I'm kind of indifferent whether they're op or not, I'm not really sure to be honest. But looking at assassin champions they seem to have very strong damage output in an extremely short period of time. they also seem in general to be safer than say a carry.

So instead of just saying this I wanted to look at a few assassins. Some may not classify these champions as ***ssin's but for this exercise as a whole we'll look at a few. I wanted to take a look at Ahri, Akali, Leblanc, Kassadin, and Talon in particular because they seem to be the strongest assassin's currently. I suppose Irelia could be classified as an assassin but I feel she is much more of a bruiser or tanky-dps as opposed to assassin.

Taking a look at Talon and Akali because they are very similar.
- Akali seems to be a less popular pick, probably due to her nerfs, she is still extremely strong and relatively safe. She forces the enemy to pink ward or have an oracles handy. She is fairly limited by her energy and charges on shadow dance. However, she has fairly short cooldowns and scales extremely well. She engages enemies extremely well and then shrouds for protection. I feel like her shroud for instant stealth is alot stronger than say Eve or Twitch's stealth, even if there's lasts longer. Right now Akali seems decently strong for an assassin, probably about the point she should be, maybe a little strong.

- Moving on to talon, Talon is probably one of the strongest assassins out there, he scales extremely well and only takes a decent amount of farm to gain a huge advantage. His instant stealth and 1v1 dueling are extremely strong. His damage when fed is probably one of the highest in the games, in addition to the fact that he can deal this damage extremely quickly, faster than any other AD carry. Talon to me is the strongest assassin and probably one of the major problems I have with assassin's, his ability to disable you and burst you down unharmed is incredible, aside from that he can make quick exits with his ultimate literally dealing damage with hardly any risk.

Now examining Leblanc and Kassadin,

- LeBlanc's laning phase is probably one of her strongest points. A lot of people disregard her late game, claiming she falls off. In some regards this is true, but she still has incredible single target burst late game. Her ability, and Kassadin's as well, to 1v1 other champions isn't as prevalent as say Akali or Talon, but her ability to 'nuke' an enemy is probably only rivaled by veigar and her other assassin counter parts. She, along with Kassadin is more of an anti-mage. Now as an assassin, she is probably weaker than Akali or Talon due to her decently long cooldowns and mostly single-target damage.

-Kassadin is very similar to LeBlanc in regards to his strong laning and single target burst. He has abit more aoe than Leblanc but the point is moot. His ability to enter and exit a fight isn't as strong as other assassin's due to his recent nerf on Rift Walk's CD. His damage is fairly good as a burst mage especially when fed. He seems the weakest out of all assassins I've listed (despite being a frequent ban) due to his lack of reliable damage. However he is probably one of the safest assassins. His ability to trade 1v1 is quite strong because like talon he can disable you from responding back and burst you down, exiting and then entering back in to finish you off. He, like LeBlanc is pretty much an anti-mage, but he is also can kill any carry fairly quickly.

Finally, let's take a look at Ahri. I'm not completely sold that she is an assassin but perhaps she is more-so than any other ap carry, bar Kassadin and LeBlanc. She has very strong 1v1 capabilities like all assassins. similarly to talon and kassadin, she can disable you and burst you down while sustaining herself through her passive. He ability to enter and exit a fight is probably the best of all assassins, akali might be the only one who can rival her in this aspect. While she only has 3 charges on her ult before it goes on cooldown the time spawn within they can be used is generally about the duration of a team fight making her seem extremely strong, in addition to her fantastic damage. Her ranged taunt is one of the stronger cc's in the game, arguably stronger than the silence of LeBlanc, Kassadin, or Talon. Now I say that I'm not totally convinced that she is an assassin some I'm hoping for some feedback.

I'm not saying assassin champions are OP or broken, they might be, I don't know, however I am saying that their damage is as high as any carry, yet they are able to deal this damage quicker and generally safer than a carry.

I'm also curious to everyone elses thoughts, so let me know if you think im right, and idiot, whatever