Zac kept me down really well in laning phase, so I wasn't able to get a lead over LB. Whenever I did manage to solo her without interruption, she'd keep surviving Ignite and bleed by 1 tick, so all I'd manage to do was send her back.
Even so I still managed to get big through playing well, even as the rest of my team got crushed, and single handedly kept us in the game for 50 minutes. Just before 50 minutes, I managed to kill Jinx pretty much right as a fight started, which guaranteed us to win the teamfight, and then we actually managed to get a pentakill, and with their 60+ death timers, we could finally end by pushing bot.
What actually happened: Sivir went back to base because she had about 100 HP even though they were aced and we were spamming END END END. And while I went bot to destroy the inhibitor tower, Jarvan and Bard wasted their time pushing mid (the minion wave was on our side of the map, and mid lane had 2 towers left still), as Jarvan was saying "push mid and end". I managed to convince the ******s that bot lane was clearly the way to end as the minions were already at the inhib tower, so they eventually came over after uselessly shoving the mid lane wave for no reason. We wasted so much time with Sivir going back, and the 2 ******s taking their time to shove mid before coming bot. It became clear we couldn't end that way after all, mainly because of Sivir, so I told them to just take inhib and B. But Irelia said she had TP and Jarvan said "NO, WE CAN END", so they kept pushing and I reluctantly pushed with them, even though the enemy team was soon reviving.
We got one nexus tower then got aced. They pushed mid and won.
I kept these ******s in the game for 50 minutes. Single handedly. Basically 1v5'ing. Then after I make a game-winning play they ignore all my calls. And straight up lose us the game. Like whaaaat the fuuuuuuck.
How dumb can you be? :l
Edit: aaaaaaand I only just noticed their builds.
Zac kept me down really well in laning phase, so I wasn't able to get a lead over LB. Whenever I did manage to solo her without interruption, she'd keep surviving Ignite and bleed by 1 tick, so all I'd manage to do was send her back.
Even so I still managed to get big through playing well, even as the rest of my team got crushed, and single handedly kept us in the game for 50 minutes. Just before 50 minutes, I managed to kill Jinx pretty much right as a fight started, which guaranteed us to win the teamfight, and then we actually managed to get a pentakill, and with their 60+ death timers, we could finally end by pushing bot.
What actually happened: Sivir went back to base because she had about 100 HP even though they were aced and we were spamming END END END. And while I went bot to destroy the inhibitor tower, Jarvan and Bard wasted their time pushing mid (the minion wave was on our side of the map, and mid lane had 2 towers left still), as Jarvan was saying "push mid and end". I managed to convince the ******s that bot lane was clearly the way to end as the minions were already at the inhib tower, so they eventually came over after uselessly shoving the mid lane wave for no reason. We wasted so much time with Sivir going back, and the 2 ******s taking their time to shove mid before coming bot. It became clear we couldn't end that way after all, mainly because of Sivir, so I told them to just take inhib and B. But Irelia said she had TP and Jarvan said "NO, WE CAN END", so they kept pushing and I reluctantly pushed with them, even though the enemy team was soon reviving.
We got one nexus tower then got aced. They pushed mid and won.
I kept these ******s in the game for 50 minutes. Single handedly. Basically 1v5'ing. Then after I make a game-winning play they ignore all my calls. And straight up lose us the game. Like whaaaat the fuuuuuuck.
How dumb can you be? :l
Edit: aaaaaaand I only just noticed their builds.
lol, Zed went afk because of a gank he was partly to blame for messing up.
Me and Thresh decided to gank mid once when we'd pushed out bot lane, and we gave Zed ample warning. As me and Thresh were approaching Ori from the side, I ulted so we could all go in and rape her, but what ACTUALLY happened was:
1. Instead of abusing the movement speed from my ult to run up to Ori and E her, Thresh stopped, threw and missed Death Sentence, then resigned to backing off. I used ult for THAT?!
2. Zed didn't go in AT ALL, apparently he didn't think 3v1'ing Ori barely in tower range was a good idea.
So I was the only one that actually went in, and I ended up taking like 2 tower shots because I'd been expecting Thresh to go in before me. Then I was distracted mentally raging at Thresh and Zed for making me waste my ult like that and I didn't notice Orianna ult'ing me back into the tower so I didn't try to spell shield it, and I died.
