A funny thing happened the past few months. I started ranked and fell in Elo. Then I stopped and decided to practice in normal games. Shortly thereafter, I released my Kennen guide, and actually started playing Kennen in ranked(I was 1W 3L at the time). Miraculously, since then, I haven't tasted defeat for almost 10 whole games, rapidly climbing up the Elo ladder over 200 points in ~3-4 weekends. I was unstoppable.

Then I lost. One game where I finally had a negative KDA. "Eh, no big deal. Bot fed." was pretty much what happened. Or so I thought, until I realized my flaws in the game. The incredibly easy mid suddenly became increasingly difficult. I was laning vs a Soraka, and I nearly lost because of a gank from Tryndamere.

I wasn't going to return to school without breaking the 1300 wall, so I played another game. Almost the same results, except the Ryze at mid...dominated me. Not through kills, but through minion farm, harass, and sustain. He pretty much stayed at full EVERYTHING, while I was constantly under half health. It became worse when he got fed with a Rod of Ages and Banshee's Veil, and when top Irelia became legendary.

Those were my first two losses since the release of my guide. It's amazing how much you can learn by teaching, but I guess that's only temporary?