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Yasuo Build Guide by Massive Nuts

Middle [S8] Yasuo, the wind king (Mid and Top Guide)

Middle [S8] Yasuo, the wind king (Mid and Top Guide)

Updated on March 8, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Massive Nuts Build Guide By Massive Nuts 5 2 45,467 Views 11 Comments
5 2 45,467 Views 11 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Massive Nuts Yasuo Build Guide By Massive Nuts Updated on March 8, 2018
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Glacial Augment
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic

Legend: Alacrity


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Listen guys I know what you're thinking. Actually, I don't but nevermind. You're (maybe) thinking I'm another yasuo main in low-elo and with 10% winrate on him. Now listen, I am gold but not a main yasuo but I can teach anybody to be one. Don't trust me? Follow this guide. It will surprise you how effective it is.

Table of contents:

+ What are the specs of this yasuo?
+ Why these runes and not classic precision runes?
+ Why Phantom dancer and not Statikk Shiv?
+ Why these items over overs?
+ Why you keep asking questions that's not how you do a table of content?


Resistant to ganks in early
Slowed enemies after first auto
Hard to decide when to engage
Gamechanging ultimate
Suprisingly, more damage in early than precision yasuo
Easy to farm, Amazing Splitpush and Waveclear


Easy tilt when failing some important actions
Vulnerable to CC in late
Hard to decide when to engage
Hard to play because high banrate
Need minions to be effective

+ What are the specs of this yasuo?
+ Why these runes and not classic precision runes?
+ Why Phantom dancer and not Statikk Shiv?
+ Why these items over overs?
+ Why you keep asking questions that's not how you do a table of content?

Glacial Augment is the new revolutionary key rune on Yasuo. Applying an augmented effect of Frozen Mallet
on your first AA at level 1 will help in two ways: First, you can resist ganks a lot easier than when using precision runes, by just hitting your tornado or Q over the jungler/midlaner. Secondly, it will help on-lane when "poking". Midlane is a small lane so this slow will allow you to have more time to apply your damage and possibly not undertower them. It can also help when catching up on somebody. PS: Your tornado can apply this effect.

Magical Footwear may shock some of you high-elo guys. Don't worry, I know it got nerfed and it is a dangerous item to take with a champ who has a hard-escaping ability.
This rune will however allow you to focus on your core items which you will need to rush asap. Taking magical footwear also grants you an additionnal 10% MS which will make a difference in late-game.

Future's Market is one rune you will never be able to leave after using it. Phantom Dancer and IE are quite expensive items to build in early even for a great farmer like Yasuo. Sometimes, you're just missing a couple gold to reach that IE that will make a huge difference in your 1v1. With this item, you can rush your items a lot quicker and therefore have more sustain and your damage earlier in the game.
You can also buy a pink after each back to be safe on-lane.

Time Warp Tonic is the last rune you'll need with Yasuo. I mean, the other choices are Cosmic Insight and Approach Velocity which you would have no use of, so the choice is clear in this branch. But nevertheless, it will give you a lot more sustain when using potions on-lane in early-game phases and that is great to continue farming and rushing your items .

Triumph is one great rune which will probably get nerfed soon so play it asap. You know with Yasuo you will need to go undertower or teamfight at some point, and that means taking risks to kill somebody. But what if those risks were rewarded by the fact you don't die after it? This rune will allow you to survive mad situations and continue fighting after that.

Legend: Alacrity is really necessary on yasuo because of his Q passive. The cooldown and cast time of it will be reduced by the attack speed. You will need that to spam your Q and get your tornado asap in fights. It is also great having attack speed when hitting an enemy with a tornado, for casting an AA right before your enemy hits the ground and you can't ult them anymore. That additional AA will make a huge difference on the final damage and seperates a good yasuo from a bad yasuo.


+ What are the specs of this yasuo?
+ Why these runes and not classic precision runes?
+ Why Phantom dancer and not Statikk Shiv?
+ Why these items over overs?
+ Why you keep asking questions that's not how you do a table of content?

