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Top laning Tryndamere build (pls)

Creator: b00zy August 15, 2016 10:46am
b00zy's Forum Avatar
Aug 15th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 15, 2016 10:46am | Report
I know some will re-direct me to the builds & guides section of this brilliant website.

But I am new to LoL, and I need some help with a build for top laning with Tryndamere.

So, I am finding it quite hard with him atm, as he is SO weak until level 6ish, and I seem to get 2v1'd by Renekton and other tankies. So I get done over.

Could anyone recommend me a purchase order? just a nice quick one! :) I just would like to know a nice build for the top lane, and it's purchase order. Thanks.

(I think Tryndamere fits top lane, but if anyone knows a better role for him let me know!)

Thanks all
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 15, 2016 12:04pm | Report
Purchase order will not save you from the problems you face. Tryndamere is an incredibly hard champion to play, since you have to be very aggressive early on to stack your Fury and avoid bad trades. IMO, you simply lack experience with the game. Just keep playing and eventually it will come to you. Maybe watch some videos as well, that's what I did.
b00zy's Forum Avatar
Aug 15th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 15, 2016 12:47pm | Report
Re4XN wrote:
Purchase order will not save you from the problems you face. Tryndamere is an incredibly hard champion to play, since you have to be very aggressive early on to stack your Fury and avoid bad trades. IMO, you simply lack experience with the game. Just keep playing and eventually it will come to you. Maybe watch some videos as well, that's what I did.

Agh, I agree it is quite hard, often I get up to top against tanks people, and I just get beasted. Although pretty sure fully decked out tryndamere at late and late mid game is AWESOME!

Do you know any easier champs that do a nice bit of damage?

WizZardGvO's Forum Avatar
Mar 7th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 17, 2016 5:34pm | Report
Well you say that you are new to League but yet you want to play Tryndamere.
Tryndamere is a hard champion, i have been playing League for like 2 years and i still can't play that champion properly, i would recommend you to start to play some easy champions, what i suggest are:

1. Garen - Incredibly tanky and very in-lane dominating, he carries a lot late game.
2. Illaoi - Takes some time to learn but it is really very good in bronze, silver, gold league. Easy champion to play and very strong.

I would recommend this 2 Champs for the beginning and then you can start to play different ones like Jax etc. - Your Best Source Of League Of Legends NEWS!
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TakeshyKurosawa's Forum Avatar
Mar 21st, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2016 2:09pm | Report
Dont go all in early game except you realize the opponent is really bad. Do smart trades with w and full rage and use e to escape. Dont fight in opponents big waves early. Aim to farm well. Farming is the most important for Trynda.
Autoswitched's Forum Avatar
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Dec 6th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep August 18, 2016 11:25pm | Report
it's all about situation and learning match ups. If up against tanks, rush life steal ravernous hydra and wave clear, and proxy the wave when you have vision. If up against squishy targets rush either a phantom dancer, or a statikk shiv. Your aim in laning is to try and get a lane advantage. Max q, out heal and out sustain your opponent, and try for some dives.
Mikyt's Forum Avatar
Sep 7th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 7, 2016 11:26pm | Report
it's all about situation and learning match ups. If up against tanks, rush life steal ravernous hydra and wave clear, and proxy the wave when you have vision. If up against squishy targets rush either a phantom dancer, or a statikk shiv. Your aim in laning is to try and get a lane advantage. Max q, out heal and out sustain your opponent, and try for some dives.

Interesting strategy, at the expense of a proxy, never need to try. Thank you. :)
Re4XN's Forum Avatar
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May 31st, 2015
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 8, 2016 6:55am | Report
Mikyt wrote:

Interesting strategy, at the expense of a proxy, never need to try. Thank you. :)

Proxying waves as Tryndamere is only worth it if you can guarantee that the enemy laner can't 1v1 you and that you can safely escape/fight a 1v2, which more often than not means that you have to be fed AF in order not to get punished and take full advantage off of it.

Whenever I see a Tryndamere proxying I just call for my jungler and he gets instantly killed/bullied out of lane because he's even with me. Though I admit I've had games where he was quite ahead and it was absolutely disgusting.
Dragahri's Forum Avatar
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May 30th, 2016
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep September 15, 2016 4:14am | Report
Whenever you are lost when it comes to builds, you can check (stats for platinum+ players so you can be sure that the builds are really viable).

For builds path you can check probuilds, you will see which item they buy and picking the different components in order.

Otherwise, watch some high elo players who play Tryndamere to learn how to manage the lane (he isn't as easy as people think) though sorry I can't give you names because the only good tryndamere player that I know is french xD

Anyways, good luck in soloq :)
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