Champion Overview:
Nautilus is a Tank/Tanky Ap top lane. Nautilus top lane revolves around his Titan's Wrath allowing him to trade,DPS, Sustain, and Farm. Nautilus can receive ganks better than most champions in the game with a clicked knock up, a root, and a pullback. He is strong vs many lanes and can actually BEAT many popular FOTM top lane champions right now.

Skills Overview:

Passive: Staggering Blow

Nautilus's first basic attack against a target deals bonus physical damage and immobilizes the opponent briefly. Staggering Blow cannot trigger on the same target more than once every 12 seconds.

Very good skill makes last hitting very easy once you learn the animation, and gives bonus damage in trades. The root is very nice in teamfights for locking down targets as you can root multiple enemies if you manage your passive on the enemy team.

Q: Dredge Line

Nautilus hurls his anchor forward. If it hits an enemy unit, Nautilus drags himself and the target together dealing 80/120/160/200/240 (+75% of ability power) magic damage and stunning them briefly.If the anchor hits terrain, Nautilus will drag himself forward and the cooldown is reduced by 50% (7/6.5/6/5.5/5). Cost: 60/70/80/90/100 mana. Cooldown: 14/13/12/11/10 seconds Range: 950.

A Blitzcrank pull combined with an Amummu bandage pulls you to them while pulling them to you. Also has the ability to go to terrain for increased mobility. This skill is amazing when chasing down an enemy.
NOTE: You can use skills while moving with dredge line.

W: Titan's Wrath

Nautilus surrounds himself with dark energies, shielding him from the next 80/130/180/230/280 plus 10% of his bonus health (+10% of bonus health) damage for up to 10 seconds. While the shield persists, Nautilus' basic attacks apply a damage over time effect to all units around his target. The effect deals 30/60/90/120/150 (+40% of ability power) magic damage over 2 seconds. Cost: 80 mana. Cooldown: 26/24/22/20/18 seconds. Range: 350

THE BEST SHIELD IN THE GAME. 10% of bonus hp+ base shield amount also with an amazingly high DPS AoE DoT on you Autos while its on. Mastering your timing on this ability will be key to being a good nautilus

E: Riptide

Nautilus slams the ground, causing the earth to explode around him. Each explosion deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+50% of ability power) magic damage to units in the area and slows them by 30/35/40/45/50% for 2 seconds. This slow diminishes over time. A unit can be hit by more than one explosion, but they take 50% less damage from additional explosions. Cost: 60/70/80/90/100. Cooldown: 10 seconds. Range: 400

A good AoE slow useful as a followup to your Q and extra DPS with your W.

R: Depth Charge

Nautilus fires a shockwave that chases an enemy champion. This deals 125/175/225 (+40% of ability power) magic damage to enemies it passes through and knocks them into the air. The shockwave explodes upon hitting its target dealing 250/350/450 (+80% of ability power) magic damage, launching them into the air and stunning them for 1/1.5/2 seconds. Cost: 100 mana. Cooldown: 120/100/80 seconds. Range: 825.

An AMAZING ultimate its a guaranteed knock-up on the target you choose and if they are behind allies it will knock them up as well. This move sets up for ganks and allows you to catch runners. In teamfights a well positioned Depth Charge can win a fight. It is impossible to escape HueHueHueHue.




This combo will deal sizable damage you may stay fighting them after until your sheild is about to crack and use the remaining amount to back off.

Note:when recieving ganks simply ultimate then use this combo.


Nautilus Will win most match-ups where the enemy is unable to quick burst the shield down then follow with sustained damage.

Galio (You can shield his burst and he will go out of mana faster), Singed ( So many ways to halt his mobility and he does not really have anything to take out your shield fast), Warwick (Can sheild his harass and if you know hes about to ult a well timed depth charge can cancel it.), Irelia (Sheild while she true damages), Nidalee ( You can shield her trade and trade back harder, Shen (You can shield his harass and farm peacefully, you have more CC in team fights).

Olaf( can instantly take out your shield with his True damage), Jarvan IV (Can burst out your sheild instantly.), Udyr ( Can break your shield fast and has a spammable shield of his own to sustain it back).

Playing As/Vs:

-As nautilus you want to be careful at earlier levels as your shield is easier to break and you will not have the mana upkeep for it.
-Use your shield as your source of sustain and harass in lane you rely on your shield for everything in lane.
- Bounce around your passive on the enemy high priority targets in teamfights hindering the enemy teams mobility.
-When chasing Q to terrain and then with the reduced cooldown follow it up on the enemy champion

-Watch Nautilus's shield if you know its on cooldown you should trade off with him
-Unless you know you can burst out a good 400 hp and then continue to do more DPS than Nautilus after that then do not try and trade
-Stay behind minions to avoid getting hooked in with his Q.
- If nautilus ults you it means hes going in for the kill or opening up for a gank.
- Ward very well vs a nautilus as junglers like ganking for him.
- Nautilus's only escape is his Q if he is away from a wall and gets ganked you can most likely pick up a kill.

Big Item Choices:

Philosopher's stone + Heart of Gold - Your early game goals as they allow you to spam your shield and gives you extra sheild all the while giving you gold and transitioning into good items for your late game.

Frozen Heart- CDR ,armor, a build in debuff aura, and mana if you get this in lane GG autoattkers. <3. rush this vs AD champions

Wit's End- Atk spd more Magic damage on your Autos and MR get this vs a team that has a magic damage threat you will do alot more damage and be tankier.

Abyssal Mask- A good source of MR a strong amplifier for your teams AP and gives you decent damage.

Nautilus is strong soloQ as typically players will let Gp/5s get to late game and with all that gold its GG enemy team. Nautilus is also a good pick as the enemy team will think he is the jungler and pick to counter your jungler (Who they think is solo top).

Ranked 5s:
Really good jungler for ranked 5's strong CC he can roam and do a coordinated gank really well. The enemy team when they see him will either
A. Pick a counterjungler thinking its a nautilus jungle (Easier to escape ganks and if your ally takes a fast clear jungler no real worries)
B. Pick a slow clear jungler like ammumu allowing your team to pick up the fast jungler and counter jungle.

This is My Top Facts Nautilus, I hope this helped you to get a better understanding of one of the most underrated top laners in the league, and to know a little bit more about the champion, if you have any tips, questions, or additions post in the comments below. Thank you and I hope you have Good luck in the Fields of Justice.