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Neo's ELO Tour!

Creator: utopus May 4, 2015 9:26pm
210 posts - page 4 of 21
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 12:27am | Report
Game 25

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This was a good game. In champion select, I first picked Nami, because I thought she was OP. I finally saw the same light that vynertje sees - Nami is the support you pick to automatically win lane.

Anyways, our opponents ADC decided to pick Draven... into Nami. If you don't know, Nami is like, a really nightmare-ish matchup for Draven. Sivir and I won lane REALLY hard, with me landing some good bubbles chained into Boomerang Blades left both of them at 50% HP. Evelynn decided to gank bot after her blue, and that allowed her to get first blood / double kill.

Evelynn did a good job camping mid lane, but LeBlanc was just too sneaky and would always manage to get away. Finally, after like the 5th gank, Malphite roamed down and counterganked, getting a kill on Evelynn. A poor Teleport from irelia left her nothing to clean up, either :/

With 2 of our opponents low/oom though, we forced a numbers advantage on our opponents and took dragon
Our opponents used this advantage to push bot lane, and a big fight ensued in bot lane. Malphite Teleported down, and traded a 3 for one. since Irelia couldn't follow his TP, she took top tower. For whatever reason, our opponents didn't finish off out bot turret, which is kind of a big deal.

Later, a good rotation allowed us to take mid and bot turret. Also, Draven and Sona blew their ultis for nothing, which would come in handy in the next dragon fight. We took dragon, and then caught out Sona. An immaculate 3-man Unstoppable Force by malphite made us lose the fight though, with a 2 for 1. The next fight happened at our opponents blue buff, where we got a 2 for 1, with our Irelia getting out of the fight with <100 hp. We rotate and slow push some more minion waves, and the next fight occurs near our opponents red buff. Diana goes HAM on sona, and instantly bursts her. Evelynn and I were terrified to follow her though, since she was fighting in the narrow corridor near the blue side's mid lane tier 2 tower brush, and we didn't want to get malph ultied. We ended up getting ultied anyways LOL. A good flank from Sivir allowed LeBlanc and Draven to get cleaned up, and I juked Malphite long enough for him to be a non-issue in that team fight. Diana catches out a few more people and by this point, she's so fed that she can literally 2 shot anyone on my opponents team.

The deciding team fight was near blue side's bot tier 2 turret. Malphite only got a 2 man Unstoppable Force whereas I has positioned further back to get a 3 man Tidal Wave. PErhaps more importantly, my tidal wave zoned out the Sona, who couldn't position well to land a good Crescendo.

Later, we get 4th dragon, and Sivir and Irelia catch out Malphite, giving us a free dragon, baron, and later the win.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 12:37am | Report
Game 26

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This was a dodgeable game. My teammates let nunu through, and then they didn't pick him for me. I wasn't left any good junglers, and to be truthful, I picked a pretty ****ty jungler. Anyways, Azir got counterpicked hard, and died several times to Zed before he got his [[zhonya's hourglass]; Mid wasn't gankable, and bot got countered hard, so I resolved to camp top lane, GET style LOL

It worked out pretty well for us, with me forcing the Rumble to burn flash. For some reason though, Gangplank built pure damage, which forced me to rush cinderhulk tank panth, even though I was the most fed on my team. Gangplank did deal a lot of damage and was able to basically half health someone with one Parrrley, but Zed was so unbelievably fed at this point that he could just instakill 2-3 of us and live.
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 1:05am | Report
Game 27

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Same ADC as last game; I had serious thoughts about dodging, but I decided to just stick it through, and try and carry. He locks in Jinx, and I pick Morgana (which, by the way, is an OP combo). Early game was rough for us. Corki was on point with some phosphorous bombs, and jinx and i were forced under tower. Blitz took this time to roam mid and force yasuo to burn flash :< I felt pretty bad about that but there wasn't much we could've done about that. Blitz comes bot with Naut and they gank us. I line up with jinx, and while Dredge Line is in mid channel, I Black Shield jinx, who is blocking the dredge line for me.She flashes away from it and I'm locked up and CCed. Thankfully, poor tower aggro juggling allows jinx to execute corki, and later kill Naut, when he tries to tower dive her again.

