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Sejuani Build Guide by LukeMortora

AP Offtank That'll do, Pig. - An In-Depth Jungle Sejuani Guide (4.11)

AP Offtank That'll do, Pig. - An In-Depth Jungle Sejuani Guide (4.11)

Updated on July 9, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author LukeMortora Build Guide By LukeMortora 23,439 Views 13 Comments
23,439 Views 13 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author LukeMortora Sejuani Build Guide By LukeMortora Updated on July 9, 2014
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SwineFlu010 | August 29, 2014 7:39pm
I don't know if you care, but i found some typos:

Arctic Assault:
It it worth noting that this ability deals damage dependant on Ability Power, as well as a percentage of your target's Maxiumum health.

I would not reccommend doing this as it leaves you totally exposed to getting smacked without any form of escape.

The flat armour makes your much more resilient to the jungle monsters in the early game, as well as providing a reasonable amount of safety against the bot lane ADC and top lane fighters.

each provides +3 MR at level 18, giving a total of 27, which should fill the MR gap in the build i have provided.

AS vs BV:
You would be better of with Spirit Visage if you feel confident enough that the enemy APC has not been fed

These are some that I caught but I don't feel like finding any more.

Anyway thanks for this awesome guide! I think my jungle will be much stronger with it.
Kobalt | August 8, 2014 1:55pm
Voted +1
nice damage,nice tankyness
Kobalt | August 8, 2014 1:55pm
nice damage,nice tankyness
Vynertje (386) | July 12, 2014 8:33am
Regarding masteries: I'm just saying it looks better and it makes it easier to read as well. It takes next to 0 effort and is a decent improvement on your guide.

Regarding jungle route: I have 0 clue about the new jungle names which means it's really hard for me to understand - even for me as D3 player.

Standard jungle route = (bottom side buff) -> wolves/wraiths -> (top side buff). This means you can get help from your bot lane (2 man can help more than one) and it also allows you to gank top/mid (solo lanes are a lot easier to gank level 3 than bot lane, especially if you have no hard cc like seju pre-6) - starting on top side of the map means you are a lot less flexible in your decisions which I often advice against, UNLESS you have a specific game plan (e.g. want to avoid invades, invade yourself or prioritize a specific lane)

Regarding E max: I don't see the benefit at all. You hurt your damage A LOT and same goes for your clear speed, all for a slow increase from 50%->70%. If you get in range to apply your slow, you'll be able to apply it permanently anyway so the extended duration only matters very little.

Also, randuin's is superior to frozen heart in a lot of aspects. The attack speed debuff is only good if the enemy has a lot of champions benefitting from AS while Randuin's gives you a whole bunch of hp as well
LukeMortora (1) | July 10, 2014 3:39am
Hi all!

Wow, didn't expect a response so quickly. I thought i'd give you a little insight into why I made some of the decisions i did.

Vynertje wrote:
  • I think I'd use hybrid pen marks over mpen because in ganks you'll still be using your AA's a lot. I might also consider movement speed quints as she relies on it heavily (but in that case you'd want to swap back to armor seals). Scaling health is also worth considering combined with the new Spirit of the Ancient Golem.
  • I'd run 0/21/9 on Sejuani (or 9/21/0, not sure as I'm not a Sejuani main) but I'm sure both setups are more effective than 6/24/0

You probably have a good point in the hybrid pen marks, i tend to find that Sej doesnt do a whole lot of physical damage with her AA's, i figured focussing on her strengths would yield a greater return in the late game, as most of her damage would be magical by that point. I'm also trying to optimise the use of Liandry's Torment. Hybrid marks may well speed up her clear time though, which is something this build is lacking in given that i choose to level Permafrost rather than Flail of the Northern Winds, which is why i pick up liandry's first. The choice is a little riskier, but once you have it, you're golden.

I agree that my masteries need looking at, plain and simple. Runic affinity may well be worth it for the early game.

Vynertje wrote:
I'm not sure about this but I'd probably delay Liandry's Torment a little bit and get something like Sunfire Aegis / Locket of the Iron Solari first. On that note, Locket isn't a late game item at all (it's most effective mid game) and Randuin's Omen is definitely worth the consideration as a defensive item.

