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Sion Build Guide by Apos

Middle [Mid / Top] Sion, Win lane, Win game

Middle [Mid / Top] Sion, Win lane, Win game

Updated on October 29, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Apos Build Guide By Apos 103 14 3,296,965 Views 173 Comments
103 14 3,296,965 Views 173 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Apos Sion Build Guide By Apos Updated on October 29, 2018
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Worst Sion EUW | August 17, 2017 5:57pm
I used the runes and starter items and went from silver 4 to gold 5.

Thank you! :)
Apos (10) | September 21, 2018 1:37am
Nice job! Did you climb more since August?
2Alpha1 (5) | July 15, 2017 9:01pm
Just here to say that your guide is lit and Zeke's Harbinger is remove due a replacement Zeke item.
Apos (10) | September 21, 2018 1:39am
I miss that item. ;( Zeke's Herald too. ;(
The Jhin Cena (16) | February 27, 2017 6:15pm
Really great build, though I throw in a Titanic Hydra and it really helps a lot.
Apos (10) | April 22, 2017 9:59pm
Thanks! And Titanic is really nice!
GodLord (34) | January 13, 2017 2:31pm
great build
Apos (10) | January 16, 2017 3:47pm
Thanks! Good luck with Sion!
GodLord (34) | January 16, 2017 4:27pm
thank you!
RRARASKALD (1) | August 14, 2016 5:24pm
Absolutely love this guide. There was a time I spammed 10 games in a row of Sion mid in normals and I won 8 in a row with awesome k/d ratios. It was also incredibly fun. I therefore have to thank you for showing me the build that lead me to that experience.
Apos (10) | August 22, 2016 6:14pm
Hey sorry for my late reply, didn't notice your comment.

Really nice to hear that! Sion mid is really good.
NicknameMy (155) | July 24, 2016 2:46pm
With Wolves start you have 601+ Gold, enough to start with Rejuvenation Bead, Cloth Armor and Refillable Potion, a very strong combo which leads fast into Raptor Cloak. Another option against mages can be Null-Magic Mantle and Refillable Potion. A 3rd start could be Doran's Ring + Refillable Potion, if you want to be more aggressive.
Apos (10) | July 27, 2016 9:11pm
I'm thinking of doing two camps from the enemy jungle.
aWonderFULSUPP | July 17, 2016 8:33am
Instead of decree can i use strength of ages for more hp?
Apos (10) | July 17, 2016 11:57pm
Instead of decree can i use strength of ages for more hp?

You can, but really, unless you're a jungler, consider taking bond of stone instead.
NicknameMy (155) | July 24, 2016 2:59pm
Or Grasp of the Undying cuz you have a good amount of HP for that.
X e0n | March 23, 2016 2:39pm
Ok ty for your advice, you are really a god ! I'll try to do that. :)
Apos (10) | March 23, 2016 12:32pm
X e0n wrote:

Ty a lot for your answear.

The Zz'rot is still viable or not after the 6.6 ?

And so i'm still getting flam by teamates everytime i pick Sion mid, before the game start ... So if i give one little kill they go away from the mind game and tilt and flam as hell and destroy the game. I can't really train the char in that condition and having an history to prove that i could make it. Have you got an advice on that ?

( sry if my english is a bit poor )

ZZ is still viable, only difference is that you might need to put it a little further back from the tower instead of right beside of behind it. Otherwise it's still the same item.

You'll have teams that don't #believe sometimes, it happens. The trick is to impress them right from champion select. You don't need to explain yourself. Usually when someone asks "Sion mid?" I'll just respond with "The one and only!". That usually shuts them up. Try to build some complicity with your jungler. If your jungler is top side, try to push your lane and then go top side and gank together. (If you have trouble pushing your lane, it's whatever, just roam anyway until you get comfortable with the playstyle.)

When the game starts, try to have as big of an impact on the game as you can with well timed roams. You can easily gank bot lane at level 3 for example. By 10 minutes, you should have around 70% to 100% kill participation.

If your team tilts after a single death, you should just mute them and don't bother telling them about it.

Try not to play the boring mid laner game where you sit mid and hope you don't get ganked. Be the mid laner that plays the map so much that it's the other team that tilts from having to play against you.
X e0n | March 23, 2016 11:46am
Ty a lot for your answear.

The Zz'rot is still viable or not after the 6.6 ?

And so i'm still getting flam by teamates everytime i pick Sion mid, before the game start ... So if i give one little kill they go away from the mind game and tilt and flam as hell and destroy the game. I can't really train the char in that condition and having an history to prove that i could make it. Have you got an advice on that ?

( sry if my english is a bit poor )
Apos (10) | March 21, 2016 9:17pm

Thank you for the guide :) But I had a few questions regarding your mana and cdr: I always take IcebornGauntlet right now because of the CDR, mana, and spellblade. What are your thoughts on it?

Also, how viable is building AP on Sion late game when the teamfights start?

I like Iceborn Gauntlet. If you like it, you can buy it. The stats it provides are really good.

I like to build AP items like Banner of Command, Abyssal Mask and Liandry's Torment when I can. Obviously it depends on your game. If you think your team needs the extra damage, then go ahead. Or perhaps you are completely stomping the early game, then they are good items to get to help win during mid game. If you do take them, remember that you might be a little easier to kill therefore play accordingly.

It's not too hard to play Sion as a mage.

X e0n wrote:

I just got three questions :

1) I have problem with last hitting in early with this build, is "savagery" a good idea to pick ?
2) Why blue pen instead of blue AP on runes, that blue pen are very low, they are worth it ?

And the most important one :

3) What skin is the best to play with your build ? :D

Really ty for this build, i was looking for something like that for a while before seeing this one. :)
  1. If you really do have a problem with your last hitting, you should start by practicing in a custom game. It's fine to take Savagery, but Wanderer is really good. If you decide to use Savagery instead, feel free to use 3 Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed instead.
  2. Magic pen Glyphs are always better than the AP ones. Also, the Magic pen Glyphs help boost items like Sunfire Aegis and Thornmail. It also helps with both Thunderlord's Decree and Grasp of the Undying masteries depending on which one you take. You can do deeper math, but you'll notice that the AP ones aren't as good in the early game as well as in the late game.
  3. Right now, I really like the Hextech skin, but that will soon change when the Mecha Zero Sion skin is released which should be soon.
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