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Veigar Build Guide by GoobleGabble

Veigar - I Will Show You NO MERCY! AP Mid

Veigar - I Will Show You NO MERCY! AP Mid

Updated on August 20, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GoobleGabble Build Guide By GoobleGabble 1 5 10,232 Views 12 Comments
1 5 10,232 Views 12 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GoobleGabble Veigar Build Guide By GoobleGabble Updated on August 20, 2012
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Engdra | September 9, 2012 3:19am
+1 for spectram6 comments.

There are some aberrations in this guide in terms of build : Improved Recall for instance.

But what's even more frustating is the lack of explanation of the masteries/runes/item pick. Why these and not some other items ? Why such quintessences ? etc. Maybe those aberrations have a logic behind, which is better argumented than "ignite is trash".

And then there is the section before game, which is useless.

Not a very good guide in my opinion for the moment. I'll wait for improvement.
Nighthawk (684) | August 24, 2012 12:26pm
Spectram6 wrote:

Surge does not give you an extra large rod. If I'm not mistaken, it gives about 5 AP. 20 at most, which still gives about a doran's ring or two more. should you still choose that though, your stun should not be up when your team gets aced. because that means that you didn't use it to save them and if you were too far away, you werent playing with your team. Even still, your extra health wont help at all, because you will get shaced till you die

it gives you 10-78 AP depending on your level, which is over a large rod @level 18.
Spectram6 (1) | August 24, 2012 12:20pm
Surge does not give you an extra large rod. If I'm not mistaken, it gives about 5 AP. 20 at most, which still gives about a doran's ring or two more. should you still choose that though, your stun should not be up when your team gets aced. because that means that you didn't use it to save them and if you were too far away, you werent playing with your team. Even still, your extra health wont help at all, because you will get shaced till you die
The Overmyynd (139) | August 22, 2012 2:31pm
OK, if you are having mana issues, grat mp5 seals instead of armor. Getting that makes you a much more effective mid, since your lane opponent does almost no physical damage. That plus your passive plus the mastery on the utility page means you will almost NEVER run out of mana, even if you spam all day. Thats the first part.

Surge/ghost is worthless on Veigar. Flash/ignite is the traditional setup for mids for a good reason. It works. Now if you wanted to mid Talon surge/ghost might be a possibility, but not for an ap burst mage like veigar.

Do some testing with new runepages and masteries, and get back to us XD
Isthatok (67) | August 20, 2012 8:13pm
Just a warning that if anything Mejai's a very very situational item that I don't recommend, and most people will give you hell for it.

+1 for a well written guide.
GoobleGabble (1) | August 20, 2012 2:43pm
Being a burst champion makes ignite useless as you're killing your opponent in less than 5 seconds.

Ironicly, you mispelled in the comment you posted. And I do belive my grammar is good.

Alright, your comment was a little bit hard to read but I did it.
Long respond time:

Lane position and guide name will be changed to mid.

You said that a Rylai's Crystal Scepter is useless, I belive that if your team gets aced but you manage to survive from your stun more health is good, or even if your team is chasing a tank you would like to slow it and it will be better than trying to chase him and possibly failing.

You said that if I'm having mana problems I'm harrasing too much. Well first early game I'm not being "hardcore" and massively harrasing my opponent, I'm simply last hitting with Q and it makes my mana go down pretty fast, although I did play with Veigar a lot and it will be changed that he is mana depended early game, not late game.

Now surge is really good considering it gives you a lot of AP, imagen an extra Needlessly Large Rod on you for a few seconds.

First of all I'd like to say that I do like your name. Now to topic that you said I need to swap ignite for ghost, I think that the Crystal Scepter with it's slow can get evereything done with the extra slow so if the enemy isn't dead your team mates can chase after him.

Mastery trees will be swapped.
imevilstoplaughing (2) | August 20, 2012 2:04pm
As said above, no need for health items as your burst should be your main focus.

also in the defence tree, why get points in hardness? i think you benefit more from the added MR as you will play in midlane more then anything else I think, and if a carry can take you down in a teamfight, you might wanna reconsider your positioning a bit =/.

also swap ghost for ignite, it deals a good amount of damage and be more aware of your position so you don't need ghost. change some of those crutial stuff and ill upvote it.
Spectram6 (1) | August 20, 2012 1:49pm
Ok. several things need to be addressed.
1st off, Veigar should only be played mid because his base hp is too low for him to be useful in top lane, and AD is destroyed by AP currently, so you would be sending your AD to mid, where he would likely become useless the rest of the game. Not only that, but Veigar then levels up slower than the enemy AP, which puts you at a disadvantage, and therefore a liability to your team.
2nd, there is no need to build health or a rylais even. Rylais is not cost effective in the AP if gives, and you already have a stun, so the slow would be useless. If you try and tell me you need health, i will remind you that Veigar is a BURST champion, not sustained. therefore, your burst should be just about your entire contribution to the team. this thought process means that if you need health, you likely have a problem with your gameplay, not the champion.
3rd, Veigar does not depend much on mana. he uses mana, but his passive is like a downgraded chalice of harmony, so if you have mana problems, you are harassing too much.
4th, you mention how veigar already can farm his AP to infinity~ true to an extent. you could conceivably go higher than any other mage with your AP, but it would be alot faster to buy a rabadons or DFG early, or even get a morello's evil tome/zhonya's hourglass. The Zhonya's would even make up for the lack of health by giving those 2 seconds of invincibility. flash in, stun + combo someone, and zhonyas before anyone can touch you and that's a great initiation for the team.
Edit: 5th, surge gives AS, which doesnt help a burst champ at all. Besides that though, the 5 AP from using it gives about 1~3 extra points of damage to your burst combo. not worth a summoner spell. Ignite deals 250+ damage, which would contribute a great deal to both a burst and a team fight. Not only that, but it gives a healing debuff, so that puts the suppport in an even tougher position. You say that you already deal enough damage, but there's no point in putting a limit on the damage you deal, so you might as well get maximum damage from a summoner spell. This also adds a safety net of sorts to your combo, should you accidentally target the tank, who has likely 100+ MR, this deals true damage, so you have a guaranteed 250 from his 3000+ hp.
Darkrocmon | August 20, 2012 1:16pm
Target in ream fights

I stopped reading there due to misspelling.
holyoatmeal (2) | August 20, 2012 12:46pm
dude how is ignite useless?
not voting yet
GoobleGabble (1) | August 20, 2012 12:35pm
What's the point of that if you can farm your way up to infinity?
Swagmuffin99 | August 20, 2012 11:55am
U should get more ability power :)
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