Again, you're probably right about the locket, i feel it would be only beneficial to pick this up earlier than slot 4 if you're going into teamfights early, otherwise the investment in the aura and active is pretty wasteful unless you're ganking the mid lane or an AP top. I wouldn't begrudge anyone picking up a sunfire cape as a first item instead, as the clear time, armour and extra health are well worth it, but it does leave you short of armour if you build it instead of frozen heart.

As for randuin's omen, the Cold Steel passive seems much weaker than the aura you get from having a frozen heart. The health is obviously what would tip randuins into favour over frozen heart, but i feel that paying for the active on randuins is a waste of gold, as you're apply your passive slow to everything you're hitting anyway. I'd take the -15% atk speed aura over cold steel any day.

Vynertje wrote:
[*] Not sure about abyssal, I think it's a waste (Ap scalings on sejuani are meh.) - the mpen is nothing more than a luxury either.
[*] Mercs are definitely worth the consideration as Golem doesn't give tenacity anymore.

Abyssal scepter is taken mostly to fill the gap in your MR, but also to maximise the effect on Liandry's Torment. As a utility jungler, i thought it would be worthwhile to have if you're also increasing the damage your APC is pumping out. If you're going to be in the thick of it, you'll be applying that aura to their entire team. I can see, however, how something like Banshee's Veil would be superior, but obviously it will depend a lot on who you're fighting, and what your team is building. Stacking health is always great, but if you cant pump out the damage when it's needed, especially when things go tits-up and you have to hold your own, you'll just fall over.

Obviously i completely missed the fact that Golem no longer grants tenacity, that's an oversight on my part, potentially that opens up my build for changes because mercs would actually be pretty handy in most circumstances.

Vynertje wrote:

[] Coding:
[*] Mastery section:

Surely, if you're looking for an overview of the masteries at a glance... you scroll up? i think this criticism is unnecessary really, it was mostly to explain why i'd taken what i'd taken, but as has been already pointed out, masteries need looking at.

The spells section can easily be changed to be more aesthetically please, thanks for the feedback on the presentation :)

Vynertje wrote:
[*] Item section: the way it is structured looks very weird. You're making very werid comparisons (for example; warmogs vs locket).

This criticism is well received, and i think the way I've put this section together could do with some changes. I think evaluating each items worth rather than pitting the options for each slot against one another.


[*] Jungle path should be updated to the current path, not for the SR beta which may still take MONTHS before it hits live servers. It's also somewhat BS to say you should always start blue (as blue side you often want to start red instead!)
[*] Ganking tactics: you cannot generalize 'when to gank' like that.

The reason why i suggest taking the blue buff first regardless of side is simple - in the early game, you are so unbelievably reliant on it until you pick up the all-essential Quill Coat. You're able to spam the hell out of your abilities early which is so important, because you AA's are simply not strong enough. Unless you want to be either taking marks of attack damage, or going down the AD mastery path, then surely it's blue buff all the way? Especially with your need to be using Permafrost to clear at every given opportunity.

However, with the lack of knowledge hindering my ability to evaluate the applications of taking the red buff first, i have to resign to saying that i simply do not know how beneficial this would be, and assume your judgment is better than mine.

The Jungle path wont be any different for the new summoner's rift as it will be for the old one. The updates to the map are purely visual - unless I've missed an update entirely and the jungle monster stats are changing. I could change it to the current monster names if it's really that bothersome, but this criticism in particular seems superfluous.

As for my generalisation of when to gank, you're probably correct. This section is unnecessary, and i should leave that for the pro junglers to be writing about. This guide is supposed to focus on the minutiae of the champion's abilies and techniques, rather than "how to jungle 101". As it says next to smite - if you need to know that you should take smite, you should be reading some basic jungle guides.

I skipped the final few chapters because that's very champion specific information and I don't know too much about Seju.

sadface. I can understand that, and it's probably missing the imagery it needs for me to be explaining myself properly anyway as it stands. Unfortunately, this is also what i felt makes my guide stand out a little from the crowd, which may be why you feel quite underwhelmed by it :) Hopefully though, through all these conversations and criticisms, i can refine my guide into something much more usable and understandable, as well as being in-line with optimal choices.

given that sejuani loves hp, i see no reason proposing abyssal instead of liandrys and frozen instead of sunfire/randuins. also why on earth is e maxed first? do you not want monster clear? And boots of pen/ ninja tabi to a slow tank jungler where u have put neither quints nor masteries for move? nope

I've explained why E is maxed first, it provides ample clear time, but as a utility jungler, you're going to NEED that high slow to gank properly. Going for W first might make clear time a bit smoother, but this is why i suggest build Liandry's Torment early.

