Well, as I hoped, I was able to rail off a quick 2 game win streak. I even played something besides support for one of them! I played Pantheon top vs Jax...sorta did a bad job at bullying him early and let him farm his way into scariness. Luckily, I managed to match his trades just enough to hold him off and keep my turret, allowing my jungler to camp bot and get our Ezreal fed. A couple of one-sided teamfights later, the white flag came out!

Same thing in the 2nd game, except I supported as Sona. Had a really nice team that warded everywhere. It's always nice not having that responsibility fall solely on me. Anyway, I think I played just an okay game, but I managed to bait myself for a couple of worthwhile trades which got my Tristana fed. Our jungler was very good too and helped get Tris and our Ryze fed. After the enemy's failed desperation Baron, the surrender came out.

Sooo now I'm in Silver I. Hooray!