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Talon Build Guide by BladeFeather

Middle An informative guide on how to Use the Blade's shadow

Middle An informative guide on how to Use the Blade's shadow

Updated on September 4, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BladeFeather Build Guide By BladeFeather 5,903 Views 3 Comments
5,903 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BladeFeather Talon Build Guide By BladeFeather Updated on September 4, 2017
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Hello I've been a Talon main for a very short while, a few months to be exact. You might be thinking, who am i to make guides to anybody if I've played for such a short period of time. well i have gained a lot of experience from maining him and most of all from watching other people play him. I've gathered all the information i can from online sources and I've put it here so this unappreciated could get some love :)This is guide is also different from the usual guide since there are already tons of guide about using items, runes and masteries so i won't dwell that much there
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General tips for being a Talon main

1. Use W for poking, when it hits twice use q then auto then back away.
2. When fighting ap mid laners make sure to wait for them to use their skills befire using yours
3. Do not go in for the kill if they have more than half their life left * Exception when you have items and ss. You can go in at 70% hp, only ever go in 100% if you are confident they can’t escape or turn the tide in their favor.
4. Don’t try to burst healthy mobile champions, they will escape you.
5. When fighting an ap champ get corrupting potion instead
6. Always ward bushes especially the sides where you will attack from
7. Try to be near walls as much as possible when going all in so you can escape if the jungler comes to gank or if the enemy turns the tide to their favor
8. If you gain the advantage in lane roam bot or top depending on whoever is out of place. Make sure to push the wave to the tower before roaming
9. If you you’re having a hard time in lane, ask your jungler to help you when the enemy comes near the tower
10. When roaming be constantly aware of increasing waves in the map. Go to those parts of the map. Push the wave then roam again
11. Avoid tanks at all costs. Unless you are with other allies you will never be able to kill them unless they are very very low on health
12. When a team fight breaks out as much as possible try to position hidden at the sides of the enemy. So you can come in to clean up or pick up kills when the opportunity arises.
13. When team fights break out usually you can’t offer as much help here. Try pushing lanes so you can farm and try taking the towers. Try to be near the team fight as much as possible
14. Remember you can use youmuu’s ghostblade to engage or escape
15. Remember to always use your edge of night active when going in a team fight.
16. Q is good for stealing kills
17. Use W when retreating to slow down enemies or zone then
18. If you want to kill someone while your hidden behind terrain, jump over when they’re near use your q and pop your ss when you’re right beside the target so all your blades will hit. This combo is good for killing squishy targets lagging behind or retreating from a team fight. When invisible you cab make your escape or kill the target if the haven't died yet.
19. Make sure to be aggressive when you gain the upper hand. Try as much as possible to zone out the enemy so they won’t be able to get creeps
20. When the aforementioned is being done to you. Use w or q to kill minions and ask junngler for help.
21. Use talon’s very good wave clear to destroy towers by pushing waves towards it. Being as mobile as you are you can Split push the entire map if you’re ahead
22. When destroying a tower in Midlane make sure you’re near a wall so you can escape
23. When destroying a tower in bot or top, it is advisable to have flash. At the very least make sure your ss up so you can make a quick getaway
24. When going for all ins early game remember to use ignite
25. Talon is good with allies that can pressure their lanes. When he reaches 6 he can easily gank and add lots of pressure
26. Always take e at level 3 so you can escape if the nneed arises.
27. You have a lot of map pressure when you’re ahead make sure you use that pressure
28. Don’t forget that your q heals you when you kill and enemy so when low on health try to q as much as possible when clearing minions waves in your lane.
29. Always be aware of available monsters. Since you’re built for roaming and have tons of mobility your secondary job save for winning lane in mid is making the life of the jungler hell as much as possible try to get his monsters while roaming but don’t let it jeopardize your health you’ll need that health to burst champions or escape if you are ganked. Only do this when the enemy mid laner backs its dangerous to do this when they are still near
30. You’re the Midlaner and you need to conserve mama so if your jungler allows it get the blue buff to help you stay in land longer or if you can get the enemy blue buff.
31. Allies that can disrupt the enemy formation is very useful to you since you can pick off the enemies one by one
32. Remember that although it is important for talon to get his kills, you shouldn’t forget to farm properly. If you don’t farm and you cant win against your opponent they will eventually get the lead on you
33. If you're having a hard time laning immediately ask your jungler to engage so they can at least burn midlaner’s flash or get a kill. If playing with people you know let them know beforehand to give you the kill as much as possible to help you snowball.
34. When having a hard time in lane, push the wave then roam immediately so you can try getting kills elsewhere. There really will be times when you’re up against a hard counter and there may not be much you can do without help
35. When you have the chance ward the place near the enemy’s red or blue buff. When you push the wave into tower you can try camping there
36. Remember to frequently leave wards in enemy jungle so that you can give your team mates vision in the jungle
37. Remember to always come back to lane after roaming especially when you're up against a hard counter. Hard counters would typically push their lane if they know they have the advantage. If you roam for too long you might lose all your midlane towers.
38. When hunting down a target, try using shadow assault before they can see you so they would be less prepared. This can be done if the location is heavily warded or if they're in your territory
39. Since you basically act as a second jungler, help your jungler from time to time to take objectives such as the rift herald or the dragon to keep enemies from noticing what he's doing
40. When going in enemy jungle territory, make sure to bring a control ward so you can spot any wards that were placed there. Its free gold and can help you pull off better surprise attacks
41. This may not be obvious for some players but never play with talon’s e. If you keep unnecessarily jumping through walls you might not be able to chase your opponents or escape from theme when the time arises. Lands have a long cooldown so use your roaming ability well
42. Adrs aren't usually beefy. They are typically very squishy and easily killed by your burst. Try to kill them as much as possible so that when teamfights come their presence isn't as strong as it should be also it gives you additional gold and kills. Just make sure that the support is not near or isn’t someone who can turn the tides of battle (ex. Thresh/ blitz/ soraka)
43. You're very good at assassinating isolated targets but if you see an isolated target and you don’t see that many enemies on the map it might be best to avoid because it could be a bait
44. If you have a tank jungler or a tanky nearby teammate let them tower dive a low hp target while you swoop in for the kill. Again this would be easier if playing with people you already know or are familiar with your playstyle
45. Talon is very versatile. Mix up his abilities and don’t go for only one combo. His versatility is what makes him so deadly
46. When in a pinch or slowed by oncoming enemies you can use your q to propel yourself forward to escape.
47. You can jump along the side of the wall by facing that direction and pressing e on it
48. Know when you can back from a teamfight and know when you should jump in one. It may be selfish but keeping yourself alive may save the game
49. Be aware of splitpushers during the game. You are the most mobile champion and should be able to get to one lane from another with ease. If its an easy kill take it if it’s a hard counter clear their minions and then roam
50. Always be aware of positioning. The only way talon can ever die is if he is caught in a bad spot
51. People who are familiar with talon’s e may predict you go over the wall at times like. it may be advisable to try jump the wall with the attempt to stay at your side
52. This may be more of personal preference but having tried talon a few times in bot it is quite fun. You have a very strong gap closer and an aoe skill that affects all that are hit with higher damage on return unlike xayah and sivir. Sure talon will definitely have a much more difficult time if he fights the kind of adr that zones and snares (caitlyn) or having to fight a tank but being able to snowball in the bot lane greatly helps him later on in the game
53. Also basing from experience, talon top just doesn't work. Too many tanks and heavy damagers with a lot of hp making it hard to use talon’s burst
54. Winning with Talon can only be done be done if Talon acts as a second jungler and helps gank other lanes to help everyone of his team mates get ahead. He scales down in late game so much he even has a hard time killing squishes all the more tanks. Winning the game as soon as possible should be top priority
55. Talon’s focus is eliminating squishes and assassins (though killing assassins would take some skill compared to adr). He is in charge of lowering the enemy team’s overall offensive power. In teamfights he should be gunning for the back line instead if engaging in front.
56. A general rule when dueling with mages (unless they have dangerous spells with very lie cooldowns) is to wait after they use their dangerous spell than burst them. Late game they will be focusing on kills so they will always be trying to look for team fights and contribute from afar. Since Talon is one of the most mobile champions you should focus on getting behind to kill them.
57. Take note that using your rake while invisible will cancel shadow assault and won't cause the blades to converge on the target.
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Talon Top

As i said before I don't usually recommend Talon in the top lane but he can work well.

