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Lucian Build Guide by Jynsin

ADC Bronze to Diamond Competitive/In-Depth Lucian Guide

ADC Bronze to Diamond Competitive/In-Depth Lucian Guide

Updated on July 7, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Jynsin Build Guide By Jynsin 44 1 227,709 Views 10 Comments
44 1 227,709 Views 10 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Jynsin Lucian Build Guide By Jynsin Updated on July 7, 2018
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Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Gathering Storm
Absolute Focus


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hey guys, my name is Sinjin, summoner name Jynsin, and I play a lot of Lucian. Lucian is one of the hardest characters in the game! He generally takes much more work than most ADC champions to pull off but can create highlight reels to die for and can outplay anything that isn't point and click. That being said, I love him to death and he is the most fun champion in the game to me.
I do coaching sessions and play ranked and unranked games on ! Out of the 4 streamers in HFG, I am the resident League expert. Feel free to tune into a coaching session or email me at to be considered. I main adc and jungle but I can coach any position to a diamond level.
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-You're a slick gunslinging light wielder that dashes around fighting evil
-Insanely mobile for an ADC champion
-Scales extremely well despite his low range
-Puts out damage like no other
-Can outplay almost anything
-Fun time for the whole family
-Easy Farming
-This song was made for him:
-Recently single

-Has a high learning curve and can be difficult to lane as
-Only 500 Auto range :(
-High mana costs and a lot of work to play
-Struggles against point and click CC (No dodgerino)
-Requires a heightened awareness of team fighting situations
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Runes Breakdown

Press the Attack Is easily activated and provides immense burst for Lucian as he has the unique ability to pop it in 2 basic attacks.
Triumph Triumph is insane at the moment, Overheal is definitely good too if you decide to take secondary domination with Taste of Blood or Ravenous Hunter or if you have some sort of healing mechanism on your team.
Legend: Alacrity Bloodline might be tempting but as an ADC your job is to put out damage, and when you trade utility (especially healing) for damage it is often not worth the trade. Attack speed is always useful, lifesteal is situationally useful.
Coup de Grace This is really the best option, Cut Down might be good in the future when coup de grace gets nerfed, the other one banks on you getting to low health and that's not a reliable strategy to win a fight.

Absolute Focus I feel that this rune is highly underrated. If you start a fight with simply more damage than the other person, even if you lose those stats below 70% the damage has been done and more than likely it has made a more significant impact than celerity or transcendence on ADC champions.
Gathering Storm What can I say? I'm a fan of concrete and visible stat lines that directly impact performance. You won't miss scorch nearly as much when you realize you have an item's worth of attack damage from a single rune during a game deciding team fight. The trade-off however is a weaker game before 10 minutes so play wisely.
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Ability Breakdown

Lucian's bread and butter. Landing a lightslinger on a minion/monster/ward/jack in the box/tibbers/your friendly neighborhood scuttler will reduce your Relentless Pursuit cooldown by 1 whole second! This comes in handy when you are farming and you are tempted to dash in lane and must recover your dash quickly or when you are running away and you want your dash back quicker you can use your W and auto a minion or monster to speed boost and dash more!. If you use this passive on an enemy champion, however, your dash cooldown is reduced by 2 WHOLE SECONDS. That is a millennia in a teamfight. This attack also applies on hit effects and does 40/50/60% of your regular attack's damage based on level. It is the reason people love Blade of the Ruined King on Lucian and also a large reason why he can critical strike so hard. your first basic attack with Infinity Edge will do 250% damage and lightslinger will deal 150% at level 13 and up! Lightslinger also does 100% damage to minions so it's handy for picking up creeps you would otherwise miss.

Piercing Light
This ability is Lucian's primary tool for lane trading and early to mid game damage bursts. It scales off of bonus attack damage and not base, so keep that in mind with your build path. You max this first for a simple reason: to output damage and also for a not as simple reason: every level in it decreases the cast time. Early game it is extremely frustrating when you cast Q at an enemy and they get lucky and simply walk out of it. At the max level it is difficult to avoid your Q with a movement steroid or dash. Usually you'll want to cast this on a minion and line it up with a champion behind the minion to poke from a safe distance. You can also use this ability to push lanes or aid in anything requiring damage output. Be very careful about spamming it, however, because of its extremely high mana cost. Riot doesn't know how to balance Lucian so his Q costs 100 mana at level 5 (one of the reasons I take manaflow band and sorcery over domination).