Jinx comes back to lane, and is met with a 1v3: Riven roamed bot, and instakilled her LOL. I get Sightstone and ward their jungle and dragon area so that doesn't happen again, and then head mid to assist Yasuo in a 3v2 against Riven and Blitzcrank (our Lulu roamed bot to help us)

The first major fight breaks out as a 4v5: our Jinx was mia. The fight was pretty ugly, but we managed to kite our opponents through 2 sets of turrets, and turned it around for a 2 for 5 ace, and dragon.

The next fight occurred around our opponents blue buff. Evelynn tried to take their blue buff, and Shyvana was hanging around. I flanked her, and Dark Bindinged her + Soul Shackles to lock her enough long enough for the rest of our team to get there and finish her off. At this point, Corki and Nautilus are near wolves, and my Dark Binding forces Corki to awkwardly side step it and die to Evelynn. By this point, everyone on our team was so fed that the game was decidedly over
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 1:11am | Report
Game 27

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Rough game. Cassiopeia was salty and tilted from a previous game (so my teammates told me, at least), and fed Cho'Gath so hard that he could WQ me and kill me. He legit had 650 AP by 20:00 LOL

Anyways, I lost lane :< While I didn't die during the laning phase, my ADC didn't want to play as aggressively as me, and as such, I couldn't leverage some sort of CS lead. Our lane REALLY lost hard after xin roamed bot to gank our lane. That really put the knife in the coffin. Twitch and I were pushed to our tower, and I tried to ward our side lane brush when our minion wave came out; Xin Audacious Charged me, and basically instakilled me, since he was REALLY fed from other lanes. For some reason, the Evelynn on our team, who apparently is an eve main, didn't really gank a whole lot. Not quite sure what happened, but this was a pretty nasty loss xD
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 1:53am | Report
Game 28

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This game was pretty easy. An early Fiddlesticks jungler lock in allowed me to counterpick with Janna (Displacement OP). Early game was pretty rough for us. We would win pokes with Eye of the Storm shields and autoattacks, but a good pull by blitz forced my Jinx to burn Flash early, and recall with only a couple potions. Lee Sin did an early invade on Fiddlesticks' blue and got first blood. He 4 buffed fiddlesticks, which is pretty disgusting imo.

Later on in the laning phase Blitzcrank] landed another good on me, and jinx and I take the opportunity to engage on Lucian. We win the poke, but we were overextended without vision. Fiddlesticks roams bot and kills jinx :< it was unfortunate, since Lucian lived with like 200 HP

Later on, we catch Cho'Gath trying to roam bot, and we converge on him and Fiddlesticks (who foolishly tried to help the guy escape), getting my ADC a double kill. Lee Sin came to gank bot, but Lucian 100% outplayed the lee sin. We set up by trapping Lucian in brush with Flame Chompers! blocking his escape, but this guy, being the genius that he is, huge the wall and escapes the flame chompers, and then sidsteps my snare. He gets hit by the lee sin Q, and flashes in time so that he can't get insecced. Lee Sin tries to change targets to Blitzcrank, but blitz flashes under his turret and pulls him so lucian gets the kill. We're forced to give up first dragon. Lee sin got a kill though, executing blitz, and getting Fiddlesticks down to like 10 hp lol

We head back bot, and based on the way that their bot lane is playing, we know Fiddlesticks is in the river brush, waiting to Crowstorm us. I position myself so that i can knock him away, and Lee Sin comes in for a countergank. This fiddlesticks crowstorm + flashes though, so i can't Monsoon him without pushing him into my teammates. The fight continues on with Blitzcrank and Lucian diving past our tier 1 turret. I respawn and try to Flash + Eye of the Storm jinx, but she turns, cancels her auto on blitz, and ends up just getting killed by Lucian.

Exciting moments of the game:
Pan into 19:30 to see an interesting team fight!
Look at 25:30 to see my ADC kite the **** out of Cho'gath. Never have I seen such great kiting in my life.

Something that i need to re-learn is how to keep wards on the map at all times. In this game in particular, I had an extraordinarily difficult time keeping vision on the map!
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 1:57am | Report
Game 29

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I counterpicked Leona in this game, so I was pretty confident that we would win laning phase. I managed to somehow burn Renekton's flash before minions spawned, which i was pretty happy about; Vlad had a rough early game ahead of him and he needed every bit of help he could get. Lucian and I whittled down leona and ezreal before the level 2, so cheesing for them wasn't as desirable of an option. We beat them to level 2, and a good Dark Binding forced ezreal to burn his Heal.