1. Talon works especially well in the early game (obviously) so you need to be more aggressive while you still have the upper hand. The most problems you would have is your fighting a duelist like xin or a real hard tank like malphite or nautilus. That said, even they don't have that much tankiness in the early game. You should make use of this and get as many kills on them as possible.
you don't have to take the summoner as summoner spell because Talon is mobile enough to go to mid lane with ease and speed.
Your advantage in the top lane is that your enemy laner still isn't built to resist you, unless of course they are duelist like Yi and xin who specialize with auto attacks, make sure you zone them so they would have a harder time getting their items. Even ask for the jungler's help from time to time to really put them back. If done correctly you can snowball here and make your enemy laner near useless in the mid to late game.
A lot of things have to go well so that you can really help your team, again it is somewhat difficult but still manageable.
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Champions that go well with Talon

1 volibear - can make sure your burst hits by didplacing enemies
2 Morgana/lux – stunning enemies will help you get your all in. Slowing them will always help you reach them faster
3 Khalista – if for some reason you’re bonded with her you can use edge of night as she flings you towards a group of weakened enemies to finish them off with shadow assault and chasing down whoever lives or a priority target
4 Maokia/zac- his ss will help you greatly because it scatters the enemy team giving you an opportunity to pluck them one by one.
5 Kayle – gives you the opportunity to assassinate a high priority target and leave alive with her ss
6 Taliyah – separating enemies gives you a chance to pick them off
7 Teemo/maokai/shaco – if they leave their traps around the jungle it can give you vision of the enemy jungle. Presenting you chances to hunt down low health enemies taking the shortcut through the jungle
8 Malphite/ alistar- their charge can easily separate champions making it easier for you to pick off a target
9 Vi- she can help put your laner in a bad position or at least waster their flash.
10 Blitz- this lovable robot is loved by all because of his trademark skill but after further thought I thought why not try him with talon in bot lane. Hiding in the brush would pric your mastery and make it easier to land your combo and make sure your q critically strikes. Plus the added stun and silence means you get to walk off almost scot free. Its just a thoguht so don’t take my word for it
11 Braum- another audacious partnership with be the both of them. Hitting braum’s q and using talons burst will guarantee a stun and it will help talon catch up to enemies when braum slows and displaces them with his ss
12 Veigar- can displace enemies with his stun so you can focus on squishies
13 Miss fortunne- same as veigar her w and her ss and disruot enemie positionig and allow you to kill effectively
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Talon's Match ups

