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Season 4 jungle help

Creator: exirtadorri November 29, 2013 2:39pm
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Inquisitor_Kane's Forum Avatar
Jul 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2014 9:06am | Report
Sure.. I was due to work so I had no time to list all of the not viable junglers. Those 3 you mentioned are really NOT THERE anymore, as well as Hecarim, Master Yi, Fiora (yes there are geniuses who jungle her :D)...

But about that WW - you joking, right? Especially in S4 jungle, with stronger monsters. Sure, he can survive, but he don't bring anything vital to the table.

- He can't gank pre6, so all the lanes can be pushed because there is literally nothing he can do about it.
- His ulti can be countered by nearly anyone (vayne, lulu, thresh, blitz, nami, nautilus... just for starters)
- He has to focus on life steal, therefore sacrifice his damage and tankyness
- His clear speed is so slow, he is outfarmed by half in 10 minutes. And if you are underfed WW and meet Vi, who is 3 lvls above and has her items (while you don't...) well - gg :)

To be honest, I did not see anyone jungle WW outside Bronze league. (and don't get me wrong, I love that champ, bought him as my 2nd champ ever... he is not viable in jungle anymore).
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Feb 8th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 7, 2014 12:43pm | Report

- He has to focus on life steal, therefore sacrifice his damage and tankyness

He has to focus on life steal? But... you have your Q which deals % health damage and heals you for part of it... You just build tanky CDR and you don't die. <_<

I have a sneaking suspicion you don't really jungle, since I actually jungle the "dead" junglers that I listed. I could probably jungle WW too if I wanted to. It's seriously just how you play.

Sure WW doesn't have the BEST ganks pre-6, but they're not the worst either.
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Inquisitor_Kane's Forum Avatar
Jul 11th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep February 8, 2014 7:33am | Report
Of course, you can jungle even with Garen and do fine. But if someone is new to jungling, he/she should stick to the champs, that have some game presence and can make plays.

At the very beginning, I took Fiddlesticks, because I heard someone says he is great jungler. I was permadead therefore I could not learn a thing. Then I swithced to Xin and Udyr, and all of a sudden I could survive long enough to learn the basics. I'm still noob in jungling, but at least I had the chance to learn.

If he picks tier 1 junglers, he will have way more easier games and more possibilities to get better.

And about WW - in pre-season I was silver. Noone jungled with WW. Now I am bronze and I see lots of WW in game. If I jungle, I just pick Vi against them and have easy time in jungle, because his clear is so slow, I can outfarm him and steal his jungle any time I want.

Nowadays it is all about the speed. WW lacks that, I'm afraid. And last but not least - he is all-in. Therefore no good for newbie junglers.
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