We almost successfully all-ined leona and ezreal and 6, but they escaped with 0 HP. They re-engaged once Nidalee came to their lane, and at that point, we traded a 2 for 2, with Lucian and Nidalee getting both kills for both sides respectively.

While we were holding our own in lane, Renekton Decimated Vladimir it was really REALLY bad. A good fight around dragon for us left Viktor dead, and Leona / Nidalee low., with only vladimir on our team being low. We levereaged this advantage into 2 mid turrets. Unfortunately, we overstayed and our opponents were able to take dragon from this. Then, it finally hit me as to why we were so successful: renekton was disconnected

This should've been a free win, but Nocturne made it REALLY difficult, opting to buy Phantom Dancer (like WTF?), and our Zed and Lucian kept on getting caught out in 1v2 situations. A long dnace around our Nidalee's blue buff allowed Lucian to split push bot and take an additional tower. Vladimir splitpushed again and took the top inhib turret, leaving an open inhibitor.

Eventually, Renekton reconnects, and destroys us all. Thankfully, due to poor recalls on our opponents part, we were able to still get a dragon, with little/no penalty. Zed gets caught out, but thanks to a large slow pushing minion wave that my partner set up, my opponents were forced to recall again. We finally grouped as 5, but Renekton was really tanky at this point. A Dark Binding -> The Culling chunked him to like only 60%. Whereas a Spear + Ez ulti kills my ADC, which is what happened. Our opponents try and initiate a 5v4 fight near baron, but we somehow manage to escpae with only 2 deaths.

Our opponents took mid t2 and bot t2. They tried rotating to dragon, but a great team fight for us ended up in a 5 for 1, and baron, and an inhib, and dragno, and a 1-for-1 duel between Ezreal and Vladimir. I catch out Leona, and we fight a 5v4 under their inhib bot turret. At this point we are so far ahead that we close out the game
Epic Team fights + Annotations
18:05 - Miscommunication with my partner; I told him that he should run back to me so I could Exhaust Viktor, but I had already walked back too far.
25:16 - Embarassing moment for Lucian xD My adc was screaming, BLOCK THE SPEAR FOR ME BLOCK THE SPEAR! And all I could reply was, "I can't; I am compelled to dodge the spear." I dodge the spear and he gets hit xDDD
28:10 Renekton reconnects. We couldn't handle him.
33:20 A poor Zhonya's Hourglass (panic) by me let to a max range spear that killed me.
35:38 Really good peel by me. 36:00 I did something REALLY scummy XDD
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 22, 2015 1:58am | Report
Game 30

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Scumbag stole ADC from my duo partner. This guy took soo many skillshots from lulu and ashe, and botched her spellshield so much, and didn't follow up on any of my landed Dark Bindings. Ashe had a 15~ CS advantage over him. Master Yi tried to gank for us, and ended up instadying somehow lol. It was pretty fun to watch though. My ADC took some more poke and had to blow ulti just to get away from ashe. My ADC was now 30 CS behind ashe ZZZ
Thankfully, Lulu stayed while she was low, and Master Yi and i were able to kill her.

A big 5v5 fight arose near bot lane, and we came out even after a good Teleport from master yi finished off 2 people after they overstayed. We were able to get dragon, and then 2 more towers.

A good catch on ashe was able to secure my team a mid tower. Sivr for some reason didn't take tower., whichwas a real shame, since I got a 4 man Soul Shackles off that single handedly would've aced our opponents. Instead the tower killed like 2 of our guys, and we got aced.

Another tema fight emerged near Dragon. Brand died, but almost took Ahri with him. We used our numbers advantage (he forced other to recall) to get vision of dragon. We got a good team fight near dragon, but yi was too greedy and ended up dying trying to do that yi thing, where they do 1v3s. I get caught trying to deep ward our opponents jungle, but that turns out to be OK, since Gragas burnt his Explosive Cask for just me. That left them no disengage, and allowed my team to Clean ace them afterwards. We converted out lead into a bot inhib turret, a mid tier 2 turret, and a dragon.

Our opponents regroup and try and catch one of us at baron. Malphite facechecks like an idiot, and i'm forced to use an offensive Soul Shackles + Zhonya's Hourglass to force my opponents back line to disengage. Thankfully, Brand got off an amazing ulti and allowed our Yi to clean up for a 3 for 4 exhange + baron vision.