1. Yasuo - the trick with yasuo is to move around. He will want to hit you with his q, try to time your w when fires his q so he cant put his wall up. Make a few feints here and there so he would put up his wind wall instinctively. His wind wall has a long cooldown so during that time you can be much more aggressive. Be aware of how your minions are placed because he can dash through them which might help him catch you. All in all you should wait for him to pop his w before bursting him. Also try to use your w to activate his shield so your burst will have a bigger chance of killing him. Now fighting yasuo usually depends on 2 factors, how good you are as a Talon main, and how good a yasuo your enemy is. good Enemy Yasuos dashes around a lot to try and bait out your w and make it hard for them to be hit twice. when they bait your w they put up their windwall to block it and can thus poke you with his q or his whirlwind. an inexperienced yasuo will not be as good and with crrect timing you cant hit them with your combo, but a good yasuo must be feared. They can zone you out of CS if you aren't careful and you can take too much damage if you throw caution to the wind. all in all, a very annoying champion to face.
2. Syndra - very good at zoning and stunning you. The key to getting around her is dodging her skills. Especially her stun. It is key to make sure you are not between her and her orbs at any given time unless of course you’re far enough and also be wary because she can form an orb and use her w to stun you. If she uses her w and you didge successfully take that opportunity to either poke or burst depending how out of place she is. Her ss is a point and click meaning if she hits you're pretty much dead even if you build edge of night against her. Late in game she will focus on team fights so make sure to getbher from behind.
3. Brand - not really a counter but avoiding his e may prove tricky. If ever it happens use q on a minion to escape. He is pretty tricky and he zones you very well. When he uses his e, use that brief window to either poke him back or burst him down if you dodge it. His q is easy to dodge behind a minion and his point and click skill doesn’t do much damage. It’s the e you should be concerned about. He will be a lot easier to kill late game in team fights since you're an assassin. He will be focused on attacking from the backline get him from behind and kill him with your burst. Make sure he doesn’t expect you or else he might use his e if he predicts you being there. Also when he hits you with either his e or w be careful with the follow up q cuz it might stun you if it hits.
4. Ahri - not so bad pre level 6 make sure to keep moving when fighting this champ so as not to be liked by her true damage skill. Hide behind minions so you can avoid her e. She has lots of mobility when she reaches level 6 and this makes it quite difficult to hit her twice with your rake. early game try to poke her, her q is very easy to dodge just make sure you stay behind the cover of minions to prevent being charmed. After hitting level 6 it will be difficult to land the rake diplomacy combo on her so go instead with the Q=ss combo when her health is near half. It should be enough to kill her or at least put her very close to that. Ahri is a very squishy champ, as long as she isn't grouped together with team mates you can capitalize on this fact. also note that you can dodge her charm by jumping over walls but if you are charmed as your are about to jump, the jump animation will be cancelled so be very careful.
5. Ryze - his spells have a very low casting time and can usually burst you down even when you land your burst 1st. He can stun you and land all his skillshots in you with ease. Although this may be true, he is abysmally weak early game, and his ss doesn;'t really give you a powerspike like yours does. just becareful where you position and this should be an easy lane.
6. Zed – he can poke you from afar making it quite difficult to find the opportune time to burst him. Poke him with your w while moving away so he would have a harder time landing his skillshots. Try bursting him when his shadow is on cooldown. Try to walk to a path where only one of his shurikens can reach you. The thing with zed and talon is that their ss counters each other but using yours first ahs a bigger advantage since he cant land his ss unless you go first. most zed players know this so take advantage of that. keep poking them safetly in lane and be wary of the shadow, its distance is not that far but, the shadow's shuriken can reach a fartehr distance. When hes low, flash ult him or use the Q+ss combo to kill him.
7. Jayce – his skillshots hurt like hell. And he has a good engage and disengage. When you’re low on health don’t try to come near him, its better to either back or farm under tower (also hard since he can poke you). Hide behind minions and use your w there. Try to get close so when he uses his hammer to disengage you can gap close with your q. Your power spike at lvl 6 really helps you with him since he doesn't power spike after lvl 6 anymore except for the increase of damage in skills, which everyone has. He will rarely be in his hammer form, so try to bait out his q. when he uses that, use the either one of the combos
1.1- Q+SS- this will ahve moe of a chance of killing him but he can quickly disengage with you the moment you hit your q, whch lowers he damage output of your ss drastically and leving you with no gap closers to catch up to him should he run
2.2- W+SS+Q- this will be to slow them down so you can catch up to them with your ss and q. in this combo, your preemptive use of your ult prevents them from engaging, disengaging or even hitting you for that matter. This should give you plenty of opportuity to hit them. the drawback with this is its much more predictable compared to the first. The first can only be dodge with either insane skill or luck.