As for your initial comment... i dont even. Sejuani loves HP, but it suffers from serious diminishing returns as a defensive stat if you dont have a good amount of armour and MR to go with it. The health boost you get from SotAG, liandry's, warmogs, is significant as it is.. If it's really that much of a bother for you, take sunfire over frozen heart.. but personally i feel that the CDR and the aura that frozen heart provides is far too important to sacrifice, unless you have another tanky champion on your team building randuins or FH. Remember, the point here is to be tanky-utility, while dealing enough damage to be a threat. If you want to be the APC, play a mage.

As for the boots, did you even read the guide that you're criticising? especially the section where it says "it's probably a good idea to pick up boots of mobility first, then swap them out if you have the money to do so later"?

Come back when you have something properly constructive to add, or write your own guide should you feel you can do better.

FalseoGod wrote:
To the guidemaker:
I disagree with a lot of things on your cheat sheet. Locket is a pretty bleh lategame item, it's most effective as a second item if you're running behind (or just wanna be tanky vs an ap heavy team) or a third item. Likewise, Sunfire Cape is pretty eh as a 4th + item.

Yeah, as your next post says, this was mentioned in the previous post, and the criticism has been taken on board. You're both pretty much right about the locket, perhaps building the abyssal scepter later would be better, as it's recipe is also simpler. I think i suffer a bit from building Liandry's so early, but because of the nature of the build, and how i level my abilities, i feel like it's almost too essential to improving her jungle clear time. Maybe there's a better way.

At any rate, thank you for the constructive comments, i will be revising both the content and format of this guide in due time! More than anything, it was just a lot of fun to write. :)
FalseoGod (316) | July 9, 2014 9:53am
Ofc Vyne had to post before me with stuff I've said. Ohwell q.q T_T ;_; u.u ._.
FalseoGod (316) | July 9, 2014 9:51am

given that sejuani loves hp, i see no reason proposing abyssal instead of liandrys and frozen instead of sunfire/randuins. also why on earth is e maxed first? do you not want monster clear? And boots of pen/ ninja tabi to a slow tank jungler where u have put neither quints nor masteries for move? nope

First addressing this guy in particular: Abyssal Mask does in fact synergize very well with Sejuani's kit and can be a good early-ish buy against comps with some decent ap casters since it enhances AP damage on your side and done by Seju in particular. Also, it synergizes with Sunfire Aegis. Your point on Frozen Heart makes some sense but there are various situations where Frozen Heart can be better than the items you gave as an alternative.

I do understand the point on E max, I do think W max gives a smoother clear so agreed. The point you make about boots isn't as good as you think, there can be situations where taking tabi/merc's/sorc's can be a lot better than mobility boots, not to mention the runes/masteries to move faster are pretty bleh. All in all your downvote can be justified but not because of the points you brought.