Our opponents try to regroup and rush baron, but some of us were able to reach them in time. I landed a good Dark Binding on gragas, that prevented him from helping his team peel for the Malphite + Master Yi. We got a 1 for 5 ace, and we took baron. We rotate between mid and bot and forced our opponents to eventually concede the open inhibitor. We rotate mid to try and push down the inhib. Our idiot Sivir decided to pop ulti, which probably meant that she wanted to fight under tower. Our Malphite initiates, andw eget destroyed, only taking the mid tower, and getting 2 for 4-ed. Our sivir said that he popped ulti to take down the tower faster =___=' who does that?!

We revive, take dragon, and rotate top to take that exposed turret. MAster yi teleports and backdoors the second inhib, and we use his distraction to take the 2nd top tier 2 tower. Our Yi tries to catch the Ashe and Ahri by going in 1v2 and instadies to both of them. Our team destroys our opponents tank line, getting rid of renekton very quickly. Then, our sivir tries flashing into ahri and ashe to kill them and gets instakilled. ZZZZ

We ward baron again, and force a fight, with yi splitpushing. Everyone on our opponents team escapes despite us having a significant numbers advantage. Yi dies trying to BD the inhib, and we rotate to dragon. We manage to get 4th dragon, and yi yet again backdoors 2 inhibs. I play a good 'stop the ports' game, and manage to catch 3 people out in a 3v5, while the other two players ran to deal with the yi.

The continual pressure of the two inhibs gave us enough time to take baron and close out the game.
Epic team fights:
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks for the sig, MissMaw!
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 24, 2015 12:47am | Report
Game 31

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Picked Janna to counter Katarina, which was largely successful. Bot lane was really boring though; Farm lane 100%, except Thresh landed some ninja hooks on my corki. To be fair, I was a little bad with my shields, as i would often late shield a thresh autoattack, or shield myself to harass thresh, and then thresh would hook corki. Little things like that are what ultimately forced our corki to recall early. With corki's item advantage, we forced a trade that left lucian low, and forfed to recall. Corki pushed the wave and recalled as well, so that he would be rougly the same in items. Despite the fact that corki was forced to recall early, this left corki with the equal items / cs to lucian.

at 12:00, we manage to converge on Nunu & Willump and get a kill on him, as well as first dragon (Not sure why nunu never took 1st dragon). We rotate bot to fight a 2v2,but a TP from Vladimir forced me to burn Flash + Monsoon to escape. I almost got away, but katarina's roam + Flash -> Shunpo got me; Thankfully, the corki was able to kill her after. Orianna went nuts and forced corki into trading a 2-2 exchange. This gave teemo enough time to punish vlad by taking top tower, or at least getting it really low. At 14:45 We catch out Thresh. 2 minutes later, we catch out thresh again, then take second dragon, and top tower.

We fight a good 4v5, and get a 3-0, and third dragon. Teemo took top tier 2 tower while we were doing all of this. We rotated bot and got bot tier 2 tower. After this point, we were so far ahead in gold that we just smoothly pushed our advantage until they /ffed 4 minutes later.
Good team fights:
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 24, 2015 1:13am | Report
Game 32

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I'd recommend watching this whole game. This is probably one of the best support games i've had in a long while!
The game started off with a 3 man invade in our opponents jungle. We were spotted by rek'sai's tremor sense and get 5 man counterinvaded. Sivir comes back from the bathroom and Irelia comes to help us out and what initially was a 3-0 for our opponents turned into a 3-3, with my Sivir getting 2 kills. What's hard for me to believe is that maokai died, Teleported to a ward, and then died again, in the first minute and a half xDDD

For the first 15 minutes of the game, there was an average of ~2 Kills per minute. Sivir was 7/1/2, and Rumble was 7/4/6. This game was so action packed, that there were times where i'd had to recall as Leona because I was oom from contant fighting. Do you know how hard it is to go oom with Leona? It's pretty damn hard.

Anyways, a very great game
Epic Team fight moments:
Seriously, All of it. Not sure if ranked, or ARAM
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)
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Dec 6th, 2011
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep May 24, 2015 2:01am | Report
Game 33

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Will analyze later
If I helped you out, be sure to throw me a +Rep!

My Soraka Guide | My Review Service

Thanks a lot for the sig, jhoi! :)

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