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Rakan Build Guide by Terroronyou

Support [9.22] Bizzleberry's Rakan Master Support

Support [9.22] Bizzleberry's Rakan Master Support

Updated on November 8, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou Build Guide By Terroronyou 326 32 3,299,629 Views 66 Comments
326 32 3,299,629 Views 66 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou Rakan Build Guide By Terroronyou Updated on November 8, 2019
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Hi, my name is Bizzleberry and I am a longtime League of Legends player, playing since before Season 1. Over the years I have achieved high ranking in solo queue, from Platinum in Season 1 (the highest at the time) to Challenger multiple times throughout the years. I used to stream in season 4-5 and stopped playing League for a year during season 6. I have now returned and am currently in Diamond 1 on EUW as a support main. You can catch me on my stream or my Youtube channel. I try to explain what I am doing in most situations; feel free to ask any questions on stream or leave a comment on the guide!
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Why Rakan?

Rakan is a careless, high mobility 'tank', and provides a ton of melee CC to help engage and peel for your team. He two extra things that i will note with Xayah (his lover ADC). He can share the recall animation with her and he is able to leap a further distance with his Battle Dance to save her from the clutches of death.

Rakan's Advantages

High mobility to engage with an AoE Knockup Grand Entrance and can easily slip out again just as fast.

Passive Fey Feathers provides a shield to provide extra overall health to engage with.

The Quickness is a 'quick' way to help peel for your ADC with charms or to flank a team and charm them all into more CC

Jungle ganks make it easy for Rakan and his team to rack up some kills.

Can interact with Xayah to provide slightly better results.

Rakan's weaknesses

Laning phase can be tough with a weaker laning phase ADC due to lack of poke with this build.

Does virtually no damage.

The Quickness can be useless if the enemy are ready for you to do it.

You are basically Karma with less damage but more CC.
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Summon Aery Gives you extra harassment in lane and also gives whoever you shield a little bit more of a shield. Scales fine throughout the game, but is mainly used for lane phase.

Nimbus Cloak Allows you to chase easier and if anyone does get away you can easily have time to hunt those people down also. Manaflow Band is fine as an alternate option and gives you better regen throughout the lane, however, isn't needed much mid-game on wards.

Transcendence Allows you to get towards 40% CDR as quickly as possible as Rakan's abilities are amazing but are on a medium cooldown rate due to the high impact they have.

Scorch Minor extra damage for the laning phase. Otherwise feel free to take Waterwalking if you intend to roam a bit more than usual.

Inspiration - If you Choose to go Inspiration Primary

Unsealed Spellbook Enables you to do some nice tricks such as quickly enableing Ghost with the shard and hard engage with Flash to set up a very quick mid-game combo. Other tricks include Teleport to toplane or even to your own lane as a suprise gank or even grabbing an exhaust for their hyper carry later on into the game.

Glacial Augment provides some extra cc to targets trying to escape. Bare in mind that Rakan is a ranged champion, even with his extremely low range on his auto attacks so the slow isn't as strong as if he were to be melee. However active items, such as Randuin's Omen will apply the slow ray for the full amount.

Biscuit Delivery gives some laning sustain and will increase maximum mana by 40 every use. Hextech Flashtraption is an OK substitute, and can allow some cheesy plays by being able to jump over a wall or bush and then applying Grand Entrance for a little extra distance.

Magical Footwear will provide you with a net saving of 300g and will also provide you with an extra +10 Movement speed. Future's Market feels too weak right now.

Cosmic Insight provides max CDR across the board and will help with item active slows & will allow you to get to that 45% CDR mark as you approach the late game.


Bone Plating Provides a lot of protection for when you engage, as is one of the stronger runes currently in the game.

Revitalize will help with lane sustain and works with Font of Life. Conditioning is another viable option if you feel that the enemy has a very high dps comp and that you can scale against it so that you can stay alive a few seconds longer.
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Summoner Spells


Bread and butter, use Ignite before they use Heal to prevent half of the healing on target. Exhaust's attack speed slow was removed in 7.5. Take Exhaust if against assassins such as Rengar or Katarina one shotting your ADC.

If you have a early ganking jungler then Ignite is useful in securing kills.
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Fey Feathers

Fey Feathers gives you a free shield, even while in combat. At first the shield is minor and takes a while to recharge. But as you slowly increase your AP and gain levels, you will be having this up a lot of the time without you realising. Very nifty.

Gleaming Quill

Gleaming Quill is OK for keeping you and your ADC topped off while waiting for your levels & jungler to be ready to engage. OK range, decent heal when leveled and decent damage in the laning phase. Able to spammed more as you level which is nice.

Grand Entrance

Grand Entrance has an decent range but a minor delay on the knock up, so if your enemies are fast enough, it is possible to dash/flash out of the way so you don't get cc'd. Consider you using Battle Dance on a friendly ally nearer to the enemy, casting Grand Entrance then dashing back out again with Battle Dance to make an escape without taking too much damage!

You can also Grand Entrance over terrain, so consider waiting in a brush with a Control Ward and pouncing over and using The Quickness!

Taking one point in this level 1 allows you to do a dive engage with Xayah if she has leveled her W.

Battle Dance

You are able to use Battle Dance twice if used quick enough to get in and out of combat and you can shield the same target twice if needed. Easy way to bounce around and dodge skill shots, particularly nice to be able to use and follow up with your other skills.

