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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.


No, I didn't call mia. Guess what? I don't give a flying fadoodle. I have 2 wards top. You could have looked at the map and seen him. It's 16 minutes into the game. Get some friggin' wards. What's that? Oh, my apologies. I had NO IDEA that you're saving up for a deathcap. My bad. You don't need wards if you call mias, amiright?

Sorry, I had to vent a lil bit. Seriously though, mia's are ******ed. Just look at the map.

Twitch Rework???

Does any one else think the new Twitch is much weaker than it was thought to be pre-release. I don'y use PBE so IDK how new it is for you guys. But they pretty much got rid of his "Long Term Stealth". His max stealth is only around 10 seconds. Although he always does get the attack speed boost, his q has pretty much become a Wukong


Right, tonight I was thinking of taking more hands on approach rather than just streaming games, as by now I'm sure most of you get it, I can only play Ezreal :p. So tonight there will be shout casting by me and my friend KingOfUU (he's not a mobafire user sadly, I shall turn him!), and I shall go through other guides on mobafire for viewers and give them my opinions on it! Be sure to leave the guides you want me to go through in the comments and time that would be preferable for you and your guide ^^. At about 23-00 GMT +0 the fun shall begin! Until then it's just going to be solo queue, work on my Ezreal guide and Death note ^^. ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!!! yehosera, out.

In case you're wondering who me and kingofuu are at this time he is 1649 elo and I am 1783 elo on the euw server proof KingOfUU and I are genuine ^^. As a bonus if enough people ask, we will share our solo queue tactics!

Shaco, the Demon Jester, Pt. 3 Teaser

hey guys, Its me again. Decided i've waited too long to get back to this, so i wrote a quick page and decided i would turn it in to the public for a quick taste! I've decided to write some mystery into Shaco's past with this, as well, just as an easter egg. Let me know what you think so far!

This is the long-awaited final part 3 of my Shaco lorecraft! Sorry for the wait... I frankly forgot that I was working on it (mah bad...).


Flashes of a blood caked knife with a gleaming edge, men falling with open throats, cries of pain and sorrow. Gliding through an ocean of bodies, all of them screaming from between clenched teeth and painfully twisted faces, lips pulled up tightly, wailing in a sadistic eulogy to the joyful damned. Shaco was an unstoppable force, killing again all those he had killed before. Strike after strike, his arms never grew weary, and his thirst was never slated. More and more he slew, going back further and further into his past, until he came upon a slight man

Top Facts -50- Blitzcrank

Champion Overview:

Blitzcrank (Blitz as I will call him from here on) is a tanky Dps top laner capable of locking down and disrupting enemy teams as well as initiating fights. Blitz is very powerful at receiving ganks as well as bullying enemies with low sustain out of lane. Blitz has a rough start, but once he gets into the swing of things he is capable of easily cleaning up the enemy team and winning games for his team. Blitz top also brings a pull to the table for endgame allowing even games that should be lost to be won with just a good pull.

Skills Overview:

Mana Barrier- When Blitzcrank's life is brought below 20% health, he creates a Mana Barrier, a shield with 50% of his current mana, which lasts 10 seconds. The activation doesn't consume any mana. This effect has a one minute cooldown.
This passive is so strong. Its like a heal bait in a passive. Late game when you have alot of mana this skill will act like another hp bar for you. The one thing to note is that this s…

The Journey into Ranked and Beyond

This basically just gonna be a post about all my games from lvl 26(almost27) to whenever i decide to stop. Its also just so i can look back and see how im doing and if others want they can tell me tips they notice from certain things. I will probably only tell about my draft pick/ranked games cause normal blind pick is just me playing to test for the most part, or play with a friend. Hope you enjoy and can also help me
Also if you have any small tips for how to improve your CS in a game please leave a comment or send me a massage cause that is my biggest weakness as an AP carry is that i either cant last hit for **** or i spend to much time roaming trying to gank other peoples lanes.

Game 1-LVL 26() {Win} 3/0/1 [79cs] Annie v. Lux
This game we did a lvl 1 invade on the enemy jungler, lee sin's red buff and pushed him out. went to lane and farmed and killed lux right after she picked up blue buff and then just zoned her out. out lvling her 11 to 8. Lee Sin came in for a gank and i kill…

ERBOLOL: Evelynn Versus Shaco #1

Hello there this is Mint and I figured that you guys got bored og my Champion Spotlights so I brought some thing else to this blog now I'll hand the Mic over to Dr. Mundo.

Dr. Mundo: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Epic Rap Battles Of League Of Legends! Where we have Shaco versus Evelynn! Begin!

Evelynn: Hey! There you are just like the Joker without the scar. Think I'm fraid of a failed circus act? Draven got more class than you, He throws axes you throw daggers how ridiculous is that?

Shaco: Hey there girl, you blue in the face im the apocalyse that threw the human race. In 2012 they'll be knowing my name as Shaco, The Demon Jester me and the Joker aren't the same. You got no skill they had to buff you to make you strong, I was OP since i was made am I wrong?

Evelynn: Nah dude you just broke and you know it, you may be a good jungler and a built in flash but dont worry I'll put you down fast! Better say your sorry you sick, ugly clown, you face is all messed up lika frown ups…

Annunciation: New YouTube movies! ( League of Stories )

Hello everyone

After a long time without writing in my blog, I come here for a reason very cool.

I'm here to talk to you about my last two videos on YouTube. I believe it will be a series about my events with my friends in matches in the game.

I ask you to watch and "like" these movies, so you can help me with this new "job".

Good game to everyone!

See below the movies

Skin Ideas

Hey everyone this is Mint my new Ryze Guide is complete! (With a few minor things left out) but go check it out Ryze, an Amazing Bookworm by Mintleaves

So heres some skin ideas that if they ever woere to get to Riot i would thank the person who took them.

Number One: Batman Shen

Q Change: His knife instead he throws his bat-shaped blades

W Change: Shen surrounds himself with his cape

E Change: Shen jumps toards his opponent not dashes

R Change: Shen jumps in the air to his target sheilding them with his cloak and when he arrives the cloak dissapears

Number Two: Batgirl Evelyn

Q Change: Instead of spikes she throws a line of Bat-Shaped Blades

W Change: Same thing except when she comes out of stealth her cloak like unshrouds her

E Change: Looks like the same thing

R Change: She throws a net at her opponent instead of a circle

Number Three: Robin-Jarvan

Q Change: Instead of his spear lunging several times he shoots his robin ray several times

W Change: Robin throws h…

Last Whisper vs The Black Cleaver on Corki

I saw in a game of TPA vs CLGblack a puzzling thing on their Corki player: He got Last Whisper, which confused me... why would you have an item that is made less effective by his own e? I understand for high armor targets it may be better, but on corki, with 16 arpen from runes and masteries, and 10 % arpen, attacking with a full spray from Gatling Gun and giving 3 stacks of The Black Cleaver means you reduce their armor by a full 85, then you penetrate 16, so you penetrate 101 armor and penetrate an additional 10%. But what may confuse some Corki players is the "fine print" on his E: "The armor reduction persists as long as the enemy is under continuous fire". This is semi-ambiguous. Does this mean if you turn away from them for a second it disappears? Does it persist for the duration? Whatever the answer, the choice is obvious: Last Whisper is the much better buy, as BOTH methods of reduction are only temporary (the full effect of the armor reduction path only lasts at max 4 seconds …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide