Hello. I am bored, so I'm going to talk about how to fix 'problem' champions. These are pretty general. Unfortunately, in their current format, some champions cannot be balanced without a rework. I will mention this. If I skip a champion, I feel they are well balanced. Here we go;

Akali: Remove all AD from her kit. Getting a few AD marks to trigger it and then avoiding ad like the plague is stupid. Remove all AD scaling and rework her passive.

Alistar: Cannot be balanced. If you make him able to jungle again, he's OP. There isn't much you can do to make him a super viable support. He's in meta-limbo right now.

Annie: Increase the range of her Q and W by 10-15%

Ashe: New 'E' spell, please

Brand: Increase the range on his E to launch range

Caitlyn: lower range by 25

Corki: Reduce his mana costs on his non ultimate abilities by 25%

Dr. Mundo: Give him scaling besides just health scaling. I'd love to see varied ways to play mundo besides SV->warmogs

Evelynn: Can't be balanced. She will always be broken OP or unplayably bad.

Fiora: Balance her ultimate. It negates exhaust if she's exhausted and the damage can't be avoided with Jax counter-strike or going untargetable, except by zhonyas. Increase her range on AA by a bit.

Fizz: Restore his damage to or close to launch levels.

Galio: Reduce mana costs across the board, make his ult uncleansable by summoner cleanse.

Gangplank: He's in meta-limbo. Unless they rework, he will continue to not be viable.

Heimerdinger: Increase his base movespeed by 25 and give him more base health and armor. Rework his grenade to be usable.

Jayce: Lower his mana costs, not so low as to launch Jayce levels. Give his knockback some of it's power back.

Karma: Rework incoming. I felt that her passive was always mediocre and she needs more mantra charges.

Kayle: Increase the mana cost on her 'e' to a high flat amount at all levels. It seems pointless that she can cast her ranged AA buff everytime it's up and never have mana problems. She has so little risk in lane because of it.

Kennen: Increase the speed of bolts on his ultimate at all ranks.

LeBlanc: Kat got a farming spell, maybe Leblanc is due for one as well.

Lee Sin: Can no longer safeguard to wards. No more free flashes.

Malzahar: Rework his ultimate.

Mordekaiser: Reduce his early ranks of his skills to near 0. Increase the capacity of his shield at early levels.

Nami: Her healing waters can bounce from ally to ally if no enemies are present.

Nasus: Limbo. You can drastically lower the mana cost on his wither, or make him manaless. Sure, he might be really strong manaless, but you can increase his cooldowns and he deserves to have his own period of being OP.

Nautilus: Make his 'w' do increased damage to creeps.

Nocturne: Restore some of his power. Revert all of the recent nerfs back by 50%.

Pantheon: Increase the range of his auto attacks by quite a bit. He has a spear, he should have some range on his AA's, even if he's melee. It will make his autos useful in lane.

Poppy: Reduce mana costs across the board by 50%. Make her passive work on true damage.

Rengar: Limbo.

Rumble: Very strong ATM. Not sure how to balance without just straight nerfing the damage.

Sej: Rework incoming.

Shyvana: New ultimate, or new properties on it.

Sion: Make him AD or AP. Make up your mind.

Sivir: Increase the range on AA by 25-50, reduce mana costs by 15%

Tryndamere: You do not lose fury out of combat.

Udyr: Make him immune to knockback/knockup in turtle stance.