The Quickness

The Quickness gives a massive movement speed to enable you to flank (or get away from), the enemy. Its charm is powerful and if you are quick enough you can round up a couple of squishies, follow up with Grand Entrance then flee again with Battle Dance.

If you do it right, you can round up a few enemies which then you can Grand Entrance on top of and the rest of your team needs to apply Aoe cc + damage to finish the job.
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Spellthief's Edge

Spellthief's Edge gives 10 gold per tick every 10 seconds up to 3 stacks. Auto attacks and your Q Gleaming Quill will be the best way to generate gold. Once Gleaming Quill is leveled up more, you will be able to spam it more to help you generate more gold.

Remnant of the Watchers

Upgrade to Remnant of the Watchers Once you have one or two core items as the value of upgrading this before baron spawns is reduced. Once you approach to mid-late game the enemy will be constantly clearing out wards, so having that extra ward will help give you some map control.

Ninja Tabi

Ninja Tabi provides a lot of tankyness, especially as you will be dancing between your front and back line a lot. Very effective against lots of auto attack damage teams.

Mobility Boots (for roaming) and Ionian Boots of Lucidity (more for teamfights) give better utility options, but I would advise against this until you are more experienced playing the champion.

zeke's convergence

Zeke's Convergence Give you a slow on your ult use and also provides your ADC with slightly more magic damage. This Item is becoming meta for first core item on Rakan due to the fact it provides resistances and allows you to kill the enemy as quickly as possible when you have used your Ultimate.


Redemption is currently one of the best support items in the game. It is a soft counter to poke comps, but is usually purchased first because of the versatility of the item. Provides a massive heal AoE heal, at a very long distance and can be used while dead. It can be a massive game changer when used in the centre of a teamfight, or can actually be used to kill off a straggler that is running away on 2% hp as it does do a tiny amount of damage! Needs to be purchased first, unless against a very heavy magic comp, then Locket of the Iron Solari could be better as you will be able to survive some burst.

Locket of the Iron Solari

Locket of the Iron Solari is usually purchased after Redemption. Provides a massive shield but decays quickly over time, so needs to be used the second before massive damage, or to save someone about to die. The 60 Magic resist works very nicely against AP heavy comps.

Ardent Censer

Ardent Censer works well as your last item as it synergies with your Redemption and Locket of the Iron Solari well. Provides sustain and extra magic damage on auto attacks. Particularly useful if you are an AD heavy team and have a jungler such as Graves or Twitch.

Mikael's Crucible

Mikael's Blessing is an OK item. It no longer heals and provides the target with a cleanse. If you are quick it can disable Death Sentence but would likely be used to stop basic annoying cc such as Wither, Frenzying Taunt, stuns and fears. I only recommend this for experienced players due to the fact that having to pay attention to so many things already (double stun placement, ult placement etc) that keeping an eye for CC also can be a bit too much.

Frozen Heart

Frozen Heart decent in the late game against any auto attack heavy champions. Provides a huge chunk of cooldown reduction and requires nothing of the user, so takes something off your mind. It does, however, require you to be in relatively close range to the enemy for the attack speed reduction to kick in so it is defiantly best against AD Melee champions.

Randuin's Omen

Randuin's Omen Provides more self protection than Frozen Heart, but not as good for this reason. Can stack will with Frozen Heart against full attack damage teams. The on use AoE solo is OK, but requires you to be quite close for the area to hit them.
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Laning Phase

The aim of the game for you is for you and your ADC to hang on until you are level 6 or until you get a jungler gank. With your jungler you are able to provide massive cc with your knockup for increase the potential of securing a kill however, after you use Grand Entrance there isn't a ton for you to do until you are level 6.

Poking with Gleaming Quill is better since the buff in range, use this to maintain both you and your ADC's HP.

Do your best to shield skill shots, tank them by putting yourself in front of them with Battle Dance and pray you can survive. Just relax and the fun part will follow!

When you hit 6, look for an opportunity to take Ghost to set up with Flash for a very quick and easy combo.

If you do destroy your bot tower first, try and pick up herald for your team as the tower pushing power of herald is immense. If used in a lane with no enemy champions, expect to kill the Tier 1 tower and quite possibly a Tier 2.
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Midgame / Teamfights

Rakan excels at being able to flank and engaging their entire team when they are clumped up can provide big results and he is great at countering a big engage, but, you must ensure you prevent yourself being CC'd otherwise The Quickness will be useless.

At this point in the game you should be patient and waiting for opportunities to engage with your team - not by yourself. It is way too easy to zoom in front ahead of your team and do your ult and ask yourself, "where is my team!?".

Rakan requires you to stay focused throughout the entire game, asking yourself all the time, "should i go in?". If your team has a tank, it is often better to let your tank engage and then for you to follow up with a flank and gather them up in a clump with your charm and then letting your Aoe finish them off. Once you have done your cc, it is your job to peel, shield and use any items off cooldown to keep your team topped up.
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I also have an Unranked to Diamond series if you are interested in watching, where I only play support to climb to diamond.

Thanks for reading my Rakan guide, I hope you give it a try and I wish you the best of luck! For more guides and fun videos please visit my stream or my Youtube Channel

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terroronyou
Terroronyou Rakan Guide
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[9.22] Bizzleberry's Rakan Master Support

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