I though we had already answered that in S7, but i saw a few Yasuos playing with Statikk Shiv so here are the main 5 reasons why we use Phantom Dancer more than any other critical strike item: ( Essence Reaver, Statikk Shiv, Rapid Firecannon or Runaan's Hurricane)
  • Firstly, we can abandon Runaan's Hurricane and Rapid Firecannon because Yasuo is a melee champ, so both passive don't apply. We can also abandon Essence Reaver as Yasuo has no mana. Too bad for them
  • Then, we only have Statikk Shiv to oppose to Phantom Dancer. The stats are the same. Oh wait, Phantom Dancer gives 10% more attack speed.
  • The passive of Phantom Dancer ables you to pass threw all units and be quicker when near an ennemy, but also reduces the damage you receive from a champ by 10%. This will allow you to keep your opponent's damage down and survive a little longer. Now let's have a look at Statikk Shiv: After having charged your statikk after about 10/15 sec walking, you will have 1 autoattack boosted that expands to other ennemy units around. Aswell as killing all the minions of the wave which you could use to dash on, load your tornado or hide behind, it will only proc AP bonus damage. You don't want that. At all.

+ What are the specs of this yasuo?
+ Why these runes and not classic precision runes?
+ Why Phantom dancer and not Statikk Shiv?
+ Why these items over overs?
+ Why you keep asking questions that's not how you do a table of content?

Phantom Dancer is your first item you need to rush even in champ select if possible. This will give you enough attack speed to be dangerous to your opponents in early and have your tornado in less than 3 seconds. Added to that is the massive amount of crit you have with this item. (60% with your passive)
Also, with this Yasuo, you won't have boots before minute 10 so these 5% MS are really precious in early. See more about this item in the other section

Infinity Edge is the second item you should rush. It is quite expensive for an early-game purchase, but don't worry, you have Future's Market and can farm really easily with Yasuo. After you have the first two items, you will see a massive gap in your damage:
all your Qs and AAs will do 250% of normal damage. This will properly make you a beast and it will be at this point you will start winning the game.

Bloodthirster is your sustain. It is your surviving and your amazing plays. You will need no more lifesteal after that. This item is the equivalent of a warmog on mundo and because you have no mana, this is all you need to stay forever alive. It will also (if you prepared the fight) grant you a massive shield (up to 350HP) before engaging a fight. That's almost the equivalent of a giant 's belt. Rush this right after IE and see appear messages in all chat saying "WTF YAS IS BROKEN".

Mercurial Scimitar could be your 4th item if you're dying too much from CC.
Let's say there is an OTP Leona in their team and you can't play without her putting her 12 seconds cc on you. This is the item you're looking for. I wouldn't recommend building this as a last item as it is quite expensive because of the recipe price. This item will also give you additional MR and lifesteal. PS: The passive also gives you 50% MS on a short period of time to cast your Q a lot faster: use it.

Maw of Malmortius is pretty good when you're facing an aggressive impact mage. (like Annie or Vel'Koz) The passive gives you a shield covering over 300 damage. On top of this, you can a lot of AD and some CD to use your E quicker when in difficult situations. This can both be taken as a 4th and 5th item and cumulates well with a mercurial if they have strong AP carry.

Mortal Reminder is my new favourite secondary item on Yasuo. It will allow you to fight any tank or offtank trying to build armor against you. But it will also reduce their healing of 40% when you attack them. Imagine that mundo rushing on you with his ult on. Well he's already dead by the time you finished reading this sentence. Great last item but can also be a 4th item if you want to build GA as a last item.

Sterak's Gage is a really strong item if your team tends to take some time on following your engages. When taken a big amount of damage under 5 seconds, you will be given usually around 300HP of margin so that your team joins and your bloodthirster gets all that HP back. Also good if there is a grab in their team and your reflexes are a bit low. Can be both 4th and last item.

Guardian Angel is the item you need if you're the classic yasuo main bronzie.
But I'm not saying that in a negative way. I mean they usually engage alone in dangerous situations where they try to do plays solo. This item will grant you another life after your engage so your team can save you and your bloodthirster gets you back to full-health.


+ What are the specs of this yasuo?
+ Why these runes and not classic precision runes?
+ Why Phantom dancer and not Statikk Shiv?
+ Why these items over overs?
+ Why you keep asking questions that's not how you do a table of content?

Thanks a lot guys for reading. I don't know why I did the table of contents like that btw, maybe just to trigger you and force you to read all the guide. My name is Massive Nuts, leave an upvote if you appreciated this guide and if it helped. Leave a comment if you want to flame #teamstatikkshiv or just say something to me, I'm rly active. Add me on LoL EUW if you want, same name as here. Kisses, and bye guys!

+ What are the specs of this yasuo?
+ Why these runes and not classic precision runes?
+ Why Phantom dancer and not Statikk Shiv?
+ Why these items over overs?
+ Why you keep asking questions that's not how you do a table of content?
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Massive Nuts
Massive Nuts Yasuo Guide
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