Hey everyone, welcome back to my weekly blog, Item Insights.

This time around I want to talk to you about boot enchantments. There are 5 different enchantments, namely Enchantment: Alacrity, Enchantment: Captain, Enchantment: Distortion, Enchantment: Furor and Enchantment: Homeguard. I'm going to briefly go over all of them, explaining what they do and who they fit best with.

Costs: 475 gold
UNIQUE Passive: Alacrity: Grants +15 bonus movement speed.

This one fits best with slow champions. Okay, Captain Obvious remarks aside, it's not the best enchantment. This only works when you are a slow AP Carry who is roaming a lot and/or winning.

Costs: 650 gold
UNIQUE Passive: Captain: Allied champions running toward you gain 8% bonus movement speed. Nearby minions gain 20% bonus movement speed.

This one works best on tanks/initiators. If you go into a fight, you really want your team to be able to quickly follow up. On the other hand it can also work on supports, to get people low on hp out of the fight faster. It also works really good on pushers, because of the bonus movement speed on minions.

Costs: 475 gold
UNIQUE Passive: Distortion: Decreases cooldown of Ghost, Teleport and Flash by 25%.

This one is probably never bought, ever. This is only useful for mid/top laners who run Teleport along with either Flash or Ghost, but even on them I have never seen it. Especially good on splitpushers, like Shen or Nidalee.

Costs: 650 gold
UNIQUE Passive: Furor: Whenever you deal damage with a single target attack or spell, you gain 12% movement speed that decays over 2 seconds.

Wonderful on any auto-attack reliant champion. Think of ADCs, but also Tryndamere for example. But since it also works on single target spells, this should work well on Ryze.

Costs: 475 gold
UNIQUE Passive: Homeguard: Whenever you are at fountain, you instantly gain full health and mana, and gain a 200% movement speed boost that decays over 8 seconds. The bonus movement speed is lost upon entering combat. The effect cannot activate while in combat.

This one is probably most often bought. Whenever you are losing, or just want to get back in lane faster, you buy this one. Also works exceptionally well with Teleport! :)

Let's summarize that:

That just leaves us with 1 question; When is a good time to buy any of those? Now I'll be honest, I can't answer that. You could use the above scheme, and use it left to right, top to bottom to see what you should focus on most. Generally speaking in an uneven game (one team is winning really hard) you'll want to buy enchantments fast, while in quite even games you'll want to wait and finish more "bigger" items to keep up.

So, that's what I wanted to share regarding enchantments. What I want to know from you guys - if you could invent one new enchantment, what would it be? Thanks in advance for your suggestions :)

That's it, thanks for reading and cya next week!