Ardent Blaze
This ability is fired in a straight line and explodes on impact with an enemy or at the end of its length. the explosion is sort of a chubby X shape making it tricky at times. It does a small amount of magic damage but the primary usage is to apply its passive, which gives you a huge movement steroid upon landing an ability or basic attack on applied targets. What most people don't know is that if any of Lucian's allies hits the mark they also give him the movement steroid, allowing for more versatile gameplay. When I am confident in an initiation I often cast dash and my W while I'm dashing to provide quick initiation and eliminate the cast time on Ardent Blaze

Relentless Pursuit
Lucian's safe-haven. More often than not, you will be running away/dodging/kiting instead of pursuing. This ability is more complicated than it seems. There is 2 lengths at which Lucian can dash, I call it long dash and short dash. I will post a video example of this. I already went over this abilities interaction with lightslinger so this will be short. Dash smartly, don't dash too far forward or backwards as that can lose you a teamfight. The dash resets your basic attack allowing quick burst. at 40% cdr max level dash you can
Q>auto>dash before the autos land>auto again and your dash will be back up (will post video).

The Culling For an ultimate, this ability can be a tad underwhelming. If you go for the armor pen build the culling obliterates people. If you go for the crit build it does mediocre damage. I usually try to get an ultimate off either before a fight to chunk an enemy champion or during a fight to kite back a bit faster, but using it during a fight can drastically lower your damage output. It is also useful for chasing as it can be used while moving. If you have a W mark on someone and you ult them you will be Usain Bolt sprinting at them as they cry helplessly and run in terror.
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Item Build Breakdown

With the cost buff of Blade of the Ruined King there is really only one Lucian build at the moment. Getting 40% cdr from 2 incredible Lucian items and a cheap Bork has propelled him to meta status and his pick rate/ban rate shot up like crazy on 8.11

Get Guardian Angel against heavy assassination

Get Maw of Malmortius against heavy ap burst

Get Mercurial Scimitar against Malzahar and other point and click CC goons you're having trouble with

Always get a Last Whisper item in the late stages unless you're playing against 5 little girls with absolutely no armor

Every build should have a clear focus, which means no split building and avoid a single crit item without an infinity edge.
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Supports that work well

The supports that work best with Lucian are supports that either:

1. Buff him up and enable him to move/do damage or
2. Lock the enemy down and enable him to do damage through crowd control.

His very best supports are probably Braum and Nami because they have the unique ability to add a dimension of on hit damage to the game and lightslinger is great at utilizing on hits. Others would be Thresh, Alistar, Leona, Karma, Janna, Taric. And of course this is all relevant to the meta.
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Lucian can be summarized as follows: loads of potential sealed into a bottle you just can't always get open. In laning phase your main focus is, of course, gaining a creep score advantage without taking punishment and possibly obtaining first tower or a kill lead. There is a variety of ways that you can do this and, in most cases, they are not easy. Lets break it down into categories.

Making Trades
You may find yourself in several situations where you have the opportunity to attempt a basic attack trade. With press the attack you can procc 3 autos much faster than any other adc allowing for quick and effective trades. My usual strategy is to get one basic attack off without taking damage, do either a Q if it is safe or a dash if I need to dodge, land the second attack with the passive (which then activates press the attack) and pressing the trade until they are forced to concede or stopping there depending on the situation. In extended trades your rotation should normally go as follows- Auto>q>auto>dash>auto>w>auto. THIS WILL VARY ALL THE TIME. For example, if you're playing against a brand support you'll want to use your dash to dodge pillar of flame (the circle aoe ability). If you're against thresh you surely don't want to get hooked so maybe you lead with W for the speed on hit. The point is to maximize your outgoing damage in a timely manner while using your 200 IQ mind to mitigate their damage with dashes and LCS level spacing. This is a rudimentary explanation and I may be making some obvious points but I will be going into more detail later in the guide.

