I despise teemo with a great passion -.-. I used to main him at a point, but then realized I hated him so yea.... Delete Teemo, Global taunt OP. Teemo is also stealing volibears panda skin zzz.

Champion Overview:

Teemo is an annoying scout specializing in annoyance from afar and a global taunt. Teemos moves apply a poison wearing the enemy's body down in lane while their spirits get worn down by teemos joke, laugh, and taunt. Teemo needs to be built tanky to face the bursts of most of the popular top laners right now, but once he does he is very hard to kill and with the global taunt is really strong.
Be honest have you ever seen a teemo and NOT wanted to just kill him :P?

Skills Overview:

Passive: Camouflage-If Teemo stands still and takes no actions for 3 seconds, he becomes stealthed indefinitely. After leaving stealth, Teemo gains the Element of Surprise, increasing his attack speed by 40% for 3 seconds.
Teemo has the unique ability of becoming a sight ward! This passive is useful for seeing enemy positions or getting out of sticky situations by standing still. This skill gives you a decent amount of attack speed when it ends so ambushing enemies with this makes you do more damage.

Q: Blinding Dart- Deals 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8) magic damage and causes the target to miss all of their attacks for 1.5/1.8/2/2.3/2.5 seconds. Cost 70/80/90/100/110 Mana. Range 680.
Very strong move against AD champions. This allows you to deal damage to the enemy and prevent a counter trade. An autoattk followed by this move does nice damage, and is your "Burst" damage. xD

W: Move Quick-Passive: Teemo's movement speed is increased by 10 / 15 / 20 / 25 / 30% until he is struck by an enemy champion or turret. Active: Teemo gains double his passive move speed for 4 seconds, this bonus is not lost on hit. Cost 40 mana. Range 20.
Gives you the mobility needed for laning vs most people who want to rip your face out, the active is a good ability for escaping ganks.

E: Toxic Shot-Teemo's basic attacks poison their target, dealing 8 / 14 / 21 / 28 / 35 (+14% of ability power) magical damage upon impact and again each second for 4 seconds.
Makes your auto attacks apply a DoT effect which will wear your enemies down over time if you keep applying it to them.

R: Noxious Trap- Places a trap which detonates if an enemy steps on it, poisoning nearby enemies. Poisoned enemies take 200/400/600 (+80% of ability power) magic damage and have their movement speed slowed by 30 / 40 / 50% for 4 seconds. Traps last 10 minutes. Cooldown 35/31/27 seconds. Cost 75 / 100 / 125 mana. Range 230.
Free wards that last 10 minutes or until they are used. These cause GREAT annoyance to the enemies as when they step on them they take a decent amount of damage and are slowed. Once they step on a few of these in a row they get ticked and are out for your head. =D


Skill Order:
Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Auto-Q-Auto- (W for mobility)- /l or /t



Olaf (He will never touch you if you avoid his axes), Darius and Garen (Poke and kite all day long), Nasus, Cho'Gath and Singed (Won't be able to get the early farm they need), Udyr (ou can poke him down all day, once you get a phage he can NEVER touch you) and Riven (You have range control and she wont touch you with movequick).

Yorick (Can countertrade your poke harder, sustain, and pop your mushrooms with ghouls), Rumble (If he hits you with 1 harpoon yo are gonna get wrecked), Vladimir (He can counter trade and sustain), Fizz (His trade is stronger, and he has the range to commit), Pantheon (Spear trade does more then blowdart trade), and Mordekaiser (For some reason it just feels like morde 1 shots teemo. Hue).

Playing AS/VS:

  • Leave mushrooms by turrets to make it harder for the enemy to push them in.
  • In lane only auto the enemy when you have your Q up as backup (Incase they jump on you).
  • You can drop your mushrooms over walls to give sight of points on the other side.
  • Get an oracles kill his mushrooms.
  • Beware of walking in the bushes from the side edges, that is where Teemos lay there mushrooms.
  • Try and avoid his global taunt if he is building tanky.

Big Item Choices::

Frozen Mallet- Makes you tankier and gives you complete movement advantage.

Wit's End- Allows you to be tankier and do more damage

Madred's Bloodrazer- Allows you to kill other tanky enemies and makes you tankier

Guardian Angel- WHY WONT TEEMO DIE!!!!!!

Maw of Malmortius- Strong vs AP teams

Ionic Spark- Allows you to split push like a boss



Teemo can win games here only if your team can hold out. Teemo is not a strong champion for team fights, his job is to lay mushrooms around the map for sight and split push.
Ranked 5s:

Teemo can work in set comps. Teemo needs a team that can hold its own in 4v5 fights while teemo split pushes. If Teemo gets fed enough he can go be with his team and blind the carry but that is only if he is decently ahead.


That is top facts teemo, I hope you want to destroy teemo as much as me =D. Teemo is a situational top lane that makes the enemy top laner lose his sanity. As always I hope you have a nice day and good luck on the fields of justice!

I plan on releasing these every day/other day until I get all of the top lane picks in the league ( about 50-60 of them) if there are any requests leave in the comments below and ill work on them. I want to make this series for others to better understand the champions of top lane. Once I am done (Or once I have a few top facts out) I will release some Facts about top lane mechanics, eventually I will probably put everything into one generic top lane guide, however until I do that I will continue to watch and update my blogs as needed. Tips and tricks I missed under my Top Facts would be helpful if you put anything I don't have in the comments I will be sure to add it. I will be forming a guide called The complete guide to Top lane or something in that nature. The intention of this series is not as a "Build guide" or a "play guide", these are more like facts you should know about the champion. These are to inspire people to think of new champion possibilities they might not have thought of or to help a new player with the champion. I do not list runes masteries or a set build ( I give a kind of recommended items) in here due to the fact I want people to think of that for themselves and try new things. This series is an attempt for the LOL community to try new things and have fun in a fun game. Thank you for reading and have a nice day :P