8. Vladimir- glad is a very annoying champ. A good way to deal with him is poking him when he needs to farm. He needs to get within melee range to use his q. Take that opportunity to poke him. When you get a chance, land your q and auto then back because he has his bloody pool that could turn the tide in his favor (see what i did there? tide. hahaha). The goal is to either get an early kill when you get the chance or make Vladimir back as much as possible giving you more farm. The bad thing about this match up is that his blood pool can deny your burst from your ss, a good way of catching him off guard is using the flash q+ss combo when he leasts expects it so you can, kill him before he can use the stupid pool.
9. Karma- when she trues to root you, go to a wall for cover so you can escape when the root ends. Her normal abilities cant go through minions so take that opportunity to poke her down. You can try pushing the lane instead of trying to get a kill on her. Stay with her too long and you might end up behind before you know it. when a karma player rotts you, their first instinct is usually to go near you so you can't escape. you need to have quick relfexes but if you feint going away then use your W+Q+auto combo before the root happens you can get off a kill. you can apply ignite as well to really secure the kill. Remember, you have a really small window of oppurtunity to apply this, if you are stunned mid air while doing noxian diplomcy, it can prove to be your downfall (literally haha.)
10. LeBlanc- shes a very difficult match up to lane against. She has quite a good early game and is very difficult to focus. Time your rake when she charges so that you can hit her twice even if she does blink back to her original position. she can poke you out of lane and zone you so zone her back with her W. you will need to use a lot of mana to keep up with her so getting a corrupting potion and maybe even an enemy jungler's blue buff may greatly aid you with the laning phase.
11. Veigar- Veigar is relatively easy to lane against especially in the early game but being a mobile mid laner, you would tend to roam the other lanes to help push the advantage. Veigar usually takes this time to farm and preparing himself for the late game. If it does reach the late game you have no one but yourself to blame if Veigar gets fed. Try to keep him in lnae and only roam when he backs, dies or roams as well. or when the first tower in mid dies.
12. Katarina- Katarina is a very difficult champion to lane against. Early on you have an advantage but when it drags to long and you weren't able to get ahead she will outstay you in lane because she doesn't need mana. She can also shunpo from one place to another to avoid the 2nd part of your rake. Keep watch where she puts her daggers, it helps a a lot.
13. Riven- riven is quite annoying to lane with especialy because of her armor and her fast gap closers. Taking the advantage early game is vital, else you would be forced to farm using yoiur skills, leaving little mana when you decide to or have to fight her. The good thing about Talon is his ranged abiltiy so as usual just keep poking her with this while staying well out of range when she tries to get near you. you can try feinting an all in combo then backing when she decides to retaliate, in this situation she won't have a means of escape thus making killing her much easier.
14. Anivia- Amnivia has an abysmal earluy game so you can make use of this, her poke is quite easy to dodge and you can jump over the wall she makes. Try as much as p[ossible not to get caught by her stuns because she will take that oppurtunity to burst you down. if ever you do get huit with a stun just use e on a wall even on her own walls)to deny her burst. a good tip with her is you're really ahead is take the stun on purpose so you can unload all your skills on her as she tries to get near you. You need to be really ahead to pull this off and usually at around 80% to full health so you won't die from her barrage of skills.
15. Aurelion Sol- This guys is too easy. Just poke him, and beware his orbs, his q is easy to dodge and his flying skill doesn't really give do much. Even his ss isn;'t that strong as long as he isn't fed. The only way to really lose to this guy is you are really that bad or he really is a god tier player.
16. Akali- She is very easy to abuse in the early game. She has a very weak early game but that doesn't mean you should be careless. She has good sustain and has a way to make herself untargetable. The key to beating her in the early game is baiting her shroud while you're far from her tower. If she uses it in the middle of the lane or nearer your tower then you can guard the rear to make sure she can't escape and you can use your all-in combo with ignite. The early game should be yours if you deal with akali efficiently and carefully. In the midgame after lvl 6 she will be looking to make more trades with you because of her power spike with her ss. what akali players usually do when they are facing talon is wait for him to use his ss before using their shroud to waste his ss. The optimal thing to do here is to use the Q-R-AA combo. In this combo, you immediately jump to your opponent and release all your knives thus giving her little to no time at all to react. Even if she was able to use the shroud, using your ss at point blank range would put her at less than half health which would discourage her from pursuing you further. If she gets ahead and you predict that she'll engage upon you soon, retreat back to tower and wait for her to dive you. When she dives, immediately use your rake then pop your ss. The invisibility will render her engage useless and the 2nd part of your rake will slow her thus rendering her vulnerable to multiple turret shots.
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Talon's items

