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Janna Build Guide by Extasion

Support [7.15] Guns don't kill people but Janna does - Best Guide !

Support [7.15] Guns don't kill people but Janna does - Best Guide !

Updated on August 26, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Extasion Build Guide By Extasion 11,722 Views 4 Comments
11,722 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Extasion Janna Build Guide By Extasion Updated on August 26, 2017
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


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Table of Contents


About Me

Hello summoner and welcome to my Janna Guide ! My name is Alex, a Gold rated player on the EUW server and I'll be your guide for today. I main the support role and Janna is one of my favorite supports ! She's really fun and I hope I'll make you love her as much as I do.
So now, without further a do let's get right into the guide !

Pros / Cons


+ High movement speed
+ Amazing peel
+ Easy to play
+ Great disengage
+ Very useful kit

Janna is a very easy champion to pick up, she is very mobile, has a lot of disengage tools and an amazing shield. Thanks to Zephyr's passive, she is very fast which allows her to roam with ease throughout the entire map.
In addition, she is very well-rounded as a support, she is a utility champion that has a lot to offer to her team.


- She's underrage
- Squishy
- Low damage
- Team reliant

Although Janna is a very mobile champion, she's nonetheless very squishy (and even more, early, with my rune page set up) and does barely no damage. You will have to play carefully all along the game, you could disappear in a wink ( Riven, Katarina and so on).
You won't be able to carry game on your own, she needs a team to perform.


Who are you ?
--> On the EUW server my name is Swallow It Daddy, I'm currently a 20yo gold player.

Where are you from ?
--> I'm from France, no, not from Paris.

What do you main, which champs ?
--> I main support and top. I play a lot of Janna, Soraka, Lulu, Vladimir, Riven, Zyra and Fiora.

Which adc synergize well with Janna ?
--> Janna can be played with every adc, but she's stronger with high AS and AA reliant adc's. If your adc builds Runaan's Hurricane, I promise, it is free LP, you can not lose.

For how much will I shield with your full build ?
--> I did the maths and if you choose Athene's Unholy Grail instead of Mikael's Blessing or vice versa (it doesn't matter, you will have the same amount of shield) you will reach around 800. Yes, you will shield for 800HP. Plus, your E will increase their AD by 80. Your ultimate will heal for 600HP per second for 3 seconds for a total of 1800hp.
I personnaly prefer Mikael's Blessing because even though Athene's Unholy Grail will offer +250 heal everytime it is full stacked, Mikael's Blessing offers me a "QSS" and A LOT of HP regen, plus, everytime you will use your Redemption, you will offer 200 more HP to your team.

I love you, what can I do ?
--> Like this guide and spread the word : onch-onch.



Flat AP

Flat Armor
  • Greater Mark of Armor : Since you will be fighting against a marksman you want at least some armor otherwise you'll be low health very quickly, be forced to back, lose XP and golds.

Flat AP
  • Greater Glyph of Ability Power : For the same reasons as the quints, you want to increase your shields. If you think you WILL really struggle against their AP support (Zyra, Brand), you can take MR, however, since we have scaling HP in our seals (HP scales better than MR, it's better), you might not need it if you play safe like I suggest.

Flat HP
  • Greater Seal of Health : As a support, you want health in your seals, it's way more efficient than armor botlane. You have to use these to get extra health that will help you get through the early game.
    For more efficienty, you want to get Veteran's Scars in your mastery tree, you will have a total of +122HP at level 1, that's why it is more interesting to get flat HP seals.


The mastery page
This mastery tree is very common for every shield and healing champions like Lulu, Soraka, Karma and so on, so no need to really explain, just read the description of these masteries and you'll understand by yourself.
The only thing that might be different is Veteran's Scars , I take this since I ran flat HP in my runes, it allows me to have more HP and stay a bit longer in lane.
Also, I prefer Explorer over Tough Skin because I roam often, so it's easier and faster for me to roam and get back to lane ASAP.

For your adc :

I have a piece of advice for you, if your adc is a high AS and AA reliant champ, ask him to change his mastery tree, tell him not to put 12 points into the Cunning Tree but into the Resolve Tree like this :
Resolve Tree

Tier 1 : You want to put 5 points in Recovery because your adc won't benefit from Unyielding and since you don't have Secret Stash you need that extra-sustain.
Tier 2 : The only mastery that will benefit for your adc here is Tough Skin , it will help him against the poke.
Tier 3 : Here you want to put your 5 points into Runic Armor over Veteran's Scars since he will benefit more from your shields, heals and his lifesteal (e.g. your ardent censer pasive, his bloodthrister, etc.)
Tier 4 : Adc's have around 35 armor and 40 MR (with the runes) level 1, around 45 lvl 6. Let's imagine : Caitlyn against Syndra, with this mastery ( Fearless ), at lvl 6, when Syndra will ult Caitlyn, Caitlyn will gain around 15 more armor and MR for 2 seconds (9s CD), which means you won't be oneshot. You have to know that Sorcerer's Shoes gives 15 MP, with this mastery it'll be like Syndra never bought these shoes. It is a very valuable item to avoid getting oneshoted. Plus, you will take less damage everytime they try to poke you.