Farming is the most important lane mechanic! When you master CSing(creep scoring) on Lucian you will be able to achieve upwards of 12 cs per minute! His ability to clear waves and land last hits is far above average, as he inherently trades auto attack range for mobility, variety, and damage. On my FIRST minion wave I like to get all of the frontline minions low and kill them all with a well timed Piercing Light. If you do this successfully you will have 3 cs as soon as you walk into lane and a pushing advantage. This is my personal preference, I don't always do it and you may find a way you like to farm, the main goal is to acquire every single piece of CS and hit level 2 first or at the same time as the enemy. Often times my playstyle dictates that I shove the enemy team into their tower (depending on my support) and attempt a CS lead sheerly through lane pressure and tower farming. In order to play up like this you have to save your dash when you are unaware of the junglers position and play very cautiously. Lucian's level 1 dash has a 22 second cooldown, meaning you are extremely screwed for 22 seconds if you dash poorly and are initiated on. Granted his passive lowers his dash cooldown, but this example is just for perspective. Many Lucian players will tell you never to use your ultimate to clear minion waves. What they mean to say is that your ultimate is a powerful tool and unless you know for sure that clearing the minion wave in the time of your ultimate is imperative then you should usually avoid that decision. For example, if I just got a kill or two in lane or forced the enemy out and a cannon wave is coming into the middle I will ult all 7 minions to force my wave under their tower and cause the enemy bot lane to lose either the whole wave or most of it. I could go on for hours about farming but these are the basics:
1. Last hit every minion
2. Don't be afraid to use your abilities to pick up creeps
3. Never dash into a cc support with their cc abilities up
4. Do not trade behind the enemy minions unless you are a confident old boy
5. Be aware of the jungler/mid laner trying to get in your business
6. Pressure tower whenever safe and possible (If you take tower swap lanes generally)
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Team Fighting

Team fighting as any ADC champion can be stressful, especially in assassin meta. Some champions like varus or ashe simply die if Zed or Kayn or any one of those overplayed pesky assassins gets a good initiation, but Lucian has many options to outplay. Since Lucian only has 500 basic attack range you need to pick and choose your basic attacks very carefully whilst also out dpsing the enemy ADC. I'm sure I have several videos of me team fighting that I can put in a section at the bottom of this guide, but I will try my best to explain it here.

Spacing and Kiting
Lucians number one enemy is point and click abilities. How can you dodge a Vi ult if she doesn't have to aim it? You can't. But if you have good spacing, you won't need to dodge it but simply mitigate its usefulness. On the flipside, simple and direct champions without point and click CC like Darius or Jax simply have no chance against a great Lucian player as they have no reliable way of sticking to you. This gets a lot more complicated in a 5v5 situation where you have to worry about everyone and everyone is worrying about you. Team fighting in general comes down to being aware of what is a possible threat to you and what you don't have to worry about. Generally if an ADC champion stands behind their frontline, spaces away from potential threats, and saves their mobility until they need it they will have the upperhand in a team fight. Let me give you an example.
You and Nami are trotting up to the center of mid lane and you are jumped by Lee Sin and Braum. What does Lee have to do to kill you? He has a variety of options. Landing his Q Sonic Wave is very important to him, so you must avoid that by standing behind Nami or using your dash to dodge it. If he has flash and ward hop you must be at least 500 units away from him or he will easily insec you(or at least he will try to). His slow Tempest and Cripple is a very short range ability and with proper spacing you can avoid it. What Can Braum do? He can throw a Q to try and CC you. Maybe exhaust you. Again, you need to dodge the skillshot and play around the exhaust. He can ult (very readable and slow) and you need to dodge that as well. Now you may be can I dodge all of these things with only 1 dash and maybe a flash? Excellent question! Take note of the ability breakdown section(specifically lightslinger and relentless pursuit). That also brings me to the last portion of this example, what can your ally nami do? Nami is a beautiful support for Lucian! she speed buffs you, heals you, peels for you, and she gives you on hit damage that you can pop at light speed with your trusty Lightslinger.
Surely you should never lose in this situation unless there is a mountain of gold in Lee Sin's trousers.
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For the Lower elo player

Good man having the stones to try out ADC. Lucian is a safer pick in Gold and down because players often don't punish you for having 500 auto range. With this in mind, our goal should always be to play at a Diamond level, meaning CS leads and smart decision making are imperative. Playing like an ape may net you an extra kill here and there but playing smart and making informed decisions will net you more wins overall. Congrats if you're a lower rank and you find the High elo section more helpful, everyone is at their own stage in improvement <3
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For the High elo player

Auto cancelling is a must, get your butt moving as soon as your bullet leaves your gun and keep on the run. You should not see your full auto animation, ghost step that trash. Unless you're going for a stop juke you should always be spacing around your enemy. The armor pen build is less reliable late game as you only have 50% crit but the damage is usually more reliable overall because you don't get 6 items till late game.
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I hope you enjoyed the guide and found it helpful and easy to understand! When playing Lucian don't beat yourself up if you find some mechanics difficult as most players cannot perform his full rotation effectively. Keep at it and you'll get it down! Thanks for reading, I'll try to answer any questions in the comments or by email and I will add to this guide and update it :)
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