Heya, MobaFire :) I've been a little inactive lately in terms of community things, like commenting on guides and plaguing the forums other than Support. So I thought that I'd boost my activity levels, AND provide a genuine contribution to guide writers by actively scouting the free week champion guide.

So each rotation you will see a blog from me detailing which guide I have scouted for the free champions, and why. Hopefully this will help their guides gain some more views and show others what a scout may be looking for in a guide.

Welcome to Free Rotation - Scouting Time II!

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/caitlyn-in-depth-guide-boom-headshot-160386
Author: Taneren
spa Reason: Despite disagreeing with Net > Traps, all his choices are explained in the guide, and every viable item, run and mastery is discussed. The guide layout is aesthetically pleasing. The amount of information conveyed in this guide is truly amazing. Fantastic effort.
Status: Already +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/fizzy-pop-a-rys-aberdeen-guide-150036
Author: Rys Aberdeen
spa Reason: I really dislike the humongous list of items in the cheat sheet, and the fact that the guide isn't Fresh is a worry. But the information within is really in-depth. The author waffles a little bit too much, but the language is engaging and easy to read.
Status: Not yet +Scouted.

- D:
Author: D:
spa Reason: I have problems with all the current Kass guides. The top Kass guide is using the old MobaFire system of displaying, which means the author can't be bothered updating it. The second rated Kass guide has a Mejai's. The 3rd has the best build, but the guide itself isn't awesome enough.
Status: Have not yet +Scouted a Kass guide.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/malzahar-come-mortal-witness-your-demise-103561
Author: Piksel4o
spa Reason: I have problems with all the current Malz guides. The top Kass guide "Stale", which means it hasn't been updated in a long time. One Malz guide is so close to getting a scout point, they just have to work a little harder in terms of their information. The other Malz guide suggests AA, which I would never get on Malz :/ but explains so much other stuff that is correct that one wonders how it can be right if the build is wrong D:
Status: Have not yet +Scouted a Malz guide.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/yi-the-master-of-disaster-76154
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/master-yi-the-wuju-jungle-style-99823
Author: Zoki // Goffterdom
spa Reason: Both guides are absolutely amazing. Read whichever one in whichever order and by the time you have finished both, you should know Master Yi inside and out. Fantastic guides.
Status: Both +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/miss-fortune-op-detailed-guide-150521
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/miss-fortune-shock-and-awe-in-depth-guide-124676
Author: MissMaw // MrNicholas
spa Reason: Both guides are are pretty awesome. They are both aesthetically pleasing. The only problem I have with both guides is the lack of depth. I feel as if the guides don't contain enough information. Sometimes the coding looks a little raw too. Great guides though
Status: Not yet +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/just-another-rammus-guide-up-to-date-139817
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/jungledillo-updated-for-nautilus-151597
Author: Zyv0x // Crows
spa Reason: Fantastic guides. Zyv0x's guide is absolutely perfect for learning Rammus. Crow's guide completely informs the reader how to jungle Rammus correctly. Both guides are great additions to MobaFire.
Status: Both +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/singed-his-chemical-romance-ap-hp-99768
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/dyrus-inspired-jungle-singed-166205
Author: Keels // Xenasis
spa Reason: Keels guide: Amazingly in-depth, detailing just about everything you could ever want to know. I noticed some coding seemed broken though and some images. Xen's guide: Awesome idea, of course. Just not sure about the last second Rylai's. As Singed, that slow poison is pretty important.
Status: Keels +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/time-with-talon-classic-talon-158182
Author: FlavoRTowN
spa Reason: Great guide. Aesthetically pleasing, in-depth about itemization, rune and mastery choices, gameplay explained exquisitely. Fantastic guide.
Status: Just +Scouted.

- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/taric-all-around-support-ap-jungle-ad-amp-tank-137637
- http://www.mobafire.com/league-of-legends/build/taric-the-leagues-paladin-51184
Author: Taneren // Alaharic
spa Reason: Both guides are so similar. Taneren takes it a bit further with detailing other builds, but Alaharic's is so much easier to read and easier on the eyes. I enjoyed both guides.
Status: Both +Scouted.

Until next time, MobaFire. In the meantime, disagree/agree with my choices? State your opinion in the comment section below :)

- jhoijhoi <3