Summoner Spells

- Flash : this summoner spell is a must have on 95% of the champions in this game, you need it for several reasons : escape, engage, do some tricks.
- Exhaust : this is the summoner spell you will be running most of your games, it allows you to keep your adc alive when an assassin tries to oneshot him (Hi Zed), or even in laning phase.
- Ignite : you only take this summoner spell against healing champions like Soraka or even Swain.

Champion Info


Tailwind increases the movement speeds of allies that are running toward you.
Janna's passive is very useful to : rotate to do dragon, baron nashor, turrets, escape, disengage and even kite. To use this passive at its fullest you have to learn to position yourself well.

Howling Gale is an amazing disengage and peeling ability. It allows her to knock-up her ennemies which can be in an AoE, it can also cancel dashes like Resonating Strike, plus it can be a good to engage, or defend objectives as well.

Zephyr is one of her strongest ability, it provides her a huge boost of movement speed throughout the game. It can also be used to slow ennemies down, however you have to remember that if you use Zephyr's active, you will lose its active (the boost of MS), so only use it when you want to catch someone so you allies can slay him/her; when you're trying to escape, NEVER use it to slow down the people who are trying to catch you, it will insanely decrease your MS and you will 100% get caught.

Eye Of The Storm is your number #1 ability, it allows you to peel very effectively and for a long period of time. But wait this is not all it does, it also increase your target's AD (full build it often offers around 50 AD). Use this ability wisely and carefully.

Monsoon is an AoE heal that offers also a knock-back. This ability can make or break a teamfight, it is often used to disengage or to peel in teamfights. You can also use it as a engage if you can thanks to your positioning, isolate your target (otherwise you can still flash-ult), use it carefully if you don't want to look like a fool though.

Skill Sequence

Skilling Order

#1. Monsoon
6 / 11 / 16

#2. Eye of the Storm
1 / 3 / 5 / 7 / 9

#3. Zephyr
4 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 13

#4. Howling Gale
2 / 14 / 15 / 17 / 18
> > >

We want to max out Monsoon whenever it's possible because it is our ultimate.
Then Eye of the Storm because it is our main tool which helps us to peel for our team (providing shield, AD and AS through our items). We then level up Zephyr because this ability increase by a lot our MS which is very useful. Last, we level up Howling Gale because it provides nothing else than CC, it does hardly no damage.


eye of the oasis
Utility & Defensive Items
. > This item provides uility and defense. All of its stats are not negligeable, you need to buy it while it's still 'OP'.
> One of its component is Sightstone which provides vision and thus defense. Plus, it offers you very nice stats that fits my build very well.
> You may wonder, why not Eye of the Watchers ? Well, you will obviously have more AP but it doesn't fit very well Janna's playstyle. You will lose like 50 points in your shield late game which is negligeable.
. > This item is a must have, it is very effective with champions that are very AA reliant, it's less effectiv with champions like Ezreal though.
> It grants a lot of great stats, it not only increases the AS of your target but also offers him lifesteal and on-hit damage buff.
> Its two passives also synergize very well with her kit, with Runaan's Hurricane it's even stronger, buy it.

. > This item provides a lot of utility, especially in teamfights; it can turn a fight around very quickly and make the difference between a lose and a win, amazing isn't it ?
> The new support item is very valuable since it is an AoE heal that heals for an incredible amount, it is obviously a must have in your build, however you want to rush Ardent Censer first.
> This item has a very long range and can be used even when you're dead, if you're not used to use activable items, I recommend you to play, yes, just play, it is the only way you will learn; because if you miss it, it's a big part of your kit that just disappeared.
. > Mikael's Crucible offers a lot of utility with the big amounts of mana regeneration so you can spam your abilities, 10% CDR so they'll be available more often, and 40 MR against magic damage teams.
> The active can save someone's life due to it acting as a cleanse. It will remove any hard CC like stuns, snares, taunts, suppresses, silences, etc. It is basically a QSS for supports.
> It has a great passive besides being very good with the new Redemption's passive. You will be able to give very big shields thanks to Mikael's Blessing's passive, not negligeable.

