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Jhin Build Guide by BulgariaNN1

Jhin Guide

Jhin Guide

Updated on July 3, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BulgariaNN1 Build Guide By BulgariaNN1 3,968 Views 0 Comments
3,968 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BulgariaNN1 Jhin Build Guide By BulgariaNN1 Updated on July 3, 2017
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The champion ill be talking about is Jhin. Jhin is snowbally adc with extremely good scaling's...and a late game terror. He has very high damage and very low mobility until he gets his items so he will need a cc heavy or peel sup to compensate for his weakness which is low mobility in the early game. The main stats you want to be focusing on when your playing Jhin are damage...crit...and attack speed. Jhin gains 2-40 percent increased ad based off his level(1-18). Also....Jhin gains 4% damage for every 10 crit that he builds. So crit is a priority. He gains a burst of movement speed every time he crits (which is how he kites) and the movement speed boost is increased base off how much attack speed he has built. ( 2.5% movement speed for every 10 attack speed built)

So he is a champion that revolves around crit attack speed..and if you like to chunk people for half their hp per auto...damage as well. He has a high skill cap but not as high as some champions like Azir or Zed... and requires pin point accuracy to use his w and ult effectively. He has lots of utility..massive range on some of his abilities...and brings a very unique...refreshing play style to the table. But most of all he is very fun to play.
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Pros / Cons


+ Strong Lane Presence
+ Satisfying Animations
+ Game changing ultimate
+ Excellent Scaling
+ Incredible range and objective control
+ Obscenely high AD


- Has no mobility at all
- Weak self peel, W just can't cut it
- High skill ceiling
- Sluggish from low attack speed
- Ult takes getting used to
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Skill Sequence

Passive - Whisper

Jhin's pasive is pretty sweet. Jhin can only hold 4 shots in his gun, Whisper, and his attack speed scales with his level. To compensate for a slower attack speed, he also gains a large amount of additional AD that scales like crazy. All bonus attack speed from runes, masteries, items, or other sources is converted into additional AD.

Jhin's basic attacks essentially mark enemies, which will be important for landing a good skill combo with his W later on. Enemies will also be marked for Jhin if the enemy was hit by a lotus trap or friendly champion attacks/abilities.

His fourth shot is guaranteed to critically strike and deals extra damage based on missing health. Try to land the fourth shot on your lane opponent, but if you can't no biggie. Don't waste the shot though, because after 10 seconds of not attacking Jhin will have to reload.

Cool tip: Using one of Jhin's abilities refreshes the 10 second no-attack timer, so if you are trying to position for landing a fourth shot, you can refresh the timer by throwing down a trap or using his W. This way you can make sure that you don't waste the fourth shot, and land them crits boiz!

Q - Dancing Grenade

Always max Dancing Grenade (Q) first as it has a short cooldown and it is your main source of harass. You can also use your Q to clear waves pretty quickly, but the danger of doing that (especially in mid) is that you open yourself up to ganks by being pushed up.

Use his Q as a way to poke people down, and if you get ganked use it to deal a significant amount of damage so you have a better chance of being able to kill either the jungler or laner.

Dancing Grenade increases damage output by 35% for each unit killed by one of the hops, so if you time it right you can bounce it off a couple of minions to increase the damage before having it land on the champ you want to hit. So if you wanna poke at the end of a wave, leave 2 minions low and release the nade when an enemy champ is nearby the minions.

W - Deadly Flourish

Jhin's W is a very good ability if used correctly. If you hit a marked enemy with it, it roots them, which is great for setting up wombo combos or picking off specific champs in a team fight. His W will stop upon hitting an enemy champion however, so make sure to position yourself in a way where your target isn't behind one of their teammates. Deady Flourish can pierce through minions though.

The range on this ability is pretty large, so you can use it to snipe enemies trying to recall or escape.

E - Captive Audience

This nifty trap is similar to a teemo mushroom. You set it, it arms, and then it goes into stealth. It lasts 2 minutes and Jhin can store multiple traps which are created every 24 seconds when the ability is maxed.

When stepped on, these little traps mark the enemy and after a few second delay the zone around it bursts out AD. This ability is good to combo with W because of the mark. If you cant lay an AA on your opponent, throw a trap down in a choke point and sooner or later he'll step on it. You could also lay them down along your path when being chased. Then hit your W to root, Q grenade for damage, Ignite, Crit, AA. If they are still alive you can execute them with ult. These traps are crazy good and scale with 20 / 80 / 140 / 200 / 260 (+1.2 per attack damage) +100%AP. So if the enemy cant get out of the trap, a trap could potentially do over 800 damage. Yeah, I went there.

R - Curtain Call

This is Jhin's epic ultimate ability. The map zooms out, and Jhin roots himself in preparation to unleash 4 damaging shots. The shots damage in a cone, slowing them by 80% for 0.75 seconds and dealing 50 / 125 / 200 (+0.25 per attack damage) physical damage, increased by 2% for each 1% Health the target is missing. The 4th shot crits for 100 / 250 / 400 (+0.5 per attack damage) physical damage.

So if someone is tryna back when they're low? Snipe them. That's really the only logical thing you can do. Make them FEEL the crits. Thank you RITO.

Anyways, this ability is pretty self explanatory, but the aiming takes a little practice. Similar to a Xerath ult.
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Tips for gameplay

Early Game: In the early game as Jhin with this build you want to pretend your Vayne until you get the bf sword. With these full crit amp runes you will be at a slight disadvantage early and the runes dont start to become beneficial until you get some nice ad....and even more so when you start building crit.

Mid Game: You want to try to rack up as many kills as possible will getting some nice farm in the mid game. Kill your enemy bot laners...take their tower and roam mid to help your team. Try to always stick with your allies as your vulnerable by yourself...that goes for early game too. Use your fourth auto to help secure objectives like rift herald and dragon and try to complete your core items of Infinity Edge...Essence Reaver and Boots of speed at the very minimum. Also use your snare to pick up assists from across the should be max rank by now and give a nice stun to help secure kills.

Late Game: Late game is were you start becoming a god. Stay with your team and be a part of as many team fights as possible because the impact you make on a team fight is massive. Always be with your team. Play a more aggressive in the late game as you can 1v1 most champions. And be the carry that your team needs.
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Important Video

Short video, created by the best jhin's player.

Important for beginners

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League of Legends Build Guide Author BulgariaNN1
BulgariaNN1 Jhin Guide
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