so I sometimes push hard and take my tower ASAP so I can free myself up to roam around to mid or even sometimes bot to help out if they're having issues or we wana do a dive 4 man on them to secure domination there.

What always surprised me was her team fight presences, her ult is OP IMO, especially if you hit 3 or more champs with it... I could just sit in a team fight after that and do major sustained damage or focu…

Mundo - A Force of Nature.

So I've been trying various champions lately that I normally don't play, my standard meta is usually APC or Supports. I dabble in Jungle and Top Lane but it's by no means my best skill level.

Mundo isn't new to me but lately my skill level on champs I was never good with has gotten to the point where I've been trying them again. Today was one of those days where I researched, crafted my own build, and went on a literal rampage. I figured out that early game with his Q (cleaver throw) he can harass quite well and still be a little passive in the Laning Phase.

First game was a Nasus and I straight dominated him. With his regen and outright bruiser style of play I had to be a little more aggressive than I'm used to but it paid off in a big way.

Second game I played was a Jayce, now this was a lot of back and forth, he got me early but I stuck to my guns and had a pair of really good ganks early by Kha'Zix which eventually lead to Jayce just not able to burst me down or even harass effe…

The Mundo Season

It's time again, fellas! Mundo is free to play again and that means ... i just hit 4 million views on my Mundo guide. I always love the Mundo Season, where Noobs and Low-lvls come and visit the guide to improve their knowledge on a character that has caught their attention.
I am honored to recieve 100k views per day peope. Just honored and proud. Thank you Mundo Season.
Thank You


..I submitted a replay of a nice juke + bait I did to Protatomonster and I dunno if it'll get accepted or not but I hope it does cause I've always wanted to be seen there :D next week is week 100 so I'll be a really happy panda if they actually do give me one of the top 5 spots.


p.s - jk I would never kill xD

Hi Guys :)


Hai guys :3

Well I am ToppingOffMidLane (Tomp). I chose this name because I like top and middle... I know, I am a cleva fella (that rhymes ^^). Well I am new here, so yea.

What I plan to do (WIPTD)

*Guides for Shen, Udyr, and Xerath
*Being active in the community


Ok, well this is all I have for my first blog... Post below suggestions or guestions for next weeks post!


Top Facts V2 -5- Elise

The coding should work as soon as Elise is added to moba database.
Making this to add to my complete top lane guide.

something to listen to while you read

Champion Overview:

Elise is a semi tanky AP semi assassin champion. The reason I have the semis in there is due to the fact that she does not excel at either, BUT she does both. Just because I say semi, that does not mean she cannot make them work BUT it takes a decent deal of knowledge of knowing when to be in each mode. The versatility of her kil allows her to excel in the top lane as she has poking abilities as well as the ability to dual enemies 1v1 as well. Her matchups are very good as well in laning phase BUT her lategame does require you to have a team that can engage for you.

Skills Overview:

I Feel Sad

Within the past 6 normal games that I did, we lost because of people either going AFK, or nobody was focusing the problem. Even when I was telling them to focus the problem down, they'd still let the problem go ahead and kill them while they're busy killing the non-threats. I'm still very salty about a lot of these.

Game 1: Elise (10/9/3)




So I had a 50/52 Win/Loss Ratio in Ranked so I figured..why not try and at least fix that before the season ends. So I listened to this song called "Hall of Fame" (I'll link it below) for some inspiration and:

Game 1 - Played as Singed against Malphite. No kills for either one at top lane but he did lose his turret and my teammates were constantly fighting so it's a miracle we won. I actually went in Kamikaze mode and made it my mission to kill their carries (Vayne and Orianna) so we won.

Game 2 - Again as Singed. This time we completely dominated and they surrendered at 20. Funny thing is I played against one of my counters (Teemo) and I beat him. I dunno why but I always somehow beat my counters..dunno why and how.

Game 3 - They didn't give a **** about where I wanted to go and since my Ez was banned I had to go AD Kenny. Early game it was like 12/4 for us and Jax was mega fed. Then Shen starts split pushing and no one peels for me so they keep killing me with Leona + Skarner init

It's taking too long ZZZZzzzz

I wrote a guide yesterday and damn..after not writing a guide for several weeks I have to say that to me it seemed like writing it took a lot of time. I didn't even add a lot of BB Coding and it still took a lot of time....let's see..I started writing the guide at about 9 pm and finished at about 2 5 hours..god..does it take you guys a long time to write guides too?

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide