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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

League of Legends Patch 2016

league of legends
You may have already seen our early work with the ability power itemization changes in patch 5.13 to the juggernaut update in 5.16, but our goal for 2016 is to make each game of League of Legends feel unique. From the different champion strengths you bring, to the items you take to battle, all the way to the masteries you choose - we want your decisions to matter and have a clear impact on how each game plays out.

some photos of the new season and champ gude

The life of a Bronze girl trying to climb up

So this is my first post ever. Basically the life of a League of Legends player isn't always easy you know between your typical trolls, and flamers , and all the salt that comes with the rift. Or even worse when your internet ****s out on you and dodges the final ranked match in your series so no silver for you. I personally started playing League in 2013 so a couple of years now. I started out as an ADC main but was only so good at it, then I found support and fell in love, it was the first role I felt really comfortable in. I used to be very kill hungry tower diving every chance I got like a typical new player with no real concept of the game it took some getting used to. There is so much that goes into League its crazy to think about. Understating champion mechanics and how to counter pick, counter ward, map awareness, noticing the timers on summoner spells, being able to time dragon, and baron, when to split push, and when to group, how to position correctly paying attention to cha…

Workout blog for those whom are interested

Hello friends.

This is basically me trying my best to cover information one would find useful if they were to start working out from point zero which means no previous experience or information. There are probably better ways of doing things as I am no expert but I can help out through mistakes I made and through my experiences from when I started to this day. I've been working out for ~1.5 years soon myself with the help of Finnish weightlifting competitor.

The starting

Everyone recommends going to a gym as a starting point but I didn't like that option too much. Gyms can be intimidating and are very crowded so you can't just do your own thing as you need to take others in consideration too. I went to a nearby gym for a month at the beginning but I dropped out after that. What I found better was buy equipment to home and go to the gym later on with friends when I actually knew what I was doing but I don't even find going to the gym all that necessary.

So I recommend buying equip…

China's Underperformance at Worlds

China did not have a good showing at worlds this year compared to past seasons. Season 3 and 4 both saw a Chinese team in the finals as well as a higher number of Chinese teams making it to quarterfinals either due to good performances during group stages or receiving a bye past group stages. However, the reasons behind China's underperformance this year were not new problems, just that the tournament structure and environment this season placed a larger emphasis onto the areas where Chinese teams have traditionally lacked.

In order to further elaborate on this topic, the major patches leading up to worlds and the drastic meta shifts must be highlighted. There is a consensus within the community that the implementation of major patches right before worlds was a poor decision on Riot's part. Having champion reworks, meta shifts, and a large number of number tweaks generally takes time to properly balance. Riot tried to maintain this balancing condition by reassuring players that the mu…

Workout blog?

Hello friends.

I've been thinking about writing up a blog on how to start working out. I personally got motivated into working out in my first year of college/high school from a blog post like this in a gaming forum so I thought about making one here but I'm not sure if anyone planning to start workout or would just find this kind of blog useful.

I'll tell my story;

Originally the idea of starting to workout began in 7th grade but it sounded really unrealistic to start going to the gym and do something to actually get in a better shape because I had zero information on how to train or what's the ideal workout plan.

I noticed a blog post in a gaming forum about someone getting from being overweight into competing in bodybuilding competitions. This was around 9th grade I guess but I was still unsure but it was really motivational. I happend to be lucky enough to have Finland's 18-20 year olds bronze medalist in weightlifting as my neighbour few years later and he advised me in a rea…

The Spider Queen

This probably will not be that informative for seasoned Elise players, but I happen to be trying to improve my play with her, so I'm using this space to write down things I've discovered/learned/re-learned.

Re-learned? Yeah. I played Elise a decent amount before her most recent "re-work" and some things about her have changed. Not in huge ways pre se, but changes in skill ordering, item builds, and combo rotations are worth debugging in a custom game even on your favorite champs. Go find a good guide or video on them and see if you are doing things in a way that makes sense given the current state of the game.

Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy

Case in point. I just read the description of her abilities and I got reminded (I did read this in the patch notes, but I was still thinking her sustain came from her E) that

OTG's Story Snippets, 1: The Hammer

Hey Mobafire. So I've been working on my BS and all that and looking for something to channel my thoughts into something constructive. I settled on writing short stories for fun that I'll share here.

Note; My stories will all likely be based around my characters in Guild Wars 2. I like to design intricate backstories for them all, and they are just fun to write about. So anyway, here's my first short story. I hope you enjoy! :]

Frantically he raced through his workshop, ams over full with pieces of scrap metal, bolts and other bits and baubles. His jacket was fully capable of containing all of these parts but he preferred the "mad scientist rush". It was more exciting that way. Upon his desk where he thrown down his materials, Jayce Hawthorne gazed upon the blueprints for his greatest creation yet.
"Today is the day. They're finally letting me build it." He said under his breath, a smirk consuming his face.
"Score update: You, 1. ArenaNet, 14,256." Echoed a robotic voice from d

How to make your ADC really cranky

Going to talk about ADC because they are so item dependent for their strength and they don't lane alone and commonly have visitors to their lane via Mid roams, jungler ganks, or Teleport ganks from their Top laner.

If you get a kill and you can't quickly take the turret, do not nuke the damn minion wave. Help your ADC quickly push the minion wave but give the majority of the CS to them. By all means Mr or Mrs Jungler/Mid/Top take a CS or two if you got a kill or blew a flash. You probably missed some farm when you roamed and I understand the need to make some of that up.

But don't be the Lee Sin that comes in and uses

About Me

I am CommonSense12, a NA League player. I started about 7 months ago, so I am not that good of a player, but I think I am not a toxic nor unskilled player (Not bragging). I think I could 1v1 a bronze player with my mained champion (Irelia), if we did not have any runes/masteries.

How I play:
I usually play as a team, so I don't split push that much. Im not like a person who only split pushes. I usually roam bot or mid, and I like to communicate with my teammates. I am the type of player that would try to give kills to feeders, not the the type to scream at them.

Hope I explained enough about myself, If anyone sees this I would like to talk to you :). Hope to see you in my matches, Good luck and Have fun.

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide