Hello everyone, I know I have kind of slacked off on my blog but not to worry I'm going to try and put 1 up at least every 2 days, so please check back often.

Today I want to begin a series on under rated/under used items that are in reality kind of overpowered/amazing situational items. Today I would like to focus on 2 such items. The first is Hexdrinker

This item is an item that I almost never see on anyone. My question is while this is not as ideal for meta being AD v AP mid. However, If you send an AD mid why not rush this. You get magic resist, AD, and wonderful little passive that will save your butt against AP casters. Also for those of you who need more help surviving Karthus (my main) this passive may be just enough to keep you alive. For example I have on occasion taken Pantheon mid. Hexdrinker has both allowed me to do damage while keeping alive against current meta AP mids. My favorite example of this was my first time using Hexdrinker Where I comboed and killed Brand (who was at full hp) while only being at 1/3 of my own hp to start with. The passive kicked in and negate a good portion of his combo and I walked away with 50 hp and first blood. I would recommend this item to any AD champ, or bruiser style champ who is facing and AP carry in their lane or facing a Karthus or if you mid is feeding the enemy mid. Recommended this anytime as and AD champ when faceing

The second item is Executioner's Calling

This item is again slightly situational but I find is very helpful. Now I realize that Ignite will do the same thing in reducing hp regen but you dont always want to grab Ignite. Executioner's Calling provides you with a way of completely shutting down regen champs, Master Yi keep meditating and wont leave lane, Warwick life steal to insane to kill, Dr. Mundo heal when he pleases??, Volibear bam, bam, bam almost dead.. PASSIVE... Executioner's Calling what passive. See my point yet? Anyway this is not for everyone, but if you need life steal, or crit chance, and your facing anyone of these or other annoying champs Sion this makes his ult heal less too. Oh and did I mention the passive yet? Now I realize that 4 damage every second for 8 sec dosnt sound like much, but 4 * 8 = 32 damage Granted this is not a lot but it works like a mini Ignite and may be just enough to help finish someone off in the early game. This item seems useless at first glance but it brings a lot to the table. Executioner's Calling can and will shut down certain champs, (as much as I hate Tryndamere this is a great item on him cause he can kill people faster cause they cant heal and the life steal and crit is very nice for him).

SO thats my first 2 items Hexdrinker and Executioner's Calling. Please comment, I want you feedback, thats the purpose of my blog. I throw this stuff out there, you respond, community gains. As a side note most people will not be using hex late game, but I have seen and used it late game.

Also if you think an item is under rated and should be used more let me know and I will add it to my list of ones to cover in the next few weeks. Hope you enjoyed this one. GL HF and play some more LOL

da sn0wwarrior