Been playing Gangplank top a great deal lately with some interesting results. I learned a lot about our pirate and how his playstyle can be a bit hindering at times. Playing him top I found it easy to stay in lane against most top champions. He doesn't have much kill potential after level 3, but he out farms everyone at the moment. He doesn't scale that fantastic with levels, but his item power creep is insane. Due to that I have been playing him extremely utility based early by maxing Remove Scurvy first, starting with Crystalline Flask, and running Greater Quintessence of Gold. Now I know what your thinking, no kill potential no viability. I look at it differently by taking into account how powerful his midgame can be. If you score some assists with your ult and keep top occupied you can make the best out of Gangplank's power creep. I focus on getting a Zeal early while Statikk Shiv and Aegis of the Legion are my core. Other choices include Black Cleaver, Trinity Force, Randuin's Omen, Infinity Edge, and finally finishing with Runic Bulwark.

- greater mark of armor penetration