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Vayne in SoloQ?

Creator: UnitedDK December 24, 2014 3:56am
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UnitedDK's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 3:56am | Report
So.. What is your general thoughts about Vayne in SoloQ? I'm generally talking about Gold, but any answer is definitely appreciated, lower or higher league!

She has a very weak early game, but awesome mobility making it quite easy for her to avoid skillshots as an example. Despite of this no ADC comes to my mind that requires more positioning. A killsupp is def. not viable for her, like Blitz or Leona but Nami, Janna and Soroka for example works very well with her, and can get her through her weak early game quite nicely.

No ADC has better dmg late game. Although, she do requires a good CS to get there, but maybe she is too reliant on her team, which isn't always possible in SoloQ?

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Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 11:36am | Report
Anything works in solo queue as long as you have practiced it enough to make it work.

Teemo main with 1k+ games of the stupid bugger, vs someone with say like, 70-100 games of Gnar but mains another role or champ, who do you think is more likely to win? Could go either way depending on jungle interference, but generally Teemo would due to being more practiced with his champ.

The thing with Vayne aside from just playing her enough to do well with her, is the big question, are you even going to get to late game? Most games tend to end at 30-ish so you can probably start to get into your late game when you're even, or be at it already if you're fed, but if you get behind, the match will have to go longer and most people if behind far enough would rather just forfeit at this point and get on with attempting another match.

If you're willing to gamble your team being a patient one, willing to wait for the Vayne power spike, or being one that if they don't have 5+ towers and at least 2 drags at 20, just /ff. I'd say go for it, if you want to just flat out pubstomp and get to a higher division faster and more easily, Caitlyn, Corki, Lucian are much better for that due to their early-mid game power.
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UnitedDK's Forum Avatar
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Jul 29th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 1:44pm | Report
That's true, I def. get your point.

Idk.. I guess I'm kinda afraid to play her in SoloQ, being the champ she is.

I think I watched this video 7-8 times and this Vayne player is just... amazing. This Cait isn't the best, but on the other side Vayne has few worse counters than Cait.

I've played Cait quite a bit also, and yes - she has a good early game, excellent zoning. But her power spike ends imho quite fast. Q is worth nothing, W can be usefull, E is good for escapes and chasing and R sucks. Ofc her range makes up for some of that, though.

Lucian is pretty good too, reminds me somewhat of Cait. Although, Vayne is quite good against Lucian. Corki I don't know that well.

I think this video keeps me thinking that maybe Vayne is worth it? That maybe her spike isn't that far away? Like you said your self, the more experience you get, the less far away the power spike (some what) gets.
Also that no ADC comes to my mind that have so many uses for her abilities as the game goes on.

Btw, I'm a kinda drunk, I apologies if some of it seems stupid/weird.
FantasySniper's Forum Avatar
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Dec 21st, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 24, 2014 4:25pm | Report
Her skill floor is ambiguously high. The Art of Lengthening Games is one you must master to be a good Vayne player.

I use to play her a lot, but all I learned was that I forgot to use Bilgewater Cutlass's active too often and that not having any poke or wave clear during the laning phase was a pain when Caitlyn was in every other game.

I'd say the reason most don't succeed with isn't because she's too reliant on her team, but because it's so easy to overextend with her. Getting fed with Vayne only to immediately lose your advantageous presence because you took too big of a risk is what makes her lose games. That tends to happen a lot in YoloQ
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Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 25, 2014 2:31am | Report
The power of Caitlyn, Corki, Lucian, and less commonly Graves is their power to just get ahead of their lane opponent, then continue to just kick their teeth in until mind games make them just want to FF. Ultimately yoloq outside of laning phase isn't so much about skill and just about who makes who quit or give up first. Granted mechanical skill still does go a long ways in it, outplaying that 1v3 to prevent their baron secure, and decision making, deciding to not go for dragon immediately after an ace and instead getting inhibs/inhib towers first.

Her skill floor is ambiguously high. The Art of Lengthening Games is one you must master to be a good Vayne player.

Hyper carries in general benefit from longer games, Jax, Nasus, Master Yi, you name it. Keeping your team from going into too much tilt at 50 minutes takes a lot of hopeful talk, and luck. I feel that personally, you should try to perform a background check before you pick a hyper carry in a match, if at least 2+ of your team lost a match just prior, I'd avoid picking a hyper unless you're 100% you can avoid dying and making them going even further on tilt. Otherwise that'll just be a heavier load on your back. Also, Draven mechanics are god like in terms of ADC'ing, juggling and doing optimal damage is like, a graceful dance of death. It makes me sad I'll probably never be great with him.
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Lindrith's Forum Avatar
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Dec 25th, 2014
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 25, 2014 1:06pm | Report
In low ELO, everyone plays Vayne/Lucian. I myself am In silver V and I main support, to be honest if Vayne has a support that can work well with her short range she should do fine. Vayne would need to farm up and get the gold she needs to get that power spike.
Joxuu's Forum Avatar
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Apr 7th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 26, 2014 6:21am | Report

You don't want to have a lane which requires help in soloQ. Vayne usually needs assistance.

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DisturbedFox's Forum Avatar
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Jun 4th, 2012
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 26, 2014 12:31pm | Report
good as of 4.21
Savlonic's Forum Avatar
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Oct 10th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 26, 2014 2:42pm | Report
good as of 4.21

That's not a very useful statement, technically any and everything is good as of any patch, disregarding nerfs/buffs/etc.

Joxuu wrote:

You don't want to have a lane which requires help in soloQ. Vayne usually needs assistance.

Pretty much covers it though really, if you can beat your lane opponent(s) without jungle assistance you're at a huge advantage until throws eventually happen.
Sig by TheNameless ^ Check out my Nasus guide ^
Vorcia's Forum Avatar
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Jul 17th, 2013
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep December 26, 2014 3:38pm | Report
I just want to add that Vayne isn't the highest damage ADC. Kog'Maw is as long as the fight doesn't last longer than his W, and technically, since she is listed as Marksman/ADC, Quinn does too.

Vayne is fine in solo queue, but I'd strongly recommended against playing her since she's a champion that you should only be playing if you're confident in your own abilities as her.
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