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Urgot Build Guide by FluorescentBulb

The Debuff King

The Debuff King

Updated on July 1, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author FluorescentBulb Build Guide By FluorescentBulb 2 4 17,395 Views 7 Comments
2 4 17,395 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author FluorescentBulb Urgot Build Guide By FluorescentBulb Updated on July 1, 2014
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FluorescentBulb | July 7, 2014 12:33pm
The good justifications were in the Why it works / TLDR section of Why it works, but if you want to continue making a fool of yourself by all means take it elsewhere. If you offered anything at all that held water then perhaps I would listen, but your lack of attention and complete rejection is something I expected from most. This is not a beginners guide to Urgot that a noob like you could enjoy, this is for experienced Urgot players, a very low number, to try something new with a champion that people in the league write off. This will not carry people, but it will help their team win games if they aren't so blinded by the meta as you are.
FalseoGod (316) | July 4, 2014 5:13pm
Your attempts at making me a FotM lover person fail when I'm the first to try in real games every single champion as a jungler and the AD forms of every mage. But unlike you, me winning with Janna AD doesn't make me feel like I should create a guide where I say how she is strong but kinda team reliant and try to ignore other people's information of how bad your choices are.

By all means, play jungle Urgot, just don't build him like trash. Also, your lack of any real good justifications towards do this and your adamant desire to rebute anything people bring as negative criticism will award you with a guide sinking to oblivion, which I find perfectly acceptable.
FluorescentBulb | July 4, 2014 12:40pm
Again you don't read, this time a paragraph comment that calls Executioner Calling a situational item. I also never called this hold broken, rather a strong but team reliant pick. I can feel how toxic you must be in all games towards anyone that doesn't follow pro picks. As you clearly have no retention let me rephrase for you: you remind me of a character named "Dull" Tull who's mind has been wiped repeatedly and resubmitted through videos. When asked what he thinks he is doing is right or wrong he has the character gagged admitting he is simply not mentally equipped to play the game. He was a terrifyingly effective sheep, the best in the business, so good for him. Continue to be like "Dull" Tull and be the best *enter pro player of choice* wannabe you can be.
Sincerely, to the guy that admits not reading and criticizing.
FalseoGod (316) | July 4, 2014 1:56am
Oh, you mean the two videos mixed inside text walls, sorry I did miss those because I can't be bothered to read every word on a guide that suggests the items your does.

There's a difference between "***** without thinking critically" and "I won't take any kind of criticism because my guide es so good and I know a lot about items". The evidence on your lack of real knowledge is how you're accepting an Executioner's Calling as an item on ANY champion, since it's probably the worst item on league right now as it builds into nothing. Not to mention you're wasting crit chance on a build that gets none and supposedly doesn't want it. Going for grievous wounds for the sake of it is just stupid.

If you wanna treat Urgot like people treated old Malady Teemo (get ALL on-hit items) that's your problem, but passing suboptimal builds as some really broken find isn't acceptable and I'll make sure people can skim through the bs and understand that this build came from some sort of Ultimate Bravery challenge that happened to go well.
FluorescentBulb | July 3, 2014 10:23pm
@FHZR Ya, those items could be fun. I left the last item out because a situational item is always important. Greivous Wounds and even more Shred would definitely fit into this build.

@FalseoGod It is clear that you haven't even tried to read this guide otherwise you would know how to farm with no damage taken, there's 3 chapters and 2 linked videos on how to do it. In fact, all the points you mentioned are answerable in the guide. If you just want to ***** without thinking critically that's fine, be the best sheep you can be and enjoy yourself, but you don't need to be here nor do I need to please you. That was also stated in the guide.
FalseoGod (316) | July 3, 2014 2:34am
Ooh boy, the amount of misinformation:
  • Runes are fine;
  • Not taking Flash is really iffy, Urgot has low mobility and only decent self-peel, bad ults and getting caught means you're gonna die for nothing. Also you can't Flash + Ult. And if you get invaded by a jungler that isn't trash, Exhaust will hardly save you;
  • You have literaly no sustain built for your jungling, how are you not getting invaded or half-raped by buffs. How do you not run out of mana by building no tears, are you taking all buffs like an *******? I mean, you're supposedly farming creeps to build up your Feral Flare, how?
  • How are you not getting raped by the jungle in the first run? You can hardly kite jungle creeps with your skills at level 1. You only get shield at 4. Do you gank pre-4? How is having no boots and playing one of the champions with the ****piest base MS allowing you to reach the enemy champion to hit E and start spamming Q.
  • Your masteries are terrible. Expose Weakness , Spell Weaving and Blade Weaving do nearly nothing and you're not even going for the top of any of the trees. I mean, yeah yay dealing 4% more damage with spells now so if I cast a spell for 100 damage I'm dealing 104. GG;
  • Betting on utility and building Feral Flare is a contradiction (not to mention it hits your sustain. Urgot's utility without Frozen Mallet is more than enough. The thought around Runaan's Hurricane is nice but you built around zero tankyness and you turned yourself into a half-useless debuff bot that gets outclassed by any traditional Urgot build + there's no reason to pick you over the utility and damage of current junglers + you can't defend yourself for ****;
  • This build is also useless against nuke-heavy focused teamcomps, poke comps and various hard engage comps. It's just completely suboptimal. Will work against bad players tho, like any bad build might.
FHZR | July 2, 2014 4:43am
Cool guide, I have never seen this idea before, sounds fun. :D
Can you maybe give Executioner's Calling a try? It can help to shut down heavy sustain champions like Vladimir or Fiddlesticks. Black Cleaver would also be funny, you can quickly reduce their armor.
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