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League of Legends (LoL) Question: when do i take ignite on support?

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    when do i take ignite on support?

    in what situations and matchups should i take ignite/exhaust on support?
  • Answers (4)

    utopus (313) | April 6, 2015 8:05am
    Jesus there's so much hatred for supports running Ignite. I don't get it. Like, there's a reason Ignite is used in most supports in LCK. What irks me most is that i feel like this dislike towards Ignite is unconditional.

    To start off my answer, i'd like you to re-word your question to something as follows, "When can I really get punished for not having Exhaust?"
    It's undeniable that Ignite adds a lot of kill pressure in lane, especially with champions with burst damage, CC, or a combination of both ( Thresh, Leona, Morgana, Blitzcrank are all good examples). The strength of your Ignite is amplified even more so if your carry has high kill potential ( Graves, Corki, Lucian), or your opponent has a carry that can easily be caught (something like Caitlyn or Jinx are easier to catch than Sivir or Corki). That said, I tend not to take Ignite when I am playing a low kill pressure lane, as Ignite basically gets outscaled by Exhaust by level 9 or so.

    There are some difficult decisions you have to make though. Like, if you are playing against assassins, you have to ask yourself, "Do I REALLY need Exhaust to save my ADC from Death Mark damage?" If you run Ignite instead of Exhaust in a situation like this, most of your ADCs deaths from assassins will likely be your fault - you may single handedly lose the game for your team.
    Talonted-EUNE | April 11, 2015 1:20am
    Ignite on Blitzcrank is way too OP :D
    Embracing (353) | April 8, 2015 2:42pm
    People just simply don't realize that Exhaust has a shorter timing window than it seems.

    Ignite is great on supports that want to abuse an advantage in laning phase because it outshines Exhaust in that aspect.

    My philosophy is to take Exhaust if the enemy team has a high burst damage champion that has high risk mid to late game, or else I take Ignite. Even on Janana.
    Vynertje (386) | April 7, 2015 2:15am
    This purely depends on matchup.
    HiFromBuddha (82) | April 7, 2015 2:14am
    Personally, I feel it generally is better for the mid laner to take Exhaust and the support to take Ignite.
    Vynertje (386) | April 6, 2015 8:14am
    Pretty much this. I run ignite on high-pressure supports as long as I'm not playing against a major assassin threat and exhaust for all defensive lanes.

    Sometimes my mid laner takes exhaust himself to deal with those assassins which then again can free me up to go ignite regardless.
    UVATroller (10) | April 9, 2015 11:37am
    The reason I see people giving me flak when I use Ignite on supports is that they think the DOT will killsteal, which it has many times before. I run Ignite only when i'm playing an aggressive kill lane vs a heavy healer ( Soraka )
    Haplo | April 28, 2015 2:20pm
    I think it is only useful when you really want to stop some healing from their laners, or to quickly drop a tanky type IE graves. In either case it needs to be dumped early in the fight.
    sirell (400) | April 4, 2015 5:46pm
    Well, in general you don't want to drop Exhaust at all, because your team will need one to handle any high damage targets that might wreck your team and no one else can be relied on to take it on your team. Even if you don't use it much in-lane, when teamfighting is required, Exhaust will be more necessary, since your team will likely have an Ignite anyway.

    Putting that aside, Ignite is to increase kill potential in lane, so you if you do want to take it, it would best be suited to supports who also have a high kill pressure like Annie or Vel'Koz.

    In addition, it would be best taken when the enemy laner does not have a strong fighting presence during the laning phase and in all-ins ( Caitlyn, Varus, Ashe).

    On opponents like Vayne and Lucian you will need the Exhaust.
    FalseoGod (316) | April 5, 2015 4:23pm
    There are almost no reasons for your team to not have healing reduction. Most midlaners who will skip Ignite for barrier/heal will also get a morello
    gigagloin (1) | April 5, 2015 1:41pm
    The only other reason I can think of for picking Ignite over Exhaust is an enemy with strong lifesteal, e. g. Warwick, Vladimir and no Ignite on your team.
    FalseoGod (316) | April 4, 2015 6:10pm
    I disagree with taking it on Vel'Koz, he has way too much range and if you're that close to someone in lane you either had to blow a Flash or you got caught by Leona/ Thresh/ Blitzcrank

    High pressure supports with an adc that has high killing potential might take ignite (Leona, Blitz, Thresh, Annie). ADCs with high killing potential (aka fast early game deps/burst if you all in) include Graves, Corki, Lucian and Draven

    But, like Sirell said, you often need exhaust to deal with high burst champs midgame (Kat, Riven, low range midlaners, high range midlaners if you got a support that can get in their faces like leona), etc
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