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Veigar Build Guide by TheRealCefor

AP Carry Dirtbag Veigar

AP Carry Dirtbag Veigar

Updated on May 18, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRealCefor Build Guide By TheRealCefor 35 3 2,069,882 Views 112 Comments
35 3 2,069,882 Views 112 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TheRealCefor Veigar Build Guide By TheRealCefor Updated on May 18, 2016
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RikudouDovahkiin (9) | April 6, 2017 11:40pm
Can you updt build?
parrot6632 (12) | August 1, 2016 8:35am

having an alistar in game vs veigar shouldn't be too bad. he'll be support 95% of the time and as such shouldn't be too much of a problem. if you misposition and get in range of his combo that's when your in trouble. because if he's any good he'll go for you with his W-Q combo for a 1.5 second knockup. being ccd as veigar is pretty bad because you can't position correctly. also he's generally pretty tanky and his ult gives him a cleanse to escape your stun. overall though just stay out of range of [headbutt] and you should be fine

threat level 3
parrot6632 (12) | May 13, 2016 6:50am

so your having trouble against [aatrox] as veigar. nobody plays him but that could be exactly why you lose against him because you have no experience. let me enlighten you on how to play against [aatrox]. he's usually played toplane though occasionally jungle and he's similar to [tryndamere] but has more sustain and less straight up damage. he relies on his [dark flight] to initiate and close the gap [dark flight] is a dash that can be blocked by [event horizon]. if he ever gets in range of you when your stun is down your probably dead because he can survive after you burst him with his passive . if his passive goes down while event horizon is up throw event horizon over the spot where he will revive. you can tell if his passive is up or not because his resource bar will be red if its up and white if its not
parrot6632 (12) | May 6, 2016 5:09pm

so ziggs is a poke mage with a lot of control in the form of his E and W. in lane all you really have to do is dodge his bombs. don't get in auto range of him because he has his passive which'll make his auto's hurt a ton. if he throws down his minefield on top of you walk out of it without stepping on all the bombs at once. if he tries to escape with W quickly throw up event horizon and he'll immediately become stunned. expect him to try and snipe you with his ult so recall in out of the way places other then that he's pretty squishy and should die easily if you catch him
parrot6632 (12) | May 5, 2016 2:40pm

so xerath is a guy thats really hard to deal with if you can't dodge skillshots. if you can dodge em its ez pz. his Q has a really easy to see wind up animation so always be on the look for it. a trick i found to be useful is start running left then run to the right. if he starts to predict you just keep running. its a mind game in the end. his W is fairly hard for him to land if he doesn't get his E on you. you should always be far enough back to dodge it. as for his ultimate your only choice is really to juke it. he won't usually get caught by your stun but if he does he's dead immediately no questions asked.

threat level 7.
resosan | April 1, 2016 9:46am
Voted +1
really like the build.
TheRealCefor (11) | March 18, 2016 10:35am
Now I have nothing against trying new builds and zz rot is strong atm but keep in mind there will be times where if you get a zz rot that you will lose kill potential you would normally have by purchasing a standard ap item.

I've been tempted by WOTA but I find Lich Bane a more tempting alternative, you'll still get the 10% cdr but your auto-attacks become extremely lethal and it only has a 1.5 cd on that bonus damage.

If you have success with your new build consistently (over 7 or so matches), let me know and I'll definitely give it a try myself.

A final note, you mentioned you started this build because the jungler and top-laner where killing you, I would suggest working on your positioning which is something I haven't talked much about yet but plan to soon. In the mean time here's a video that helped me out a bunch with this exact problem, Lesson in Team-Fighting Video. This video is in a playlist of other interesting videos that might help as well.

Thank you for sharing your build and suggestions, I really appreciate it! GL on the Rift :D
Morde es numero uno (1) | March 17, 2016 11:54pm
I was having trouble with getting blown up by a top laner or jungler when I go to take out their carry before/during a fight. I fixed this by building for utility.

WOTA and either morello or athene's give the cdr needed to ult twice during a late game death timer. A zzrot is really good for resistances to get close and the ms to have map presence (to save my dying teammates). Deathcap, void staff, and boots complete the build.

30% cdr, free heals, resistant, super speedy, and still deadly enough to instakill the carries

Also, deathfire is op on infinite scaling
TheRealCefor (11) | March 17, 2016 11:27pm
Since you brought up the out-dated parts of my cheat sheet, I cleaned through it and updated the build accordingly. Thanks for the heads up, Jani.
Janitsu (569) | March 17, 2016 3:12pm
Yeah, it's great to be buddies with me ;) ;) ;)
TheRealCefor (11) | March 17, 2016 3:01pm
Yea it is, I posted a warning about the item section being out-dated a month back. I figured there was no point in changing it since AP items and mages are being updated soon. Plus it was the mastery Intelligence that brought the cdr to 40%, 45% only if you have blue buff but I always knew 5% cdr was being wasted.

Thanks for taking the time to comment, we'll be buddies soon enough.
Janitsu (569) | March 17, 2016 2:05pm
Your item section seems outdated and you aren't going to hit 40% CDR with Ionian Boots of Lucidity and Greater Glyph of Scaling Cooldown Reduction :(

i won't downvote so your day doesn't get ruined :^)
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