To the guidemaker:
  • I disagree with a lot of things on your cheat sheet. Locket is a pretty bleh lategame item, it's most effective as a second item if you're running behind (or just wanna be tanky vs an ap heavy team) or a third item. Likewise, Sunfire Aegis is pretty eh as a 4th + item.
  • 6/24 masteries is so eh. You're barely using anything that's decent in Offence, it's better to go 0/21/9 for Runic Affinity to really try and make the best of the buffs on your first round and get extra mobility or 9/21 for a bit of extra damage;
  • You've been given some good advice by players before me, such as using images to illustrate gank tactics;
  • You don't have to start blue all the time. At times it's best to start red to gank a particular sidelane, to avoid predictable counterjungling or even if you believe it's going to be a stale game so you get to farm with spell spamming for a longer period of time;
Vynertje (386) | July 9, 2014 9:50am
Full review:
  • I think I'd use hybrid pen marks over mpen because in ganks you'll still be using your AA's a lot. I might also consider movement speed quints as she relies on it heavily (but in that case you'd want to swap back to armor seals). Scaling health is also worth considering combined with the new Spirit of the Ancient Golem.
  • I'd run 0/21/9 on Sejuani (or 9/21/0, not sure as I'm not a Sejuani main) but I'm sure both setups are more effective than 6/24/0
  • It is definitely worth mentioning to buy wards on your first back, especially as a tank/utility oriented jungler.
  • I'm not sure about this but I'd probably delay Liandry's Torment a little bit and get something like Sunfire Aegis / Locket of the Iron Solari first. On that note, Locket isn't a late game item at all (it's most effective mid game) and Randuin's Omen is definitely worth the consideration as a defensive item.
  • Not sure about abyssal, I think it's a waste (Ap scalings on sejuani are meh.) - the mpen is nothing more than a luxury either.
  • Mercs are definitely worth the consideration as Golem doesn't give tenacity anymore.
  • Coding: Spells section looks a bit messy. Icons are waaay too big and center coding on the text itself looks odd as well.
  • Mastery section: It looks better to just make a screenshot of your masteries and paste it into your guide (upload image to imgur or smth like that). It's a lot easier to understand the exact specs like that.
  • Item section: the way it is structured looks very weird. You're making very werid comparisons (for example; warmogs vs locket). Perhaps look at how I structure my own guides (1 and 2) for a more clean look and easier understanding of item purchases.
  • Jungle path should be updated to the current path, not for the SR beta which may still take MONTHS before it hits live servers. It's also somewhat BS to say you should always start blue (as blue side you often want to start red instead!)
  • Ganking tactics: you cannot generalize 'when to gank' like that.

    Just a few of my thoughts when trying to make a gank attempt
    1) Does the enemy have flash / other summoners up? If flash is down, you should prioritize that lane if possible.
    2) If summoners are up; is there a good possibility for a gank? Of course you want to gank the lane with the highest potential gain. This depends on enemy escape mechanisms, allied damage and CC etc.
    3) Is the ally winning by himself? If he is already winning clearly you should NOT prioritize that lane because he doesn't need you.
    4) Where is the enemy jungler? You can often get an effective countergank in if you know where the enemy jungler is or know to predict him (e.g. 2 lanes are being pushed back far -> you know the enemy jungler will try to gank the other lane that is not pushed deep). If you can't win 2v2 you don't want to go balls deep if the enemy jungler CAN be near.
    5) Is there any risk of the enemy turning the gank around?

    And that's just the beginning!

I skipped the final few chapters because that's very champion specific information and I don't know too much about Seju.
Constantinos (1) | July 9, 2014 7:02am
Voted -1
given that sejuani loves hp, i see no reason proposing abyssal instead of liandrys and frozen instead of sunfire/randuins. also why on earth is e maxed first? do you not want monster clear? And boots of pen/ ninja tabi to a slow tank jungler where u have put neither quints nor masteries for move? nope
Constantinos (1) | July 9, 2014 7:02am
given that sejuani loves hp, i see no reason proposing abyssal instead of liandrys and frozen instead of sunfire/randuins. also why on earth is e maxed first? do you not want monster clear? And boots of pen/ ninja tabi to a slow tank jungler where u have put neither quints nor masteries for move? nope
LukeMortora (1) | July 9, 2014 5:00am
Much obliged to both of you! Credited you both in my feedback column :)

@Wicked Eye - I am planning on adding some more images of the best places i've found are to make a decent play with arctic assault, that's probably a good idea.

Adding some images for gank appraoches seems wise too, if only to defeat the wall of text a little!

As for jungle timers and such, i left that out purely because there are so many guides out there already for jungling that i didn't want to overwhelm my reader with information they've read before. I figured it was better to keep the guide champion-specific :)

Bit embarassing about maxing at level 8, i hadn't noticed i'd done that. thanks! :x, I turned on C2V as per your advice!

@Vynertje Thanks for the input - holy quints and seals, batman! you're absolutely correct!

If you've got any more input for me, i'll all ears. Thanks for your time :)
Vynertje (386) | July 8, 2014 10:04am
Its better to go armor quints - health seals. Gives you better stats overall. Do the math!
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