As i said I won't dwell much on this since most of my knowledge on items admittedly comes from other guides from this site so i don't want to act as if the information is mine. just to give a brief explanation of each
1. Youmuu's ghostblade is the standard lethality item that gives good damage and a helpful amount of cooldown reduction. It also has a very useful active that gives movement speed to help catch your target or help you escape. It also has a very short cooldown
2. Edge of night should adds to the damage and lethality and basically giving Talon a spell shield.
3. Black cleaver is to give you so much needed health because as you should well know, Talon is a very squishy champion.
4. Duskblade of drakthar is another lethality item that gives more damage when hidden so your ss benefits from this a lot. this can replace youmuu's as a first item if you are ahead enough
5. Ionian boots of lucidity is very good for the cooldown reduction. There was a time my ss only took 36 seconds to recharge.
6. Lord dominick's regards add's to your insurmountable amount of armor penetration and lethality to really get you going
7. mercurial scimitar helps when you want to go in and kill a guarded target without getting heavy cc'd
8. death's dance is to add attack damage so that your bleed effect can be stronger. remember your bleed effect scales off damage. i saw someone who played talon and went with a full damage build his bleed damage did nearly 1000 damage per second.
9. Boots of mobility can be taken if you have death's dance since additional cdr won't be helpful to you since it caps at 40%.
10. dead man's plate is completely up to your discretion if you want to be able to kill and actually survive the dive in late game.
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well that was certainly a mouthful. I really hope you guys enjoyed my guide. all i want for this champion is to be noticed and played since i haven't ever played against one. He is very good at killing but he really does scale off late game so there pros and cons as with every champion. I will try to update this guide or add to it since it still is quite incomplete from time to time. Well i guess that's that! Happy Killing!
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