AP Items
. > It offers some nice stats : 30 MR, 10 %CDR and especially the AP and its passive (Dissonance), they are pretty nice but I personnaly prefer Mikael's Blessing.
> The total AP this item offers will increase her shields and heals, it will make our kit even stronger.
> However there's a downside to this item, it relies on you to do damage and thus charge up its passive, and since Janna doesn't do much damage it will be a little bit hard. It is really up to you if you prefer this item or Mikael's Blessing.
. > Besides the fact that he's the best AP items, this item is extremely expensive which means you'll buy it last because it's not the most important item early to mid game.
> I guess you figured out that my build is AP-oriented, and like I said earlier, Janna scales very well with AP, your heals and shields will be enhanced by a lot thanks to this fabulous item.
> Insane shields, heals, boost of MS ( Zephyr's passive scales with AP too), at this point even though you're Janna, your abilities will do some damage to your opponents.

Mobility Items
. > It is a very cheap item that is gold efficient, it is a must have early game to get back to your lane or roam faster, it also helps to dodge skillshots.
> It will allow you to roam with ease (after your backs, or if your lane is too pushed, your adc has to farm under tower (he has to be safe though !), etc).
> You will be the fastest living being in this game, nobody will be able to catch you thanks to your MS, trust me, it's even harden once you unlocked Queens Tribute.
. > It is a great item because it offers your 100 AP which is a lot, and movement speed buff (+10%).
> You will sell your Mobility Boots for this item in the very late game when you are full build. You will lose some MS, of course but your MS will be still too high for your opponents to catch you.
> It will of course increase your shield and heal power, it is better than Mejai's Soulstealer because even though it offers more AP full stack, if you die Luden's Tempest will still offer you the same amount of AP and MS.


Early Game

◊ First let's talk about the warding : vision is one of the most important parts of League of Legends. Whether you're in Bronze or Challenger, people play better when they know exactly where their opponents are and what they are doing or plan to do.
Warding is a war of information that allows you to make the best possible decisions, and the constant struggle for that information is paramount to macro plays that you and your team make throughout the map. As such, having wards that can properly provide your team vision that are not easily contestable or are not likely to be cleared out are invaluable tools to ensure you can rotate effectively and secure objectives and kills.
Here is a video that explains it all :

◊ Then let's talk about the wave management : It's an incredibly powerful tool that every player should know how to do right, it also applies on other lanes. Thanks to this, you will see your winrate increase. How does it works ? To sum it up very quickly, it allows you to miss the least CS possible, increase your experience so you can have one more level than your opponent, and create a gold gap.
Here is a video that explains it all :

Now let's get into Janna's early game.
As a Janna player you want to play safe most of the time and especially if you're with a scaling adc like Vayne or Kog'Maw.
Since you have Ancient Coin you don't need to auto-attack your ennemies to gather gold, it doesn't mean you can't poke, just do it safely.
If you have an aggressive adc, before you push don't forget to ward so you can prevent ganks.
Early, I often find myself having an even wave, in the middle of the lane, that is what you should have as a Janna player so you don't take too much risks and you relieve some pressure on your adc (farming under tower is not fun), plus you will be pretty ungankable.

Mid Game

Now let's get into Janna's mid game.
Once your laning phase has finished you will be grouping a lot to take objectives (turrets, dragon and baron nashor).
Once you took the botlane turret, go help other lanes to get theirs, however it's not a aram mode where everyone is mid for the entire game, doing this is very bad, since you share the XP with your whole team which puts you behind.
You have to think about the best objective to have, at the right timing and it has to be worth it.
You are not a splitpusher so avoid splitpushing except if you're with your adc and than your whole team is 'zoning' the ennemy team in midlane, toplane or even at the drake/herald. Remember that the main objectif is the ennemy nexus and you can get closer to it when your destroy turrets. Objectives like dragon and the rift herald are just a way to destroy turrets faster.

Late Game

In the later stage of the game you want to stick to your carry (usually your adc but it can be your 18/3/9 Yasuo) and peel for him, protecting him from any threat possible.
Your movement speed, shield and heal will be at this point more than disgustingly big, you will be a real pain for the ennemy team since your kit plus my build will make your carries immortal.
Eventually, they will, if they're not dumb, try to shut you down, maybe even flash on you so be careful about your positionning, this is the MOST important part when you play Janna, DO NOT DIE, without you, they have no peel, no protection, they're naked.
You need to be careful about the timings of your abilities (especially your shield and ultimate). By the way, before you use your Monsoon pay attention to the ennemy team positionning so you don't save one of them when you engage with it.


Thanks to jhoijhoi for her guide that helped me to do this one.
This guide presents a different approach of Janna's kit, I hope you'll find it interesting.
Remember that utility supports are better in this meta, don't underestimate them ! NEVER ! Enjoy the freelo !
This is my first guide, feel free to ask me anything, to review this guide. If you enjoyed this guide, don't forget to like it.

I have one more important thing to say : I use almost the same build for Lulu and Soraka, ask me if you wanna know what I build on them.

❤ Thanks to this very helpful community ❤

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