THEN Zed tower dived on his own, and died. Then he immediately left the game without saying anything and never came back.
Me and Thresh decided to gank mid once when we'd pushed out bot lane, and we gave Zed ample warning. As me and Thresh were approaching Ori from the side, I ulted so we could all go in and rape her, but what ACTUALLY happened was:
1. Instead of abusing the movement speed from my ult to run up to Ori and E her, Thresh stopped, threw and missed Death Sentence, then resigned to backing off. I used ult for THAT?!
2. Zed didn't go in AT ALL, apparently he didn't think 3v1'ing Ori barely in tower range was a good idea.
So I was the only one that actually went in, and I ended up taking like 2 tower shots because I'd been expecting Thresh to go in before me. Then I was distracted mentally raging at Thresh and Zed for making me waste my ult like that and I didn't notice Orianna ult'ing me back into the tower so I didn't try to spell shield it, and I died.
THEN Zed tower dived on his own, and died. Then he immediately left the game without saying anything and never came back.
LOL this game, jesus.
Everything except top lane was taken and I figured I'd play Vayne top vs Malph. We got in game and the enemy team had lane swapped, so I was top against Thresh and Draven. At level 1 I was completely zoned from CS, but not completely from XP, so to pass the time I just traded with Thresh a lot, seeing as I was winning and it gave me something to do while staying in XP range. Eventually the wave FINALLY reached my tower, and Nidalee hit Thresh with a spear from the side and ganked even though they had like 20 minions around our tower. I blew Heal trying to save Nidalee (which didn't work), then Flash to finish off Draven, but I took 280 damage from minions while I was level 1, and died to Thresh after killing Draven.
When I got back into lane I still had 0 CS, although at least I had 1 kill, and I had to repeat the whole process of getting zoned for days outside of CS'ing range, until the wave FINALLY hit my tower... And Nunu & Willump ran out of the brush and they 3v1 dived me. I revived and realized it was 8 minutes and I was still at 0 CS, so I asked Kalista and Leona to lane swap with me again, but Kalista refused for a while, but I wasn't dumb enough to go back top lane on my own so I just stayed bot lane absorbing XP from her, though I couldn't secure any CS cuz Rend. Eventually she and Leona finally did go top, and that's when Nunu & Willump ganked me from behind and I died to him and Malphite. When I revived, it was 10 or so minutes and I was still just at 2 CS. At 20 minutes I only had 50, and I couldn't farm anywhere because someone from their team would just follow me and kill me if I tried. But we were winning teamfights anyway, so I just had to settle for not farming and letting my team carry me. And so they did.
Jesus though, I won, but that was the most brutal game I've ever played. ;-;
Everything except top lane was taken and I figured I'd play Vayne top vs Malph. We got in game and the enemy team had lane swapped, so I was top against Thresh and Draven. At level 1 I was completely zoned from CS, but not completely from XP, so to pass the time I just traded with Thresh a lot, seeing as I was winning and it gave me something to do while staying in XP range. Eventually the wave FINALLY reached my tower, and Nidalee hit Thresh with a spear from the side and ganked even though they had like 20 minions around our tower. I blew Heal trying to save Nidalee (which didn't work), then Flash to finish off Draven, but I took 280 damage from minions while I was level 1, and died to Thresh after killing Draven.
When I got back into lane I still had 0 CS, although at least I had 1 kill, and I had to repeat the whole process of getting zoned for days outside of CS'ing range, until the wave FINALLY hit my tower... And Nunu & Willump ran out of the brush and they 3v1 dived me. I revived and realized it was 8 minutes and I was still at 0 CS, so I asked Kalista and Leona to lane swap with me again, but Kalista refused for a while, but I wasn't dumb enough to go back top lane on my own so I just stayed bot lane absorbing XP from her, though I couldn't secure any CS cuz Rend. Eventually she and Leona finally did go top, and that's when Nunu & Willump ganked me from behind and I died to him and Malphite. When I revived, it was 10 or so minutes and I was still just at 2 CS. At 20 minutes I only had 50, and I couldn't farm anywhere because someone from their team would just follow me and kill me if I tried. But we were winning teamfights anyway, so I just had to settle for not farming and letting my team carry me. And so they did.
Jesus though, I won, but that was the most brutal game I've ever played. ;-;
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