I was practicing with my ranked team this weekend. We played in go4lol and lost in the 1st round to 2300 kids, and then we played some ranked teams. Second game, we ran into azingy and cris's team, and long story short:
Hey, I went positive. We were doing well. I was laning mid, and I was level 3, and azingy flash snared me. I immediately flashed into my tower and unloaded on him, picking me up 1st blood, but I died to the last tick of ignite. NBD. Maokai over powered. My brother was getting his ******** pushed in top by his favorite player, while I beat up some nameless morgana. She was awful, I guarantee you I was a better morg player than whoever that guy was. FML. PICK ME UP AZINGY CARRY ME TO VICTORY.